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JP Hampton

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Posts posted by JP Hampton

  1. 13 hours ago, BrightWhiteTrainers said:


    I couldn't agree more with that. Even though we're having an outrageous start to the season, Pearson's work here is so deeply ingrained, that still a decade later, Enzo Maresca is another manager who is benefitting from his work.

    When we won the Premier League, there was oddly a bit of sadness amongst our fanbase. Now that might sound a bit stupid, and it might sound very condescending and ungrateful towards Ranieri, but there was a sense of disappointment that it wasn't Pearson who was at the helm. He was our Sir Alex Ferguson, our Arsene Wenger, the man we wanted to have at the Club forever. Still to this day, when we heard he was sacked, the first immediate thought for so much of our fanbase, would be to bring him back in a role between the manager and the ownership. So many forget about him winning League one and the Championship, and building the team which won the Premier League. 

    The greatest thing I can say about Pearson, is that he's the reason our ownership were exceptional before Vichai's unfortunate death. When they arrived they wanted the typical 'big name' that foreign owners tend to do, and they brought in Sven. He wasted money on the likes of Matt Mills, Jermaine Beckford and the like. So whilst we did fail FFP in order to get promoted, Pearson was actually reducing our wage bill whilst getting us promoted. He taught the owners what running a football club meant and he really did give Vichai a lesson in how do get success in football. 

    I think what I dislike the most about the way outsiders view him, is this myth about him not being a 'progressive' manager. He's often treated like he's the second coming of Tony Pulis. If that's the case, how on earth does he sign a player like Riyad Mahrez, who tracks back into his own half less than the linesman? Or sign a player like Kante, who's about 3 foot tall, to be his midfield enforcer? I don't know much about Alex Scott's progression with regards to Pearson's influence, but looking at the stats, he played him a hell of a lot for a manager who isn't 'progressive'. Then you've got Guardiola who plays 4 centre halves, and he's a modern footballing genius. It will always stick out to me something he said whilst managing us, about his time as a player at Middlesbrough when they were signing Juninho/Ravanelli etc. He said that they were never successful because there just wasn't enough balance, and that's something he always tried to do here. For every Riyad Mahrez, there was an Esteban Cambiasso, for every Jamie Vardy there was a Kevin Phillips. He just understood the game, and what it takes to progress, long term. He understood that you could actually finish lower in the league the following season, but actually progress, that's not something I believe owners understand. 

    The last thing...I could go on about the bloke all day! The way he's seen as being 'egotistical', again, is just something that's completely false. He delegates, managers with a huge ego don't do that, when he was here he brought through the likes of Chris Powell and Kevin Phillips from their last games as players and was their first step on the ladder as coaches. Even when Chris Powell left to take his first job, Pearson took him to Derby. He always looked to sign leaders and big personalities, he wanted players who would challenge him, the same with coaches, he wanted young coaches who would bring new ideas. He always seems to know his weaknesses, and employ people with those strengths and he always seems to learn from his mistakes. 


    Honestly can’t thank you enough for taking the time to write all this. I totally understand the sadness over Pearson not being there to enjoy what was ultimately his  work at Leicester. I’m sure we’ll get a sense of that given the legacy he’s left behind. 

  2. In regards to the big “ego” idea. I noticed whenever he talked about the club and what they were trying to achieve, it was always “we”. What we’re trying to do and never I!

      A person with a big ego just wouldn’t do that. Look at Euell’s praise of him. Doesn’t sound like someone who’s looking from on high at the minions. 

    • Like 4
  3. If they’re as passionate to play and wanting to give the effort we’ve seen from them for pretty much the whole of this season, then I’m hopeful that what NP has instilled, will remain, at least until a new manager comes in. 

    I suppose it could go either way but, I believe they’re professionals so they’ll be thinking about their jobs (with a new coach coming in) and a little part of me hopes they’ll want to win for Nige. 

  4. 2.10 on and he’s stating we had two players for each position and they’re the best group of players we’ve had in a long time, so he sees no fault with the recruitment, or the existing players or it sends in the way they’re playing!!

    Yet, for some unfathomable reason they can’t hear what they’re actually saying. 
    Who brought those players in, who’s been working and supporting that squad in an effort to galvanise them to play attacking football. 
    Pretty much everything they want, they had. The injuries therefore and a small squad, who consequently get over played, are responsible for the lack of wins in recent times. 
    That has nothing to do with NP’s management. 
    Very let down by this whole shambles. 

    Out of interest did BT send a public message to NP?

    • Like 6
  5. 6 minutes ago, Will Rollason said:

    It may well have been as simple as "We're not going to 're new your contract ,for reasons , and we're not giving you any players, do you want to see your contract out or we can fire you and pay you off? "

    There's always money for the new guy.  



