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W-S-M Seagull

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Everything posted by W-S-M Seagull

  1. I'm sure you can based on the achievements other posters have outlined.
  2. We seem to be in the same sort of situation as Man City are with the Champions league. France are like Real Madrid. They just somehow find a way to win. England are like City in the Champions league, always just falling short.
  3. I think many misunderstood the super league idea. It wasn't a breakaway competition from domestic leagues. It was a replacement for the Champs league. Clubs would still play in their domestic leagues. It was an opportunity to break free from UEFA and their control but fans protested not knowing what they were protesting for and actually their protests were a show of support for UEFA.
  4. I'd hold off buying. Still no confirmation that Coventry have agreed a deal to remain at the CBS.
  5. Oh no Liverpool fans would never accept their club spending that sort of money on players surely? Very much doubt their owners would be looking to spend that sort of money whilst they're trying to sell the club. It's either City, Chelsea or Real imo.
  6. Yea it's a 10 hour flight each way. Different time zones, different climates. Bound to take it's toll on the body. Just felt we should have either kept Saka on or brought someone else on rather than playing a player who through no fault of his own, wasn't up to the required fitness.
  7. Thats the only thing I can really find fault with. Sterling looked to be blowing out of his ass too. Seemed really unfit.
  8. It's easy for people to say in hindsight that someone else should have taken it. What if they would have missed? The same people would be saying Kane should have took it. Can't win. It's just one of those things.
  9. If it was a foul, it should have been ruled out. Doesn't matter that it was 40 seconds before, it directly led to the goal.
  10. His post match interview suggested that he could well call it a day. I could see him moving upstairs.
  11. I said a few weeks ago on here that he goes missing in the big games against good teams, I got laughed at. Tonight he did the square root of f all.
  12. This is strange. Usually we can blame the manager, or the players but this time you can't really fault them.
  13. Great away win. Don't really care about away performances. It's all about bringing points home.
  14. Yea I'm sure quite a few people may well be calling in sick today.
  15. My friend tells me that apparently members are able to claim free u12 tickets or something. Quite good if true.
  16. No. But if you or I had a few weeks holiday and then called in sick then I'm sure our bosses would raise their eyebrows.
  17. Maybe so. But still leaves a sour taste in the mouth that they get a few weeks holiday and then are unavailable.
  18. Get one player back and then seemingly another 2 are injured, after a month off. Ridiculous.
  19. Only one winner in this now. The Argies heads are gone.
  20. Yea. I've seen people round the keeper on the downs. You?
  21. Yea a good goal but special certainly not. Seen plenty of those scored at all levels of the game. But yea because its Neymar, because its Brazil they just throw in this words to make it seem better than it actually was.
  22. The superlatives they used for Brazil throughout the tournament was embarrassing. I often wondered if they were watching the same Brazil as me. Brazil were bang average this tournament. I think people give them praise based on what they used to be, and not what they are now. They described Neymars goal as a special goal, it really wasn't. He just rounded the keeper. Prior to that he did the square root of f all for the entire game. Not saying he's overhyped but he just doesn't deliver in the big games.
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