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Back of the Dolman

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Everything posted by Back of the Dolman

  1. With Naismith he’s often been played as a centre back so the fact he is willing to try and make things happen and be a bit more adventurous has resulted in things going wrong and goals coming from his errors. With a pair of centre backs behind him that level of danger is greatly reduced
  2. Yeah I take very little notice of what’s said about players fitness and availability. I think we’ve seen on many occasions that what is said on this subject is often different to what actually unfolds.
  3. Yes a good buy in my opinion and somebody you always feel will give his all for the team. Just imagine how good we might be and how enjoyable the football we watched could be if players were played in their natural positions and were allowed to express themselves on the pitch. Natural expression playing a style of football that suited the squad. We probably still wouldn’t be successful but I bet we as fans wouldn’t be feeling as we do now ! it just feels like the fans and the players have had the life and enjoyment for football sucked out of them Do you think it could work though and provide better entertainment
  4. Naismith in the James role and here’s a crazy thought ! Drop Jason Knight back into the ball carrying role instead of playing him in a position that doesn’t make the most of his strengths
  5. he’s got vision and quality of passing which creates chances by moving the ball quickly. sadly that doesn’t seem to be our current M.O. and it appears players natural instincts are being dampened. Maybe Naismith can’t play with the shackles on and that’s why he’s not making squads but we see him training with the squad. He doesn’t seem like a chap to mince his words or pander to a management team who’s ideas restrict his qualities
  6. So as you confirm rosy wasn’t a word used by me. of course I enjoyed the Southampton victory but did I think things were rosy ? No, we beat Southampton playing the style of football that suits this squad of players ! We went back to basics and what works for us. And if LM was more flexible in doing that then I don’t think people would have such a low opinion of him. I have family ties to West Ham so I couldn’t lose whoever won that game but of course I celebrated our victory but I saw the bigger picture and didn’t get carried away by it
  7. I like Naismith and I think we play better football with him in the side. Would be interesting to see if that’s still the case under the new style. Sadly though it never seems to be long between each Naismith injury
  8. Oh yes that’s certainly possible. Sorry I thought the point you were making was that things weren’t all that bad because we were only losing 1-0
  9. Don’t think I’ve made any reference to anything being rosy. I’m solely judging LM on his time here, I’m not comparing him to any previous manager/s that we’ve had. I’m judging it on him and him only and I can’t see any rosy points at the moment
  10. The defeat to Leeds was the most one sided 1-0 defeat I’ve ever seen ! They battered us and a 4 or 5 goal defeat wouldn’t have been unjust
  11. And in relation to the draw at London Stadium I do think the injury after 15 minutes that saw Paqueta leave the pitch having already set up the West Ham goal did make a massive difference in us getting a draw that day.
  12. Well if you think it was down to Mannings coaching brilliance that we beat West Ham then I’d suggest he starts showing that brilliance against the teams below us in this division!
  13. I think people will be less surprised getting beaten by Ipswich than the previous 1-0 defeats. Yes they weren’t heavy defeats but you wouldn’t expect them to be when you’re playing some of the weakest sides in the division
  14. You just replied to Lenred about coming up with what ifs and now you’re doing it. At the end of the day all teams suffer injuries, referee decisions go for them and against them and has a bit of luck going for them and against them. You have to take each match as it comes and deal with what happens in match in the day. LM seems incapable of making any changes during a game that show any signs of changing the course of a match
  15. I think it’s clear to see that there’s no confidence out on the pitch even before the booing.
  16. So you think we’d of beaten a full strength West Ham that night ? I also don’t think it’s so much about the inconsistency, it’s about the manner of the defeats and the style of football that’s going with it. I want to feel like the manager/head coach actually cares and has some fire in his belly and LM gives none of that even by his own admission. I think many of us liked the spirit and work ethic of this squad even if it didn’t bring success as it looked like they cared as we do, but sadly that now seems to be on the wane. we excused some of the lack of ability because they showed heart but now I see no player who’s showing any greater technical ability but the spirit seems shot
  17. Don’t get blinded by West Ham, David Moyes wouldn’t have had half of that team at Ashton Gate in his side if he hadn’t had to. We won 1-0 because of a poor pass back from one of their centre backs. West Ham won their first game of 2024 on Monday night against Brentford and then followed it up with a victory at Everton. That side including Bowen, Kudus, Paqueta and Alvarez would have torn us a new one
  18. Does seem to me that Dickie looks a lot less assured on the ball than he has previously. Partly being on the left side doesn’t help him as much due to the angles he’s given when receiving the ball but he seems to be suffering a lack of confidence or is unsure of what the plan is at the moment
  19. Yes I made this point on another thread ! Conway and Gardner-Hickman also came a lot closer to the fans than anyone else. Manning scuttled away when he saw the strength of feeling
  20. That’s a really good plan ! If I were you I’d make sure people know that’s your intention
  21. In all fairness in that situation Mehmeti would have come inside on his right foot as well. Its all he ever does
  22. Quite often McCrorie comes inside though. I think if he did that and Sykes kept the width on the right then that wouldn’t be an issue.
  23. I’d buy a Man United season ticket for £100 and then every match I’d sell my seat and make a tidy profit ! That would definitely be value for money !
  24. No you’re not alone ! If you asked any fan who’s watched enough games to tell you the position Sykes has played his best football and been most effective then they’d tell you it’s wide on the right. This is yet another example of square pegs in round holes and not making the most effective use of the squad that is available
  25. Yes, you can’t blame him for what went on before his arrival and the circumstances around NPs dismissal but what is going on out on the pitch is down to him and that cannot be denied.
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