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Posts posted by TheReds

  1. 1 hour ago, MarcusX said:

    I disagree. Sometimes it;s blatent, but the large majority of the time "diving" is subjective. You can never truly know if a small amount of contact was enough to trip someone running a full sprint. There also doesn't have to be contact for a foul to be made, if you impede someone without touching them (eg they have to hurdle your tackle) it can still be a foul.

    This situation here is different, but it's also not a dive it's just outright cheating.

    Agree to a point, but then simply ban the blatant ones, some of the dives are ridiculous and I think a lot of it could have been stamped out years ago with the threat of a retrospective ban - do you think the likes of Fergie would accept Ronaldo getting multiple bans, he would get it stopped himself. I have no issue if some think one is 50:50 so to speak or simply not 100% sure, VAR still cannot get things right, so you have to give the benefit of doubt to the player I guess in certain instances.  

    40 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

    Good example was the Conway penalty shout on Saturday. A couple of people came back to their places after half time and said they didn't think it was a penalty based on the replays on the screens downstairs "just a hand on the shoulder". I watched it on the highlights later and thought it was a proper push and a penalty. The slow motion looked less a penalty, but in real time....

    But in this instance he was touched and to go down has been encouraged for years now, I am not advocating a ban for that as different angles will show he was touched (even if he went down easy), I am basically talking about blatant diving and cheating, when nothing happens we have players and managers who couldn't care if players cheat as part of the game (until it goes against them).

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Northern Red said:

    I've never seen him play, but then I guarantee the people complaining about the fee and the standard of Scottish football haven't either.

    The huge majority certainly, then after he's been given his first 20 minutes of game time he can written off as a waste of money and the recruitment team haven't got a clue - by the same majority.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Kodjias Wrist said:

    Absolutely but we need to level the playing field. Seen countless times it benefitting teams playing us.

    Exactly my point, if they were all banned retrospectively then we wouldn't see it so often now. I'd honestly ban the cheat for as long as the one who got the red and it would at least make him think twice about doing it again. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Coxy27 said:

    So easy to do as well...

    Those who design the laws of the game could eradicate this sort of thing almost immediately if they wanted to... Not sure why they don't really.

    I said regarding retrospective banning for diving when the likes of Drogba, Ronaldo used to do it. Ban them for 3 games, repeat offender double it, and it would soon have stopped back then, or at least it wouldn't be as bad as it is now as they all do it knowing nothing will happen whatsoever.

    The same as "it was dealt with at the time so we now cannot change the decision", assuming this is still the case when a blatant red wasn't given and the ref only deemed it to be a yellow, yet when the ref misses it completely they do rightfully give out a ban retrospectively (assuming I have got that rule correct).

  5. This is the trouble with experts - they simply aren't experts. 

    On one of our Sky games or the Cup games (cannot remember which one) a couple of pundits said after the game we could make a run for the playoffs. There was no mention of all of our injuries at the time whatsoever which were shocking (Kalas, Atkinson, Naismith, Weimann, Conway, Williams), they just made a judgement on one performance and that was it, there was no in depth discussion or pretty much any discussion at all about our upcoming fixtures or our lack of available squad.

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  6. 9 minutes ago, beaverface said:

    To be honest, and I'm truly with you, I'd hope that it would stamp things out, however there will be situations that will be subjective like we get with Var. One persons interpretation of something being offensive isn't the same as the next person. 

    Also, how can you be sure who said what if a mic just picks up someone swearing? it could be any number of players rather than the one the ref is asking to speak to.

    Some people also don't like having their integrity questioned - look at the Tony Adams\David Elleray example - the ref took a harsh dislike to being called a cheat. Calling someone a cheat isn't foul or abusive language, but the referee might really take it to heart and book or send off a player whilst the rest of us listening may think it's a very harsh call.

    All in all, I'm sure it would be better to hear the refs, I just feel that extra baggage will come if that happened, and that extra baggage will be interpreted in different ways by different people watching on.

