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JP Hampton

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Posts posted by JP Hampton

  1. Well there’s one thing for sure, whatever you or I think or feel about the potential appointments being mooted on the forum, it doesn’t matter one jot. 

    We’ll get what we’re given and will have no more say than that. I have no idea who’d be a good fit for the club, some managers do well at certain clubs, despite fans thinking otherwise. 
    If a manager/head coach does well at one club, doesn’t mean they’ll work in the same way at another.  Given all the variables,personnel, financial, the culture, the players etc. there’s no real way to know until they’re here and doing the job.  
    So let’s hope everything clicks whoever it is 🙏

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  2. 3 hours ago, Sheltons Army said:

    Yes , he was bursting to reveal his exclusive......from his ‘impeccable sources’.......


    ..............’An exciting appointment, possibly a foreign coach , possibly a no 2 in Germany or similar’.....


    Clearly been reading OTIB and a compliment to KITR & Co as ‘impeccable sources’  🤣



    You know listening to what he said on the podcast, it did sound vaguely familiar from a post on here actually🤔

  3. 18 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Quick sign of progress and in some ways it isn't even necessarily the individuals, moreso the unit, the team etc.

    Late on in NP's first full season we played Peterborough at home who came up and went back down. A goal up, they went down to 10 at 1-0 us on around an hour.

    Major difference.


    Thanks. Interesting to have the comparison.

     Well yes. Definite improvement in most areas tbf. significantly in passing accuracy as well as shots on target. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

    Yes some people at BCFC do indeed have their own agenda - the Lansdowns ,for example, who are adept at not telling people what's going on.

    Meanwhile the idea of a new Manager's agent popping into the canteen for a coffee is an interesting one. I think it more likely that they might pop over to Guernsey for a sherry in private.

    So at no point would they or their agent step into BCFC or the HPC. I think most people want to look over the goods first. It’s not all talk. 
    also think about how many people have suddenly left their jobs recently.  Some of whom potentially don’t feel they owe the club much and still have links inside. It’s not impossible. 

  5.  Bit off topic but blimey what a dour Forever Bristol City Podcast. 
      I get that people have got their own opinions, but according to Les he actually finds it embarrassing the level of support for NP.
    And doesn’t  understand the “Nigel love in” as he termed it. 

     He focused mainly on the on pitch results which if fair enough and on paper no it wasn’t great. When the injuries were mentioned his answer was simply “ well that’s football”!

     It might well be football, but you usually have the board behind you, a reasonable budget and a demonstration of a cohesive team from board to team. He had a budget but that meant he could really only afford 1st division footballers.

    They were happy with him whilst he was following their project  once that was pretty much done and dusted they’ve had enough.


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  6. I think on hearing CF post match, the way they played yesterday made more sense. Albeit a bit boring at times he asked for a much more passing game ( and we’ve definitely been guilty of hoofing the ball forward and reaching No one recently) and I thought they definitely delivered on that, doubling SW’s number of passes. I know possession isn’t always everything, but we had that too. 
     I’m a huge Weimman fan before and after his brilliant goal scoring season, but I do think he’s struggling this season. I know he’s been out injured, but whether it’s his position or something,  it just doesn’t seem to be quite clicking at the moment. 

    All in all think Tommy is better in a two upfront, their defence kept him pretty well covered so difficult for him to shine. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Barrs Court Red said:

    Not sure he was the “same” player after injury.  Very much the case with O’Dowda also, although it could also be that LJ coached the flair out of them. 

    Yes agree. Always felt he and O’Dowda were never quite the same after injury. Pretty common and understandable too. 

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  8. 9 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    There were times today when I wanted Jamo to be a bit more expansive, try the ball over the top, but I guess he knows his limitations.  How many balls did he intercept in the first half or harrass his man to give it away?

    On the flipside, I wanted Sam Bell to stop looking over the top every time (exaggerated) he went to make a run.  Mix it up son!  Still got that game to mature imho.

    Although listening to Curtis they were doing exactly what he wanted them to do,less balls over the top and far more passing. 

    Yeah think James was a bit restricted in his play today maybe a “just getting back from injury” type game. 

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  9. 19 minutes ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

    I clearly missed that bit and (unusually for me) really don't want to go looking.

    So, I apologise to you without reservation and given the context of your own family situation I completely understand how your original comment was genuinely well meant.


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  10. 12 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

    I've DM'd him. I think he's fine and isn't on some weird fantasy- so many people have fragility but that does not mean they have mental health issues omo.  John Eustace was already appointed according to others.... we had 17 pages discussing it.


    In the meantime- I'm ready for some serious chat 🙂 (nothing good on TV)

    1)I think LJ was an ok Manager

    2)Mark Ashton is a shrewd operator and is why Ipswich are getting to the Premiership

    3)Steve Lansdown is the best owner in BCFC history.

    Bring it on girls.



    I think someone who has attempted suicide a few times has a little more than fragility!!

  11. 12 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

    OK Fordy- I apologise if this is the case.

    Please point me to the exact bit where @robinforlife2 stated he had mental health issues please as I clearly missed that bit.

    Let’s just say having two people in my life with serious mental health issues one of whom is my own daughter, I’m hardly likely to go causing offence. 

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  12. 12 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:


    If someone is struggling then no need to let them know in this way.

    However have you checked out @robinforlife2 's other posts? Take a look.

