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W-S-M Seagull

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Everything posted by W-S-M Seagull

  1. This is the push back against the culture change that I spoke about. People don't like change. This is what Nige is working with both with the players and the fans. People just like us being a nice little club.
  2. Pearsons comments about a lack of enthusiasm by Atkinson is very broad. However it kind of suggests that he hasn't been training well etc. As fans, we need to accept there is going to be some short term pain. You can't install a culture of players working their socks off in training and in a match if you're simply going to pick players who've not put that effort in out of need. That could disrupt everything and then make the players that have been working hard think well why should I bother working hard when he's not but he's still playing? Playing King at CB sends a very strong message to the other players that even if there is no one else to take their place, we'll play someone there out of position who has worked harder than them. I like that.
  3. I think this probably deserves its own thread about the culture. NP made a big deal about this when he came in and continues to do so. He says we are too nice as a club and I agree. But that culture isn't just limited to what goes on with the players. It's the fans too that need to change. I think Nige is experiencing a push back from the fans about the change that needs to happen if we are to push forward as a club. Being a nice club won't get us anywhere. We get fans saying "we need to be better at doing the dark arts" the exact same fans are then going mental because Nigel has came out and hurt the feelings of a very well paid player. It's absolutely bizarre. I, like Nigel want these very well paid players to run through brick walls for this club. If a player like Atkinson thinks he can just sit at home and watch Netflix binging on chocolates whilst he takes his time recovering from an illness then he can get out of the club. I think it's quite refreshing that we actually have a manager that isn't afraid to call out players that have become a bit too comfortable, something that these very same fans have they themselves complained about. I just get fed up of constantly listening to the same fans over and over again being hypocritical without even being aware of the full facts.
  4. I think by and large, we've played well at home this season. We had done enough to have won against Coventry, Swansea, Sheffield, Watford and probably Stoke too. Win all those and we would be sitting comfortably in the play offs. It's very fine margins. I've been frustrated we've not won more at home but on very few occasions have I walked away and thought we were trash. Progress has been made as it wasn't that long ago that we were playing terrible at home. Performance wise, we are doing just fine. Its the individual mistakes in both boxes that are costing us. We could have had at least 2 goals in the second half. Unfortunately people look at the result and that dictates what they thought of the performance.
  5. Ali said on the other pod that he didn't find Pearson to be rude in that interview. He also said he's seen him at the HPC and that he is highly thought of. Also went into great detail to explain he only has 3 minutes to speak to a manager immediately following a defeat and that he expects Pearson will elaborate further at his next press conference.
  6. When we lose, like we did on Saturday, I always read people say "that's the worst I've ever seen us play" and it just makes me think wtf. For me, the bench mark is always the 6-0 home defeat to Cardiff or the 7-1 defeat to Swansea. So to hear people say a 2-1 defeat at home to Stoke was the worst they've ever seen just makes me laugh. Half the time I don't think these people either go to the game or watch the same game as me.
  7. Tanner - Brought as one for the future. Just about starting to get in the team. Atkinson - He himself admitted he struggled to recover from illnesses. Pearson clearly feels he could be more enthusiastic about recovering from them. Wilson - Sykes fine early form kept him out. Then got injured. Danny Simpson - Can understand Pearson bringing him in to help install his culture in the club. Idehan - Not bombed out, just needed to go away and play which he failed to do which vindicates the decision to not play him. Klose - Something clearly happened in his personal life over the summer that has affected him. Not been the same player since. Sykes - Did well up til his sending off. Not been the same player since. Bajic - Terrible game against Lincoln. King and James - King has done his absolute best at CB. We are a much better team with James in it than without him. The football really isn't shit. Should have beat the likes of Watford, Swansea etc. Your letting results cloud your judgement. Maybe if you watched you'd know that? The progression of young players has reversed? Are you actually for real? Tombola? We made 1 change from the week before. Why was the interview unbelievable? You clear want us to improve but you find a manager giving a player a kick up the ass as unbelievable?
  8. Ian was asked a question that he clearly didn't know the answer and replied "I don't care" incredibly rude. He came across as very passive aggressive this week.