    That’s my point how can they find funds for the new guy when they couldn’t for Pearson. 
    Back to my original conviction this was personal. 

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  6. Let’s just say the rumour about Pearson being told what he had to expect, (no funds out of contract players etc). going forward and basically told the board to stuff it, is true. 

      It will certainly show the board has lied if the next manager comes in and doesn’t get given exactly the same deal as Pearson.

      It will also show, they definitely offered terms they knew Pearson would refuse. There’s no way a new manager would accept those terms, what would be the draw or attraction for anyone coming here. 

     Just be honest and up front. I think fans would have preferred a straight up “we’re not able to work together” or “we’re going in a different direction” than this shambles.


      I can’t believe there won’t suddenly be funds available when we sign a new deal. 

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Jeez said:

    A lot of the posts over the last 24 hours have got overblown. Hopefully we’ve slept on it & now have a bit more perspective.

    well that’s a matter of opinion if people feel strongly enough then it’s not overblown to that individual. 

    19 minutes ago, Jeez said:

    There’s certainly more to it than we know & my gut is with the right appointment, squad depth & availability this group can kick on



    Squad depth, so where’s that magically coming from and why was it not forthcoming for NP, availability of whom, new players? There’s no substance to your suggestion and it could be applied to NP similarly. He might well have “kicked on” with the right backing.

  8. Just now, Atticus said:

    I don't particularly love Pearson. He can grate my gears at times. But I can appreciate a determined and honest guy trying to do his best. Which he did. 

    And I can recognise a disgraceful way which you can treat somebody. And this is absolutely disgraceful. 

    I can also recognise an egomaniac narcissist when I see one. And Steve Lansdown is this. He will always inevitably be a detriment to the football club because of his immaturity to handle competent good managers. 

    You know what I mean ie. He’s well supported, Cots used the word “loved” 😂

  9. 43 minutes ago, cotswoldred2 said:

    Your sure? Nigel is a complex character not loved for his somewhat abrasive ways, a bit old fashioned sure, but perhaps we do need a younger coach that seems to be working at a lot of other clubs. 

    For someone who’s “not loved” there’s certainly a lot of noise on here in support of him!!

    • Like 2
  10. It’s pretty obvious that this is personal. It has nothing or very little to do with football. 
    Everything has been pointing this way and the lack of respect shown to NP said it all. 

    A very poor return for what he’s done for the club. No money forthcoming and it’s now blatantly obvious why. 

    • Like 13
  11. Trouble is this is all too believable!!

    It was obvious from the lack of comments or praise previously of Pearson they were just biding their time. 

    Good luck Nigel Pearson. You’ve given us some great football and developed an obvious team spirit that’s been lacking for several seasons. 
    Despite terrible odds your integrity, but above all your honesty, is to be admired. 

    I for one will genuinely miss you and your obvious flair for leadership. 

    • Like 10
  12. 15 hours ago, robinforlife2 said:

    Although, Scotts interview when he left made it crystal clear he wanted to leave. He spoke about having respect for the fans and club and wanted to say little and keep quiet, but openly said he wanted to leave, wanted to join Bournemouth. 

    Regardless whether the club wanted to try and keep him (gave him a contract offer), or Nigel tried to keep him, the player wanted to leave! 

    Well it’s unlikely he or any player would say I don’t want to leave, is it? I don’t hold much store in that. 

  13. 51 minutes ago, frenchred said:

    It feels to me as though they are becoming a propaganda arm of the club, sponsored by huboo as well

    Nothing controversial at all and all a bit bland now, don't have to be controversial for the sake of it but they appear frightened to death to say anything that doesn't tow the club's party line

    Pity really as I used to enjoy them

    If Bland means taking a grounded non personal approach to reviewing the match then fine, works for me. They’re a refreshing change from the negatively framed FBC podcast. I agree with Ian Gay at times and a lot of what he says is sound but it’s the arrogance and the I know better (with the odd, but what do I know chucked in for a little of humility) advice…that irks. 

    The 3Ps in a Pod give a thorough dissection of the match not afraid to say what worked and what didn’t, but it’s all very grounded, it’s their opinion and they don’t act like theirs is the only opinion that matters. 

    The difference for me is I can imagine Ian Gay salivating every time we lose. 

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  14. 3 minutes ago, One Team said:

    Given this interview was on Radio Bristol it’ll be interesting to see if it’s covered on Sound Of The City tonight. 

    I normally find it very biased to the club hierarchy (Hoskins even said a few shows back that “we can’t criticise Steve Lansdown”) but there is surely enough here to have a reasonable debate.

    @Davefevs don’t suppose you are on?

