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JP Hampton

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Posts posted by JP Hampton

  1. 43 minutes ago, UncleRed said:

    How I am received on this forum has nothing to do what you wrote and what you responded to.

    How I am received is because I’m actually looking at the positives of our situation and looking forward at the future. Not looking backwards at the past and wishing Pearson wasn’t sacked.

    We got an opportunity to potentially hire an exciting young manager. Who may play attacking and exciting football, which hasn’t been seen down Ashton gate in at least a few years. With a chance of some financial backing.

    Pearson kept us up whilst spending a minimal amount of money. But majority of people on here think he did a job that only he could of done.

    Anyway I could go on and on about the way people interact on here, but I’ll probably be wasting my time. If only I shared the same opinions and thoughts as the cult on here.

    Although to be fair even JL said it was better than before he came. As much as some managers may have done a good job I think its plain to see that Pearson had an influence on the players that another manager might have struggled with. 
    getting players motivated to play is a skill and NP certainly had it. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    It’s not very different to Alex Ferguson’s style of management.  He wasn’t out on the training ground.  Nige’s structure had him in a more observational role anyway because he empowered his coaches.

    Yeah and the boss doesn’t need to be out on the shop floor. 
    We all know the amount of technology strapped to players in training and he gets feedback. 
     Just because he’s not outside, it looks like there’s windows onto the training areas at the HPC. 

    1 hour ago, UncleRed said:

    So I’ve been going down Ashton Gate since I was 7, just over 20 years ago. But because I’ve only posted 25 times now and been signed up for a year or so, I have no credibility or value in opinion compared to you guys.

    What a friendly bunch.

    DW about it. You’ve as much right to an opinion as anyone else 👍

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  3. 5 hours ago, sunningdalered said:

    Like a few others, I did wonder whether the club was taking the flack over removing NP to distract the focus from his ill-health, having come to a mutual acceptance with NP that he wasn't able to continue in the role for health reasons. It seems from the likes of the CF pre-match interview that I was seriously wrong in thinking the owners were anywhere near as noble as that!

    I don’t see there would be any reason for this. It’s not exactly something to be ashamed of and everyone knew he was not well. He simply would have said, “I can no longer fulfil my role”. In fact he even said in a post match interview on RB, he was ok to carry on. 

    So doesn’t make sense for the club to somehow sacrifice itself?

  4. I still maintain that you can’t really use the excuse of us not being capable of doing what he does or has done, as an argument for praise. 
    In relative terms the money (although very gratefully received by most fans) he’s invested is a drop in the ocean to what he’s worth. As others have said before, one persons season ticket, may be equivalent to his investment, in relative terms. 
    whilst he may not get a wage you can’t say he’s not being paid, not in the true sense. 

    Not that I have done, but we could quite easily look on balance, at the decisions made (and I agree the vitriol is too much) but I don’t believe, if on balance he’d “got the calls better” rather than not, that there would be anything like this negative response from fans. It’s been a slow but steady losing of confidence in the owners, not a freak over the top response, at this single decision. 

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Spike said:

    I mean I could invest £250m into the beef trade in India, I doubt people would give me a pat on the back and be like "you did your best", instead they'd say "why did you just invest that money into something so stupid?".

    The Lansdowns haven't been quite that level of stupid, I mean the business side of developing the stadium and the training ground have been fantastic but beyond that what have they done? 

    The management choices have been questionable and if you look at the ones that have been a success for us even those appear to have been tainted.

    Id say of all the successful managers I've seen at this club the most successful was Cotterill and he was sacked after the club refused to allow him to go after the targets he wanted to leaving the team short of what he felt it needed, the club refusing the man who got us two trophies in a single season, unbacked because at that point there was a rift between them. 

    Gary Johnson was probably the only man they didn't piss off that did well for us, maybe his son could be included but I would say LJ was hacked more than any manager I've ever seen at this club and he still failed to achieve the Premier League goal. 

    Coppell for me was the real sign that there was an issue at the top, he came in and within 4 months lost his passion for management and resigned, then went on to work for 5 other clubs. Something still doesn't sit right with me about that whole situation and I think it was a case of him knowing that he couldn't get success with that board/owners. 

    Then you have Pearson, probably the only manager I've seen in my time as a City fan that's been sacked without any fan fare for it, hence I think it's receiving such a big backlash. Even those who weren't sure of Pearson at his times here where it looked like he'd lost the fanbase came around and backed him again, I still can't think of many managers who recovered from losing the fans here. The result, the board doesn't like him, get rid, the fans will keep coming anyway (Jon Lansdowns words, not mine). 

    Then you could address decisions like Tinnion being manager because it was cheap and he's very much in the owners pockets, that ended well. Or how about the endless weeks we waited to hear who our new manager would be, only for it to end up being the assistant manager of the man who was sacked, to the utter disbelief of the fans. 

    The only constant in all of this is the Lansdowns so let's just forget all of that because they slung a quarter of a billion at the wall making all those awful decisions. 

    Run out of emojis but bravo 👏 

  6. 1 hour ago, bcfcnick said:

    I like Fleming and, more importantly, the players appear to. So, unlikely as it is, I hope he stays on in a coaching capacity (not head coach) and gives some continuity with the players.   It will be interesting to see if there are any changes to personnel (not that there is much scope) aside from those expected back and, also, any formation changes.