  9. Pearson goes into interviews with an idea of what he wants to say. Like about the poor referees for example. Pearson clearly wanted to talk about Atkinson yet Ali failed to ask him about him so Pearson had to push him himself to get him to ask about him so Pearson could say what he wanted to say about Atkinson. Poor journalism imo because he struggled to get information out of Pearson that Pearson was willing to give and even when Pearson was very open to talking about it, Ali then failed to get him to elaborate or even ask further questions.
  10. Why the need to feel smug? That suggests a them vs us attitude. Surely it's a case of, like Vyner, he has taken the kick up the ass and pushed on. At 24 he really can't be considered "young" he should have established himself by now.
  11. This isn't Championship manager. We don't have wingers to play 433 and even if we did, we'd have to drop one of Wells or Conway. So what's the point in that? I don't think defensively we have the right players to play a back 4.
  12. You've given a lot of broad answers here rather than giving specifics. What trusted players have made mistakes and when? Do you not think that a CM playing CB gets a little bit more leeway than a CB playing at CB? The trust comments were down to his lack of help for the youngsters against Lincoln and the enthusiasm comment I believe is to do with how long he seems to recover from illnesses. Pearson clearly believes he can be a bit more enthusiastic in his recovery. Again, you're just saying system without giving any specifics. What system could we play that we have the players to play?
  13. Your comment about having to put our arms around players and saying we trust them is exactly why we have underachieved for god knows how long. We are too nice as a football club. Generally our performances have been fine. So why do we need to change tactically? We just need to cut out the mistakes and then score the numerous goal scoring opportunities we get.
  14. Maybe a bit bitter than since his departure our media team has excelled?
  15. As Pearson said he should try asking the right questions rather than going around the bush with his questions to get the answer he wants. Why not just directly ask, why didn't Atkinson play? No need to instead ask about King to ask about Atkinson. I can certainly see why Pearson would be annoyed.
  16. I think when the ref doesn't give a blatant penalty then we have every right to use the ref as an excuse.
  17. Even Souttar wagged his finger at the ref cos he knew it was a corner so therefore a undeserved yellow.
  18. Imagine the sheer embarrassment amongst your peers if your manager said that about you in public and that's exactly why Pearson has said it. He wants other players to fear that happening to them. Hopefully it will also give the lad a boot up the ass. We've been far too nice at Bristol for far too long. These players need to hear some home truths and if they can't handle it then they don't have the right minerals to be a Bristol City player. We're a football club that should be striving to achieve. Not a football club where its just a nice play to play football, nice place to live etc.
  19. Terrible performance? Nah. Once again it was a performance that should have seen us take the 3 points. But yet again we lost. Bizarre cos we had one or two very good chances after he came on.
  20. It often makes me laugh when I see articles about benefits online and without fail you'll always see people say "i PaY fOr ThEiR bEnEfItS" when the reality is they themselves will die being in debt for their existence.
  21. But watching on the TV will never compare to the actual match day experience. It's handy for away games that I'd not have gone to anyways but that's about it. Football clubs need to continue to innovative to make the match day experience even more attractive.
  22. And this is the problem with EVs. Everyone thinks they are green and clean, when really they are not. We just don't physically see it.
  23. We have the national grid putting coal power plants on stand by, blackout tests being done and proposals to pay households to switch off, all this amongst record energy prices. The demand from EVs is also likely to be pushing energy prices up even more which means more people can't afford to heat their homes. This EV revolution doesn't seem all that great to me.
  24. I feel like there is more to come of this. I don't understand why they refused a like for like offer to then agree to a short term deal? I'm not quite sure what the game plan is here? By all accounts their previous deal was quite favourable for them, so why not just sign the like for like deal? I presume once this expires in the summer, Frasers (Ashley) is able to dictate the terms? If they were somehow able to achieve promotion (which I don't believe they will) then Ashley could and will hold them to ransome. Also don't the EFL require clubs to have at least a 3 year deal? I guess that's what they mean about they are awaiting EFL approval. The EFL have been extremely accommodating towards their situation but the rules cannot continue to be bent when they had the option of signing a like for like deal. I guess Sisu just wanted to kick this into the long grass so if a takeover does go ahead, then it's not their problem to deal with.
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