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Everything posted by sh1t_ref_again

  1. Are any of our injured players back? As much as I like Bell, think he needs to start on the bench as have been poor recently, so either Memheti gets a start as thought he looked more up for it when he came on, or another option in the front line? TGH needs to start with probable Williams dropping back out, but coming on to freshen up 2nd half. Up front is difficult as we have just not been firing, so big decision do you drop Tommy and bring in Connick or Weinman to play up front,
  2. But a fair bit as a player and has played for some of the best coaches, so i think his opinions would carry more weight. Having said that, sure most experienced players are no fools and will know if the tactics and what's being asked or the training methods are good and just not producing the results (which I hope is the case) or just nonsense
  3. Not often I find myself agreeing with anything you post, but found 2 in quick succession One of my concerns I posted when LM was being touted for the job, was lack of experience of the championship and what he achieved as a player, whilst things are going well its easy for the players to be onboard with what the coach is after. When we get a bad run of results, if senior players start to question the tactics or what they are being asked to do (particularly if you have strong petulant characters, which I don't think we have), the lack of been there and done it can start to undermine the players belief in the message, which is not the case of Nige or Lampard for example. Not saying the players in any way feel this, and not sure players starting doing there own thing at Blackburn, although Manning has said players need to problem solve on the pitch, so maybe given licence to react and play in a certain way, that varies from the original plan as the game develops. The second point momentum, is massive as it gives belief and confidence in what you are doing.
  4. not seen anything, but did find these bland notes on the web site I am sure all of us – players, staff and fans – will be happy to get back to Ashton Gate on Saturday for the home game against Sunderland. It was a tough four days on the road and we are thankful to the fans who made the trip to Huddersfield or Blackburn or both. Your support is really appreciated and we are sorry we couldn’t give you any points to cheer about. The Huddersfield game was frustrating because we dominated the first half but came in a goal down so I wasn’t too happy at half-time. We got a much-needed reaction in the second half but then we didn’t really carry that into the Blackburn game. Despite starting well, we were flat for a lot of the first half although we also didn’t give them many chances. Our goal was a real moment of quality and it kicked us into life. We showed a bit of belief to go and engage, press higher and force more mistakes, and for the last 25 minutes we were the much more dominant and stronger team. We have to have the belief, confidence and the fighting spirit which we showed in the last quarter and that’s what we need to be about all game on Saturday. We extend a festive welcome to Mike Dodds, his staff, players and Sunderland fans who are making the long trip from the North East. City Women’s final game of the year is against Chelsea on Sunday. They earned a valuable point at Liverpool last weekend and it would be great if there was a big home crowd to cheer them on against the Women’s Super League leaders. Thank you and enjoy both games. Liam
  5. Think you missed the point, he went over Mark Ashtons head to SL about the injury problems and how senior player's felt, MA survived he did not, as he said I was not in a strong position after loosing 5. Think in most companies if you go above your boss, to complain about something your boss is in charge of you are going to need to watch your back, so nothing about bad culture
  6. Where did it say Lansdown got affended? My take on what he said was that it made an enemy of Ashton who got rid of him as he was in a weak position
  7. Agree, it's both ends of the pitch, we have conceded some poor goals, which I don't see tham all being down to a change in system.
  8. I thought we played differently at times of the game, the 1st 20 felt a bit back to how we were playing, trying to stay compact at the back and hitting longer balls to try and get behind them, we then grew into the game and had our best spell when we seemed to be playing more Manning ball, retaining and keeping the ball well, but without the final cutting edge, they scored which started with us just playing the ball out and loosing possession, maybe slack marking but also a great bit of skill, not great until the start of the 2nd half we got at them, but the 2nd goal killed our momentum until the subs were made on the hour, and then it was all us, but taking off Skyes and Knight blunted the attack, even if we were dominating the game.