    Do you think it is ok to suggest he has mental health issues? Mate.

    You clearly need to read back through properly before attacking me,for using that description. RobinforLife stated he/she had mental health problems and I was sincere in my compassion about it. 

    Always best to actually read thoroughly before attacking someone. 

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  13. 3 minutes ago, !james said:

    True, he gave half a story from Lampards end so 50% 

    Obviously wish them all the best with their mental health struggles, I wasn't commenting on that just on the info provided and I was insulting or derogatory to them 👍

    But sometimes IMO it’s good to know when to just leave well alone  

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  14. 56 minutes ago, !james said:

    Phew! Sounds like a lucky escape.

    Appreciate you sharing and no offence but I do think you rather jumped the gun a bit with your initial posts being "100% done" - there's a major difference between someone wanting a job and being offered it. You clearly have knowledge from the Lampard side but nothing from the club side. 

    Come on. He’s explained the info he had and gave. He can’t be held responsible for not knowing what the clubs actions were or are. 
      You did read the bit about his mental health being fragile did you?

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  15. 54 minutes ago, robinforlife2 said:


    I said I wouldn't post until he was announced, but I have to raise my head and say, I'm a bit annoyed with the stance the post made, saying that Lampard was not currently under consideration.

    I will say, I'm not Roy the bloody alien though! I do think his posts re Lampard have been after my thread on Monday am, where I said that he wanted the job. His post yesterday am, was around 4 hours after what I posted on here, and he copied it. He also said in a tweet Jody Morris would join him, then deleted that tweet and posted later about Michael Johnson.

    I felt embarrassed to be blunt yesterday. I was working doing a VIP experience in my field of work yesterday when I saw the post report (How I know my contact who is friends with Frank, I arranged a VIP day for the blokes family and I've done a few days for his family and friends and we talk a lot, as I've been trying to get help from him on other matters).  No, he hasn't discussed matters with me because he knows I'm a City fan, but because we are close mates.

    I'm reluctant to say too much, but this is not dead in the water is all I'm gonna say, and the club have not been truthful.

    I have been told, and I'll be 100% straight on this.

    Lampard contacted the club on Monday through a member of the staffing team to express his interest. (The club in the post report said he was not currently under consideration, and they hadn't contacted him. I feel this was to play down speculation, and may have been their stance, the approach came from Lampard).

    On Tuesday, Lampard was told to apply for the job, if he was interested.

    On Wednesday, Lampard had arranged to meet the club.

    Yesterday, he did not meet the club. I was told he was due to meet the club at 11am, but the club cancelled this meeting, as they informed him, that they believed they would be able to approach their first choice.

    Last night, Lampard was informed that the clubs first choice, declined the approach from the club and had no interest in joining Bristol City.

    That was the last I heard. 

    I have asked my friend, if he had heard anything, as there is rumours he was at the HPC today. I have been told that he hadn't spoken to Lampard since last night, when he said, that Lampard told him, that City's first choice had snubbed the club, and that he had applied, but was disappointed that his meeting with the club had been cancelled.

    That's all I know,

    On Tuesday / Wednesday, from what I was told, I was 100% confident he would be our manager. Lampard wants the job, that I do know. Maybe the club don't want him, maybe the club have been rejected by people they wanted, that maybe now they would rather someone who wants the job, and is keen to work with talented youth.

    Quite frankly, I know sod all about events of today, but I do know, Lampard has openly said to a good friend of his and a friend / very big client of mine, that he wants the job. 

    I've not made anything up, and quite frankly, I wish I never posted in the first place, given the abuse I've received on this thread. I was only passing on, what I had been told, and I have my own mental health issues, that reading stuff and being ridiculed, has made my feel really Carp tbh.

    I decided to post, as I just wanted to put out there, what I was told, what I trusted and what I believed / expected to happen based on what I have been told, by someone who wouldn't mess about, or get a kick out of stuff like this. 

    I'm not someone to gloat, or shout in the know, and as for being outed as a gashead, behave..... I've supported City all my life, rarely get to go to games, because my business takes up all my time, and my mental health is often fragile.

    I try to contribute to the forum as and when I can on a number of threads, and was happy to pass on insight, in good faith.

    Take care everyone, and I hope we get 3 points tomorrow.

    I'm gonna take a break from the forum for a while. 

    If Lampard is appointed, great, at least we will have a manager that wants to be here, and has belief in the club. If he isn't then good luck to whoever it is. I just hope Jon, Brian etc know what they are doing.

    I watched the interview this morning, and the gentleman asking the questions just was a bit too cringy for my liking, and whilst it could have been very good, I would say the interviewer tried too hard to be Jon's mate, then do the task at hand. 

    Really sorry that you received abuse after obviously genuinely just trying to give us supporters a little more of what we want to know. 
    wishing you all the best with your mental health struggles and thank you. 

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  16. 2 minutes ago, johnheadbcfc said:

    I can see what your saying from a decent human point of view but it's it's business with 100s of staff. If they didn't pull the trigger and god forbid get relegated while pearson was recovering, I'd be massively surprised if most in here wouldn't be going mental at the board for not sacking him before it got to that point.

    Yeah I agree, although if there had been more funds available earlier in the summer/season,him taking a break for his health probably wouldn’t have been such an issue as it seems now, as it might if he’d stayed in the current circumstances. 

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