    Of course decisions will still be incorrect, but at least we would then know why they were given. When Rotherham should have had a second yellow and us a pen (imo), if the ref truly thought it was a soft dive, blatant dive, no contact because he couldn't be 100% sure etc, I'd rather hear him say that (even if he was wrong), rather than waving play on and nobody having a clue why it wasn't given. Same with their pen, what did he actually see to warrant a pen where it looked like there was hardly any contact and Hugill went down like he was shot. An explanation just to the Captain would suffice.

    I don't really care if someone is swearing out of shot, I mean blatant swearing and abuse in the face of the refs, just yellow card them all and then when a second yellow comes for players they will soon change their ways/habits. The 4th official could also help out if they heard and seen something too. If a player called the ref a cheat then card them, what's the issue? 

    It doesn't really matter what people looking on thinks really, the point is consistency imo (everything already is interpreted in different ways as it is). If one week it's a booking and the next it isn't and that becomes the norm then the PGMOL need to step in and sort it out. Nothing is improving at the moment, abuse is probably worse than ever, and something needs changing very quickly.

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  7. 9 minutes ago, beaverface said:

    I've a feeling that Mic'ing the refs up will lead to other questions such as "why didn't the ref send that player off for swearing at him", whereas another referee may not let some fruity language go and send someone off.

    This will (should) then lead to more consistency if they enforce the laws, it will also embarrass players hounding the ref giving him abuse and will be called out. A yellow card for abusive language and it's on the mic too so the player cannot argue the decision, so yellow card the player (and multiple players at that if need be). This is where Nige has a huge point, it is the inconsistency and mic'd up refs will have to be more consistent, or we will at least hear an explanation.

  8. Get the refs mic'd up and we can at least hear why they have or haven't gave a decision. It wouldn't be so bad if they got a decision wrong if they said what their reasoning was, and it was just a mistake. But how it is at the moment everyone are just baffled by multiple decisions. 

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  9. 8 hours ago, ExiledAjax said:


    Good lord they honestly cannot even conceive what the top two divisions are like.

    Sheffield Utd are currently being hawked for around £90m. Premier League Bournemouth were valued at about £120m in 2022.

    If, when Lansdown sells, we are valued at anything over £100m that would be an incredible outcome. And our sale would include AG, a squad worth circa £30m, and a fanbase 3 to 4 times their size.

    You need to get away from those things called facts. They don't work weel with those 40000+ Gasheads that turned up at Wembley...

  10. 11 minutes ago, WessexPest said:


    This précis of the season needs revision:-

    The Gash have cemented their status as the most hated team in League One, as their vile excuse for a manager has made disparaging remarks about every one of their opponents this season, usually resulting in said opponents raising their game to pound his rubbish bunch of cloggers into mincemeat.

    If you were a player or manager and seen/read all of his post match interviews this season alone, why would you go there or let one of your players go there on loan? The manager is a massive piece of the puzzle for a player, he must put off plenty of players whilst he's dragging the clubs reputation (we all know they are everyones second favourite club) down further by each game.

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  11. On 21/04/2023 at 09:22, Silvio Dante said:

    100% this. It’s a total non story and nobody is seriously suggesting it. Nobody’s coming to take away ships on badges. Golly dolls - yes, boats -no.

    To be fair they had to redo it after the “A” bomb there 

    For the bloody umpteenth time…


    Marvin Rees was happy to go along with the racial aspect of both of these live on GMB after the Colston statue story,, and Susanna Reid said the names "made my skin crawl" when she was at University here. Never said a word previously until it suited her though as far as I'm aware. I think the Bristolian weatherman was on there as well at the same time, and not one of them said these names were probably not associated with slavery and were all more than happy to say they were. Amazing how they were all happy to go along with it to millions of viewers though, and all to suit the narrative at the time. 

