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W-S-M Seagull

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Everything posted by W-S-M Seagull

  1. Come on then Kid, stop acting like your name and you tell us why there was a sudden change. We're all waiting.
  2. My comment was a sarcastic comment because the worlds best managers do not have to have players telling them how to play. It's absolutely ludicrous for anyone to suggest it should be a collaborative effort. What's next, players picking the staying line up? That Spaniard you mention of course being Pep. Pep has very clear philosophies. We may see tactical tweaks within the framework of those philosophies but the philosophies do not change and would not be changed by pressure from above or by the players. This ultimately goes all the way back to Manning ball not being what the club wanted. Dress it up however you want, no one should have had to tell Manning that he should be playing to our strengths. That's a critical terminal error in his management.
  3. Sir Alex did that too. But the one big difference here is that both Sir Alex and Pep have standing. Those leaders know who the boss is and they operate within that framework. You cannot in any way try and dress this up and compare it to Pep. Those leaders would not tell Pep how to play. Now maybe from time to time they will notice something on the pitch and suggest something to Pep, but not under any circumstances would a player say to Pep "boss, I don't think we should play this possesion football that you favour" As we've seen with Sir Alex and Pep, if you undermine them, you're out. Yet here at Ashton Gate we have players having to tell the head coach "boss this is the Championship"
  4. In my opinion this all stems from the special pleading that occurred and the premier league trying to protect their own image. We've had their points deduction reduced. Then a pathetic second points deduction and then the kick the can down the road about the other issue. 777 will not be approved. That's plainly obvious. If Everton were to enter administration this season because the PL rejected 777 then the fall out would be immense so that's why I believe the PL are waiting for the right time to do it. Ironically I think administration for Everton is probably the best way to go for the long term security of the club. But people only like to think of the short term in football.
  5. Compare that to Saturday where all of our good chances came from us playing with a direct attacking intent (to our strengths) The penalty came from Dickie to Twine to Conway.
  6. In one of the interviews at the time Jon said "ultimately we made the decision because we think the squad is good enough and I believe in it, if we didn't then why make the change, you'd just see things through as they are, but the ultimate reason is I think we have a really good squad here and we've got a good chance of competing at the right end of the table this season" In last night's interview, despite us not competing at the right end of the table and Manning not getting the best out of this really good squad, Jon described this season as "broadly positive" He's all over the place with his opinions.
  7. He played us twice this season whilst Oxford manager so should have had a pretty good idea about us before joining. He then had a two week international break not long after joining. He knew our strengths. He knew what the expected style was yet he tried to do it the Liam Manning way for some bizarre reason. Our season was sacrificed for this and it didn't work because it was never likely to work. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you play to the strengths of your team. The change occurred due to pressure from above, pressure from players and fans and because he was very close to being sacked. It should not have taken 5 months to understand it wasn't working. My worry is that the recent style was a means to an end and that Liam may believe that with a full pre season and some of his own players, his style will work. If we spend a whole pre season working on the Liam Manning way and it doesn't work, we may well find ourselves in trouble.
  8. 777 will be shown the red card by the PL. That will then trigger Everton entering administration. In my opinion the PL are holding off doing that this season as that would mean Everton being relegated. What I don't like is that everything has been done to protect Evertons premier league status. Its destroying the integrity of the sport and clubs like Luton who play by the book are the ones being punished.
  9. Yes because all the successful teams in the world are successful because the players are telling the manager how they want to play. We have a chairman who admits he doesnt lead. We have a manager who doesn't lead. It's just all rather incredible.
  10. Mate we all know these same people that are applauding Manning for at the very most equalling last season, would have been absolutely raging if Pearson remained and he delivered the same. I made it very clear at the start of the season I expected progression. That expectation remained for both managers and it has not been met. Offers expectations have suddenly shifted because Manning can do no wrong for them, because of their dislike of Pearson and a shear desperation to be right about Pearson.
  11. Mate, stick to speaking about pasta.
  12. It's a bit of 2+2 but Jon mentioned that everyone that comes into the club including the manager would have to adjust to our style which is front foot high pressing football. He mentioned how before the international break we played differently. So whilst it's correct that he didn't say "I told Liam to play differently" to me, he heavily insinuated that. When you add in the context that Liam did suddenly change our style then it all does add up. This change in style did coincide with SL making an appearance in the stands. Although I totally respect if you don't perceive his comments that way.
