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George Rs

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Everything posted by George Rs

  1. Doesn’t take even an iota of responsibility. Quite clearly out of his depth.
  2. Will potentially be 6 points off the drop with 9 left. Can’t see us getting more then a point from the next four either.
  3. Seen enough, out of his depth at this level. Tactically inept compared to the rest of the managers in this league. Both him and Tinnion out, preferably now.
  4. clueless as to why he’s been stuck in the left. Mccrorie and Sykes combining on the right could be a very decent pairing.
  5. Robotic, slow and mind numbingly dull. Manning ball ladies and gents.
  6. to play devils advocate, potentially the majority of our more promising youngsters are out on loan currently and manning doesn’t want to give out those positions without it being “deserved”. But either way id still agree, only naming 7 is just silly imo.
  7. It will be irrelevant if Burnley go down, which it looks like they will, they’ll want Twine for next season. Especially with Brownhill ooc
  8. That is an absolute clanger to be fair, the worst part is 12 people thought “yeah that sounds fair and unbiased” and liked it.
  9. Why are people getting annoyed at this one? It’s a 12 game loan, by the sound of it on here you would’ve thought we had released him. As much as I like Yebeoahs raw traits and overall tenacity he isn’t championship level yet. And he’s not at the level of the rest of our wingers, so what’s the issue? He’s what 18? He’s got 5+ years to come good.
  10. Quite suprised at that Dave. I’d probably say the same but I was under the impression you weren’t convinced by his tactical nouse, or improvement upon the things he was signed to do. Any reasons why? Or just least bad option situation?
  11. Very difficult situation we find ourselves in. Which once again is completely of the lansdowns own making. Sacking him now could destabilise us even further and make poor performances poorer. But those current performances can’t continue especially with the squad at his disposal. Long term right man for the job? He’s had some very good games which indicate yes and some equally awful ones that indicate **** no. Commiting major funds in the summer? He’s demonstrated he can win games against a variety of opponents and at times change things tactically in a positive way. But it happens too scarcely and surrounded by poor performances. Giving him funds could alienate part of the fan base that felt that his predecessor should have been given that luxury even further. Might be able to get in the right players and push us forward, could equally get in expensive players and this form continues into next season, leaving us in a mess again. Keep in place but don’t give funds? Can almost ask what’s the point, we aren’t close to playoff contention so why restrict funds and potentially waste another season? Also have the majority of our experienced player ooc, not replacing them could be extremely costly for us. But Manning hasn’t proved he deserves serious backing yet either. A lot of clashing points that make this a very difficult one to answer, we won’t know till it’s too late anyway, whether for better or worse. But perhaps with my impatience talking I’d give him funds in the summer to bring in the people he wants, could end disastrously yes but could also do the opposite. Really fed up of all our seasons being over by March. P.S in the end my logical thoughts won and I chose “Give Rest of season - if performance as now, dismiss”
  12. True, that’s why I hope he can do something similar here in the summer with relatively good foundations that just lack that spark. But is the gap that big, I admit I don’t watch league one football unless it’s the playoffs but I would struggle to believe there is a gap of that size? But maybe I’m wrong. And don’t a better calibre of players make up for that gap?
  13. Yes I was thinking the same, lost all composure in the midfield which ultimately decided the game, TGH looked nifty at times but there wasn’t anything sticking it all together. James, Williams, King all ooc and wouldn’t be surprised if Naismith leaves. Would be extremely risky to not replace that experience and let it all go at the same time. I really hope Manning can replicate what he did at Oxford, bring in a few of his own players and after a full pre season really push on. But I fear the far more likely alternative is spending £8-10m on players he wants, it not work out and he’s gone by Christmas. And then we are almost back where we started 4 years ago.
  14. He does seem very detail oriented but he got it working at Oxford so why not here. I know it’s a small data sample but he took 30 points from a possible 36 at the start of the season. He knows how to win games, this isn’t a “nobody” that some people think he is with no experience. Completely different to a Joe Edwards at millwall for example.
  15. Currently has 0.4 ppg less than Dean Holden btw, cup run masking how poor this really is.
  16. Had a bit of sympathy last week as it was after a huge run of games in a short space of time. However you have a week off, make 5 changes and play arguably worse? @W-S-M Seagull owe you an apology mate. Tactically stunted indeed.
  17. Vyner and Dickie both look confused/furious about having no midfield passing options. Having to go long every time from the back here.
  18. Every attack, they get a cross/shot/corner consistently. We look like the bottom 2 side on the pitch today.
  19. Started the half a little better, lost the small amount of tenacity we had already
  20. Looks a bit better, two good crosses into the box just no one onto them.
  21. Switched to a 3atb. Sykes -> Mccrorie Pring -> Roberts
  22. If this balding process obsessed numpty keeps a clearly unfit cam pring on for the second half I’ll go mental
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