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Everything posted by bcfc01

  1. Just as well - those pitch markings would be three foot wide.
  2. Well, looks like they've made some descent signings....
  3. Players I know at Bath RFC seem to have a few company perks - I'm sure its all perfectly legal. I used to work for a merchant bank - 2% mortgage interest free for the first 4 years, 2.5% car loans, cheap insurance with no penalties for claims (write off the car and get full value plus £500), cheap holidays (they owned Thomas Cook at the time), company yacht, company loans, etc etc. It certainly added a load to the salary. I'm sure BCFC could come up with perks that add a lot of value to the salary.
  4. Forest in the 2nd tier - 43 years ago April 1977 Wednesday in the 2nd tier - 29 years ago March 1991 Bonus - Leeds in the 2nd tier - 58 years ago Feb 1962 https://www.soccerbase.com/teams/head_to_head.sd
  5. Norman Hunter hospitalised now; https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1520052-20200410.htm?spTabChangeable=0
  6. All their woes are down to the tax dodger, the Duke of Guernsey, the rosy cheeked lady garden. Yep, that's their standard insults Mind you, the wally with the watch is doing his best to put them out of business. Hello Pikeys (we know you're there) keep 'em coming
  7. Not so. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/apr/05/excel-owner-scraps-all-fees-for-nhs-to-use-nightingale-field-hospital
  8. Yep, a nothing article. A bit like the interview 20man did with Masters yesterday - no searching questions at all, 2 or 3 minutes of nothing. Masters said he left because, as a director, he wouldn't sign off the accounts, that was an opening for 20man to dig into that but he didn't. It was unusual for 20man to miss an opportunity like that, he'd normally be all over it. Adblock sorts that out. https://adblockplus.org/
  9. PFA saying that if 30% is taken from EPL footballers the cumulative effect is less tax paid to the Government, which isn't a good idea at this time. As an aside Taylor gets 2m a year for his job at the PFA...
  10. Agreed - its was as if he just didn't want to hear what the bloke had to say. I bloody did and I would think a load of Pikeys would as well (not as many as those with their heads in the sand though).
  11. Ken Masters (the director suspended and then resigned) has just been on radio interviewed by 20man. Says he has no idea why he was suspended and had to resign as he wouldn't sign off the accounts. Unfortunately it was a very weak interview by 20man and he didn't ask why - wasted opportunity, just wanted to know what the bloke would advise the next supporters club director in terms of what the job entails. KM started to say that a director can be held personally responsible and 20man interrupted him. Whole thing was about 2 minutes. He should have pressed KM to dig the dirt and find out exactly why he wouldn't sign off the accounts.
  12. It isn't guaranteed. That would be the normal wording but the wording in note 1 is that "Mr. Hani Al Qadi has confirmed his intention to maintain support..."
  13. If a director/board is found to have acted dishonestly or fraudulently they can be just as liable as anyone else. There are those, allegedly, that say their CEO (can't remember his name) should be wary being the only director other than Wally. And, allegedly, there are those that say anyone should be double wary if invited onto the board. Of course, I don't subscribe to those views and regard them as complete nonsense.
  14. Nothing to do with Wally, its just to make a pittance for the club - a very poor City Foundation. I suppose its like the City Trust & Supporters Club and the Foundation having a dig at the board (on a much smaller scale of course).
  15. Christopher Ecclestone just read that on Radio 5. Marvellous.
  16. This will make a few on here happy; https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/digital-culture-media-and-sport-committee/news/chair-comments-windfall-tax-premier-league-19-21/
  17. Very true (which I overlooked...Doh !) But still a sizeable saving for a club with say 30 professionals on the books and would show some moral fortitude and empathy with non playing staff.
  18. I read on here somewhere, with some evidence, that the government have agreed that footballers are not working from home as their "work" is on a match day - rightly or wrongly that was the outcome apparently. They can therefore technically be on furlough. I have no idea of contractual situations and legalities but I don't see why they should be treated differently. As an aside, people are saying that staff get 80% of their salary on furlough from the government which is incorrect as I understand it. The company gets the 80% to pay staff and there is nothing stopping them topping it up with the other 20% if they wish/can afford it.
  19. They had another lad from Cotham as well just before that time, can't remember his name. But they were very active in Bristol at that time - while City were very active in Scotland. Having said that, there were four or five lads from the Bristol Schools team that signed for City (one being Gary Collier).
  20. I'm sure that will happen. But it won't stop some slagging them off for not informing everyone of their intentions.
  21. Don't we all. His ejaculations about this were premature.
  22. I assume Leeds players will be getting a nice lump sum at some time in the future then ? Or maybe paid back with monthly increments when this is over ? Hardly an altruistic gesture if this is the case.
  23. In those days Norwich had a scouting network based in and around Bristol. A bit like Southampton these days.
  24. Undoubtedly. Such a shame for the lad - these days, he'd probably be back playing after a few months.
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