  13. I'm saying it again because there is a topic of conversation around it following Jon's interview in which he described the season as "broadly positive"
  14. He adjusted cos his job was on the line and he was told to adjust. He came in here with an attitude of his way was the best way (despite it being the opposite of the given brief) he carried on with it. Bored us all to death. As a football fan I have every right to speak about our style of play yet you somehow have an issue with a football fan talking about football. Says it all. He sacrificed our season for his way when it was plainly clear the squad was not suited to his way. I'm annoyed by that. I of course said from day 1 about his style and our style not matching so it's not with the benefit of hindsight. Stop lying mate. It's hard to debate with someone that lies. I'm always active. I'm active now after we won the other day so that's your theory blown out of the water. It's the trolling that's intolerable. Its boring. Its tedious. If you don't like my opinions, put me on ignore or scroll past. Very very simple. Yes it's absolutely true that I did not think he is the right fit for us and that we are more likely to regress than progress under him. I still hold those views today. Drop the crap about it having anything to do with anything else. It's simply based on that. Are you OK Ross? You seem to have an issue with me calling out people that have used personal insults against me?
  15. That's what the nest egg is for Just once again a huge shame that we didn't invest in the summer. Just a couple of million like all of us were calling for and maybe we'd still have something to play for now. That's what the nest egg is for Just once again a huge shame that we didn't invest in the summer. Just a couple of million like all of us were calling for and maybe we'd still have something to play for now.
  16. Not quite sure why Tim and Tom have felt the need to facepalm me stating an obvious fact that a club is the fans and not the ownership. Says it all.
  17. Simple. The club isn't the board or the manager. This is our club. The lies etc from the likes of JL has fractured the fanbase. It's not just me.
  18. But as Jon said today, we'd be looking to recruit another Liam Manning basically. Until he has another idea of a different club that we want to emulate that is.
  19. No. That's the narrative you and the others want to create because you can't stand it that others call out how crap this club has been run. There are others that also post the same yet its the same old people such as yourself who constantly troll me. I always add context to my opinions so it's quite bizarre how you think that. Am I not allowed to comment on things that happen? Only allowed to post my opinion once? To make this very very clear, I want Bristol City to succeed. My thoughts on how that is achieved is different to yours. Thats fair enough. My feelings are that we will not succeed under Manning and will more than likely fail and as a Bristol City fan thats what i dont want to happen and that's what my posts are about. It's my prerogative to have those thoughts.
  20. And? Isn't that what a forum is for? If Manning has your full backing, fair play to you. It would be a boring world if we all had the same opinions.
  21. Yes, let's say Peterborough have got a 20% sell on, we'd then get whatever our sell on % was of the 20%.
  22. It's hilarious Dave. We hired a head coach that didn't fit with what we wanted like many of us on here suggested. It then sounds like he had to be told to play a different way and then it's no surprise that as soon as we play a style that's more suited to the squad we have, we get better results. Didn't these conversations happen during the recruitment interview? Its just incredible. My thoughts on Manning are clear. It's going to take a very long time for me to move past him going rouge this season.
  23. It's good to hear its on the table. But I spoke to the club years ago about this at it was on the table back then too. It just seems to have stagnated. We need to see positive steps taken because in 2024 it just isn't acceptable. Neurodiversity is very complex by its very nature, i'm still learning every single day. There isn't a one size fits all solution like there is with providing facilities for those that are less abled. For example my son uses a sensory room at school multiple times a day. However there will be over people where a sensory room wouldn't suit their needs and they may just prefer a quiet room they can escape to where the match is playing on a TV for example. I've noticed the club now sell ear defenders in the club shop which is a tiny step forward. I don't know how much they cost tho. But it would be nice if the club did a scheme where you could borrow a pair for a match as sometimes they can be accidentally left at home. I'm sure there are lots of other small things the club could do that wouldn't cost much at all.
  24. How can you try and claim that the 2024 Vyner is the same as the 21/22 Vyner that was on his way out of the club. You've said some right bs before Lez? But this tops it all.
  25. "There is no reason not to be excited" Well considering the maximum we've achieved this season is equalling last season, I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to be getting excited by? I'm pretty sure at this point our club is just a meme.
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