    Yeah imagine having three of the most significant, coach, trainer and medic, gone in the blink of an eye must be very difficult for the players too. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    Well @Bcfcshags posted to say they weren't happy about how players were being treated. Too long off over the international break and then an intense session on their return caused injuries

    Nige said all but 1 were impact injuries

    So someone is lying.

    Why isn't there a thread on the fact that several players appear to have made miraculous recoveries - or was that always likely this weekend?

    As has been said before, this idea that players were sent off on rest,without a properly tailored management is ridiculous. 

    With professional athletes it’s perfectly standard practice after 3 months training, to have a week off, but you still be following some lower impact type training to keep the body in good condition. They’d have then worked up to intense training. Give them some credit. 

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  8. 37 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

    I don't think anyone was blaming him for the initial injuries in most cases, but from what I can gather he had quite rigid timescales on when players should be doing things in recovery. I know he is well considered in his field but players need to have confidence in that schedule and the person behind it, and if, as has happened to a few players, injuries recur or other injuries appear because they feel they have been rushed back, that confidence can be eroded. 

    Additionally, as some players recovery schedules have been changed already, it suggests that there were mixed messages amongst the medical team, and again the players need to believe that everyone agrees they are on the right schedule to have confidence in their recovery. At the end of the day, the club might want them now, but players have a whole career to think about.

    That story came from someone so someone is pointing the finger of blame tbf.
     Is there any proof players were rushed back? What evidence is there that that ever happened? Or that any player felt that

    If Rennie had rigid time scales, most health professionals practice, is evidence based and with his vast experience that was no doubt backed up by that and not by some rigidity from self importance. 

    • Like 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, MelksRed said:

    Not a pop at the poster here.....are we really going for promotion? With a threadbare set of (mainly) inexperienced players?.....makes my pi55 boil.....when the espoused aims of the club are clearly not aligned with the expenditure / investement on the pitch etc. 

    No offence intended mate...not aiming it at you.....

    Think it was a bit tongue in cheek tbh. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Tafkarmlf said:

    Your first sentence isn't fair it's loaded to your expectations



    It might be his/her expectation, but it’s based on what the Board expected Pearson to work to. 
    its totally fair to Pearson that whoever comes after should have the same playing field. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Street red said:

    It's called managing the players properly tinman needed to keep his nose out. This is why brown noses like him won't move this club forward.

    It just gets worse and worse doesn’t it!

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, JP Hampton said:


    Sorry just reread 👍

    1 minute ago, Alessandro said:


    Out of emojis - but absolutely this. ⬆️🔥

    It's the kind of thing you review and learn from, not fire good people for....


  13. 10 minutes ago, Alessandro said:

    Again - contradictions in the various lines being put out there.

    Personally I think given the pretty good record DR had over previous seasons, that this "offence" of giving them a week off to rest, is hardly a sackable offence. Also In JE's case.

    Especially when you scrutinise the details - who actually are we talking about getting injured since/during the international break? 

    Williams - impact injury in training.


    James - impact injury vs Ipswich 

    So the reality is the difference between the line ups pre (Leeds) and post (Coventry) last international break was 2 players, Nays and Williams? Doesn't align with the story that the week off has caused more trouble. On the contrary, maybe the rest helped the recovery of others?? Weimann, Conway etc.

    Hardly sackable...

      Fair shout. Especially as 3 months training should (as is the universally accepted standard approach), be followed by a week off.  There’s no way those players wouldn’t have been given a programme of tailored, light exercise. Otherwise after every summer break all teams would be having the same problems. 
    It sounds more likely that, that was a convenient excuse to get rid of them. 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    I said exactly the same on Sat night! Just because we've spoken to someone doesn't mean they're going to be appointed.

    Subsequently been told that Rowett was never of interest to us so interested on @Bcfcshags thoughts on that. Perhaps the rumour wasn't true.


    • Thanks 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    He isn't. 

    Well according to BcfcShags

    Saturday morning I was told if we weren’t to get anything at Cardiff he would be sacked. I was also told that Gary Rowett will be appointed but as I’m aware up untill Saturday he was the only one that’s held talks, but other agents have been sounded out.

  16. 12 hours ago, B-Rizzle said:

    They absolutely did when things were at their peak under LJ with the Man Utd win, competing with Man City and doing well in the league. It didn’t last but when things are going well the fan base are in the moment and loving the success. It’s only when things aren’t going so well that everyone pines for a previous coach.

    On the subject of people forgetting all about NP as soon as we start hypothetically climbing the table with a new manager, or not. 

    I think for most, the club as a whole is divided into the manager and the team in camp 1 and the board in camp 2. So if we did start climbing the table and started getting all happy clappy for the new manager, that’s fine, but for many it won’t change anything about how they feel about camp 2.

     Even if we got promoted, we’ve seen how the board have acted and the underhand way they’ve treated us and more importantly NP and no amount of success will (for many) let us forget it. 

    So, personally, I see nothing wrong in getting  behind the team and any new manager, but it by no means translates to, all is forgiven or forgotten. 

    Just because as humans we have the ability to feel moments of happiness even in times of struggle, it doesn’t change our previous experiences or our original response to them. 

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