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Everything posted by bcfc01

  1. Pedant alert!!! Cundy is 25 and never came through the academy. Picked him up from Bath I think.
  2. Although I agree that it does smack of nepotism and young McAllister being massively over hyped by his new agency, they are a very well run club in a far better financial position than us and I can't see that 130k is going to hurt them at all, or stop them recruiting. It will put a lot of pressure on the kid though as he'll have to try to live up to the hype drummed up out of nowhere by his agency.
  3. Does that constitute a thrashing ? All the goals in the first half, obviously let up after the break. Good start for him and JM.
  4. Just watching Leicester v Notts County. Morton taking the corners, and having a good game. County deservedly winning 2-1 with Aden Baldwin scoring their second. Janneh got a goal as well against Cardiff.
  5. Working on a rule of thumb assumption of 2.5k per seat, a 28k seater stadium would cost in the region of £70m to build, but the logistics of where it is could mean it costs a lot more and takes longer than it should. Pie in the sky. Out of town 12k stadium @£30m is more feasible.
  6. Thats the population of Wakefield district, the city itself is around 100k. Bit like Bristol has a district population of over 700k, but the city is around 460k.
  7. Ditto. But that shirt is absolutely crap. Probably £80 or more as well.
  8. As I was watching the game that point occurred to me - Naismith being a winger for a lot of his career, why was he not on the left ? It didn't look comfortable to me. I think Kalas on the right, Klose in the middle, and Naismith/Atkinson left would be more balanced.
  9. As long as they are being covered with others dropping back, I can't see a problem.
  10. Doesn't make any sense at all to me. 2k of our away fans getting a discount but probably 6k of our home fans paying more than the away fans. Madness.
  11. Bentley had a habit of holding on to the ball too long and then lumping it upfield only for it to come straight back at us. That wasn't tactical, it was his lack of confidence in playing out. He seems to have improved a lot in that respect. But his kicking is poor and can put the team under pressure - either straight to the opposition or out of play. He really needs to work hard at that imo.
  12. He's only 20 so still developing I suppose. But his distribution surely can't be any worse than Bentley or O'Leary ?
  13. Good training exercise, looking sharp and ball retention isn't too bad. Bit predictable up front, toothless so far, but its only the first friendly of the season. As others have said, Wilson looks a very good signing.
  14. I haven't seen a teamsheet - probably confirmation at 13.00.
  15. Yep, received code but no SC as yet.
  16. Fair enough, I agree with the second point, prices are too high due to players salaries. But the club has some great offers on - £15 for members in the South Stand and Dolman wings for Sunderland and Huddersfield for instance (I paid that for a ticket for the Bournemouth friendly). You get the cost of membership covered in those two games. The first 4 games works out at £85 for members or an average of £21.25 per game. If they have a few offers like that every now and again during the season, it will go a long way towards making tickets a bit more affordable. As for away supporters, they have to pay the POTD prices and its the same for us going away. If the club is going to discount tickets, then I'd prefer those discounts to go to our own supporters - which is exactly what they are doing.
  17. So you would be happy to see away fans at AG pay less than home fans ?
  18. 6-1 to the City kids at FT.
  19. Joe Porton back according to the twitter feed above. Been out for nearly a year. 19 this month, lost a lot of time, so good to see him back.
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