    I think we have to remember that Hoskins needs to keep all relationships open on all sides. If he said “we can’t criticise Steve Lansdown” what was the context, was there nothing added after like “ because he’s put a lot into the club” which would make a perfectly reasonable comment and undo your accusation of his being biased. 

    • Like 1
  15. On 21/08/2023 at 08:09, David Woody said:

    Hi, you need their bristol sport account number, name and postcode. There’s an add option where you can see your existing friends/family and you need this information for anyone you wish to add to the list. Once added, you will be able to transfer tickets to them. 

    Sorry to hash this one out again, but hopefully others will have had opportunities to pass tickets on by now. 
    I know I need to get another person to link with my account in order to borrow a ticket but my question is once linked can I send two tickets on my account to one person? Thanks. 

  16. With regards to general comments about Richard Hoskins handling of the interview.  I’d say give him a chance! He’s got some big shoes to fill and I’m sure Geoff wasn’t the finished article when he took the main stage. 

    I don’t think he let him off, I just don’t think there’s anywhere else to go, when the response is “I’m not going to get into that”!

     Short of being rude what’s he going to say to that. He reworded the question but got the same response. He’s not going to risk making enemies from the get go. 

    • Like 2
  17. 4 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

    Personally, I think the reason for the negativity is more about the selling of Scott in the first place, rather than the lack of replacements to get excited about. It feel like a death in the family or something.


    Not sure that’s it to be fair. It’s a little more than that!

    I think most people were absolutely resigned to the fact that Scott was going and wished him well.  I think it’s more that we aren’t seeing anything in return for the transaction. I think people felt,rightly or wrongly with that sale, we’d at least be in a better position to attract better players (as good as they may be) from division 1. But above all it’s the lack of honesty about what and where City’s future lies. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    I very much agree with almost all you write but SL's exact quote was a little more nuanced.


    Fair enough. Thanks for the clarification.  Couldn’t remember the exact wording and it’s probably more what I wanted to hear ie. SL confirming there will be money to spend. 

    One could argue though that with the sale of Scott and reduced wages etc. football has made money and yet we’re still not spending ?

  19. 23 hours ago, BasSavage88 said:

    The people who host the forum had a problem and their entire infrastructure went down.

    People are finally seeing Pearson's multiple failures as a manager because the people defending him can't really fall back on it being Johnson and Ashton's fault any more 


    Hmmm. Really, people, yeah I’m sure there’s a few but from what I’m reading the majority wouldn’t agree. Can’t see anyone using Ashton and LJ to fall back on!

    From what I can see he’s a good manager. He’s very respected.  It’s obvious the players want to play for him, even those who’ve taken wage cuts, which wouldn’t happen otherwise. He’s done exactly what was asked of him by the board and is saving them money consistently. Yet where’s the support for him from the board. 

    In an end of Season interview with Geoff T on Radio Bristol, not only did Lansdown refer to Tony Robins as a great manager (virtually skimming over Nigel’s contribution to the club), he also said in response to GT asking would there be funds for Nigel if Scott was sold, that “what football earns football can spend”. That was at best a dishonest summing up. 

    NP is the fall guy. He’s the one delivering all the news about potential signings or lack of them. His is the only face we’re seeing and you can see from his demeanour that he’s not happy and it’s no wonder. 

    it’s actually setting NP up to fail by ensuring that all he has are division 1 signings, kids coming up through the academy and experienced players who can’t carry the whole team. 

    I just feel very let down and yes betrayed. They’re not acting honestly or transparently and while some may say it’s an overreaction at this point in the season, I don’t think it’s the results that are making people concerned, so much as the obvious lack of support being shown to the manager the players and ultimately the fans!!

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  20. I won’t pretend to understand all the minutiae around what’s available financially for Pearson, but I think we can all agree he’s had to get by with a much reduced budget. He appears to have trimmed everything and stuck to the brief financially. So why have we never heard SL say anything in support of NP about the job he’s done. 

    SL will not have taken kindly to the home truths NP has let slip now and again, about the running of the club and I can’t help but feel he’s far happier with younger managers that he can throw more money at to try and prove a point (LJ being one). 

    I understand the thought that there could be someone else who could do a better job, but there are absolutely no guarantees.

    Personally the idea of getting rid of NP scares me much more than holding onto him. Given the clubs track record in recent years doesn’t fill me with any confidence at all, that they’d choose wisely in replacing him and we’d be going through the whole process all over again.

  21. 4 hours ago, rednotblue said:

    Why will he not be backed? He's always been backed by SL.

    I suspect NP is more hacked off at the lateness of the deal

    Well a good opportunity to show his support for NP would have been in the same interview I mentioned earlier with Geoff T’. When asked about how Pearson was doing, SL hardly touched on Nige but talked about how well Mark Robins has done instead!! That
    can’t do much for Pearson, being glossed over like that. 

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