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  12. 12 hours ago, And Its Smith said:

    Clearly not as your last comment shows. If something doesn’t happen it doesn’t make it bad odds.  It’s about value.  


    Although I think if you are betting with bookies in play the odds are always too short regardless, as they have their built in margin. Just bet on Betfair/Betdaq exchange where the pricing is generally efficient and is a 100% book. I bet Arsenal at 44 on there when the books were only 25/1, I wouldn't have touched them at the bookies odds throughout (they did hit 380 on Betfair). Close but no cigar and a great finish to a very good game.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, BCFC11 said:

    Anyone else shitting themselves? ??


    82ers sh**e forum trying to put a different spin on it, they're turning it all in to negatives, think the Barcelona of Bristol getting a tad twitchy that little old Rovers have exciting things happening

    We are all devastated because we all know this Stadium is happening anytime soon, and again they will be coming for us.... By the time a new stadium is built for Rovers the majority of their fanbase will have left this Earth, and there isn't many more people left to come through the turnstiles, they are way too late to the party.

  14. 6 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    Coming from the same guy who was threatening to resign because the pitch was bad. He is some weapon. 

    Im sure they can “bridge the gap” to the play offs next season too. Just the….21 points off it currently. Sure that’ll be a breeze to make up in one season ?

    How many players will be leaving too, and starting yet again another season with other clubs players on loan. Rinse and repeat....

    He said at the start of this season he had a top budget, so why has he blamed his budget on his teams season poor performance lately? It's as if he is such a narcissist he cannot take any personal responsibility for anything whatsoever, it's always the fault of anyone but poor Joey.

    Long may he stay and slag off every club and manager he plays against, they are getting more hated by the week with him in charge by more and more clubs.

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  15. 5 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

    Just wondered what this quote by Wally means.

    « We have one of the biggest stadium occupancies in League One this season. « :dunno:

    I am guessing that by lowering the capacity (and still not filling it), he is then using the tried and tested gaslogic, to calculate the percentage figure of how full it has been - basically make it up as you go along to suit and sell this nonsense to the fans, who fall for this stuff EVERY single time. 

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  16. I'd wager that in 6-12 months there will be another statement saying "the numbers didn't stack up and it was a bad deal for Bristol Rovers FC, but rest assured we are all working extremely hard behind the scenes to get you Gasheads a new Stadium", then they will all lap it up yet again saying Al Quidi is doing his best for them...

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  17. 2 hours ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

    To be fair to him, he is just trying to help somebody to try and better themselves.

    Regardless of what you think of him, and what he has done, or not done, he is a role model to some, and should his words/advice help just a few then, Well, I think that is a good thing.

    I'd have nothing against those words being said by multiple people in football, but if he is a role model then something has gone terribly wrong. It isn't like he was a bad apple 20 years ago, and then changed and became an excellent person. You just have to listen to his narcissistic interviews. I wonder how many young players he has helped better themselves after throwing them under the bus in a interview (players from the club he manages as well).

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  18. 22 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

    If they use the same techniques as they did with Kalas, who it seems had a more severe injury, then not too long.

    I thought the same about Kalas when told about the severity of his injury, but he seems to be recovering quickly. Fingers crossed he will only be out for a couple of games.

    I am not doubting the recovery time may be quick, but this is a player that could get us 25 million, and there is just 5 weeks left of the season.

    I can see the club and manager (maybe Scott and his agent too) thinking why risk anything at all now, as there is pretty much nothing to play for (within reason). They may also see it as a great opportunity to get the likes of Taylor-Clarke in to get some more minutes and experience in the first team.

    I would like/hope him to have a proper sign off though as he has been unbelievable.

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  19. 45 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    What the **** is he on about? Amazing where it can lead us….from the sack at Fleetwood at the bottom of league one, to the bottom of league one at another club?

    Just think of how much of a bellend he was as a player, then take a good look at him now after he has made himself better every day since.... oh wait.....

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