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Southport Red

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Posts posted by Southport Red

  1. 44 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

    You either were not watching the match or have not a a clue what you are talking about, Hull were pinned back, trying to waste time before the ball broke up field and goal came from that

    I wasn’t watching no, in a caravan in the pouring down rain supposedly enjoying a holiday. My comments were aimed at those blaming the scandalous penalty on our sitting deep. Also, I mentioned when Hull hit the post, not when they scored, at that time I believe we were under some pressure from them. So perhaps you might dial the micro-aggression down just a notch next time. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, joe jordans teeth said:

    I only know one scouse and he works with me and he peddles it dispite living down here for 10 years,the irony,of course all the people ringing up on radio stations live down south I guess if they haven’t met you 

    Maybe it’s a separation thing. The further from Liverpool they live the more ‘Scouse’ they get. Almost like the further away you get, the better it is in your mind. Also, bear in mind the kind of twonks that ring up Radio Stations like that Herbert who is always on Radio Bris after matches ??.

    My wife is from Liverpool and, when asked where she is from is always very careful to say she’s a “Liverpudlian, NOT Scouse”. 

  3. 2 hours ago, One Team said:

    Whose fans consider themselves Scouse not English. Agreed and no thanks as well. 

    Sorry, but I have lived in Merseyside for 30 years and know loads of Liverpool fans. Never met one who peddled this ‘Scouse not English’ nonsense. Many prefer Liverpool to England, but then I would rather see City win than England. 


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  4. 34 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

    Liverpool,not exactly ‘ swashbuckling ‘ their way to trophies are they?

    Scraping through on penalties again for their second cup win. 

    Fine margins or not it doesn’t scream all conquering Champions. 

    No, but they’ve played about 20 million games so far this season ?

    Just now, Southport Red said:


  5. 54 minutes ago, NcnsBcfc said:

    I think the Rovers fans should adjust their expectations for next season accordingly. Who knows what sort of team they will put out for that first game on the 30th July???



    I think you are missing the point.  They are coming for us, deffo.  They will get promoted to the Championship next year, to the Premiership the year after, Europa League the Year after that, Champion's League Semi final the year after that, before finally winning the quadruple. Phew!

    Exciting times to be a Prowed gashead.

    EDIT:  Otr they have just squeaked promotion out of Division 4 which is where the Messiah took them to a year ago when he threw the towel in with 10 games to go.


    One of the above scenarios is definitely true. 

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