  9. Not sure I seen last night as the terrible performance some on here think it was, but yes the result was. But at any level of football, if you do not take your chances then a mistake or a good bit of opposition play, is going to leave you loosing. A common theme, over not just Manning time but just prior to that our forwards are not scoring, Tommy scored a fantastic brace on his return against Rotherham at the start of October and only once in open play since, Bell (who has been awful recently), last goal was against Stoke in September, Skyes (dont understand why he was taken off, last night) has scored twice since manning took over but prior to that was Plymouth. Since the start of October we have managed just under an average of a goal a game, which if you can shut up shop at the back, which we did better under Nige, or at least less mistakes gives a chance of getting something, but it makes so much harder if you are just not taking your chances. According to the BBC, last night we had 46% possession (exactly the same as Leeds did), with 11 shots, 5 on target, leeds had 8 shots with 4 on target but scored twice. "Bristol City had been the better side but only had Tommy Conway's fierce rising drive to show for it before going behind", "Manning and Bristol City will rue the fact they failed to take their chances when they were on top" I had to watch on Blackburns output, but there commentary was very much we were on top and Manning would be the happier manager until the goal. I though for a spell just before the goal, we played some very good possession football and again after the 1st round of subs, but no cutting edge. Hopefully Manning will quickly learn his best team, as taking off Skyes & Knight made no sense, not starting with TGH, who had been very good and again last night when he came on, At least he reverted to starting Pring and playing Skyes on the right, now needs to put Bell on the bench, probable for Mehmeti who at least had a go when he came on and decide if to drop Tommy and play either Cornick or Weimann in his place. Whilst obviously not happy with the result, it was far from the worse performance of recent times.
  10. That's the difference, that chance falls to Blackburn and they score, Conway blasts it wide
  11. Watched with Blackburn commentary due to the stuttering robins TV. Up to the goal they were of the opinion Manning would be much the happier manager. Thought when we did try to keep the ball, we had a very good period, but seem to have FA up front, Bell has been very poor and Skyes not getting on the ball enough
  12. I never believe that was the case, the only sensible explanation was we were ongoing with an appointment, they then changed their mind and left us in a mess, so DA become the last minute option to recover, but they can't come out and say he was a fall back.
  13. That reads to me as he went over Mark Ashtons head to SL, but MA was able to bat it away and then get rid of him as he was in a weak position due to results.
  14. If you read the article, Tommy has gone into a lot more detail rhan needed and seems very positive, if that's not the case he could of just said very little, yes i like the new gaffer and enjoying training, as obviously not going to say he is a **** and how much I miss nige.
  15. To me the comment made by spudski but it would be better if when talking to the public, via the media, that he spoke in layman's terms. It's easy to understand, however, when things aren't going well, it can be used against you Seems to suggest you should talk in laymens terms as no likes coach speak, but will be used against you when things are not going well, hence my can't win statement. I was not trying to defend LM, as actually I prefers NP's plain English approach. But I do find that it does not matter who says something, be it Nige, JL or LM, someone can find something wrong with it.
  16. So in other words, he can't win, as some will find fault and moan what ever he does
  17. I like Tanner and thought he is a good footballer, but this year he has been poor and maybe lost confidence, hence why he seems to mostly play backwards. The own goal came from poor positioning and then trying to get across where he should have been, today just to slow with the pass and got caught.
  18. The only thing we can all agree on is we don't know why Nige was really sacked, or at least not the full picture. The reality of it is, it may be a number of reasons combined, but would guess the fall out has been ongoing for some time, hence the nest egg and Nige not being given funds. Perhaps if we knew, we might even agree with it, despite how much we all liked Nige, but it's obvious the board can not give the full story and have handled the PR badly. Nige moved the club forward and beyond its troubles of the over spend from LJ and MA. Now we need to give LM time, although I was underwhelmed by the appointment, I am coming around and can see progress even if not the results
  19. As was Naismith on Robins TV, guess some will say they have to say that as he's the gaffer, but not sure that's the case I did not want Nige sacked, and was unsure about Manning, we know what JL said was a smokescreen as JL even said in one of the interviews there are things he cannot say. I wonder how little Nige ended up doing with the players and perhaps they are excited by LM ideas and energy. We seem to be improving our ball retention and starting to dominant teams that we did not do often under Nige and bar a few individual errors which were not due to a new system we could be several wins better off.
  20. The only problems they caused us was down our left, never got a look in after Pring camd on
  21. Just some thinking they are being clever or funny repeatedly mentioning the top 6 comment. Boring now
  22. Don't understand taking skyes off, maybe Tanner off and skyes at RB
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