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Bar BS3

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Posts posted by Bar BS3

  1. What a turnaround since the start of the year!

    Total contrast to pre-christmas & everyone involved deserves huge credit. 

    NP deserved the criticism back then for bad selections and we looked doomed to a real dogfight.

    Now with better selections and team that are so refreshing to watch, with strength on the bench - we look like proper team again & it's great to see!

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, frenchred said:

    My boys are 26, 26 and 24 now and when they see the mascots on the pitch they still mention the day they did it, they had a ball each thrown at them by Scott Murray to take in the dressing room and get signed, safe to say it's something they will never forget and it was about 15 years ago now!!

    I think I was about 14 when I was mascot, away at Watford.

    Still have my signed photo with Andy Cole & pre match photo.

    Loved it!

    Even though it was a drab 0-0 draw..!

  3. Hi, 

    My son, Ashton, turns 9 at the end of April, he's had his season ticket since he was 1, he's only really started showing a proper interest over the last year or 2 & really loves it now!

    Thinking of getting him the mascot package for his birthday - has anyone else here done that & is it good.? Do they get a proper meet with the players etc.? 

    I looked out for them on Saturday t didn't look like they have the pre-match kick about with the players on the pitch, like we did in my day..!

    What are peoples experiences of having done this.?



  4. I think you know what i mean...!

    We are as close to the playoffs as we are the relegation places - so we should be looking upwards, not downwards.

    Tough challenge today but a win would see us just 3pts behind Norwich after 30 games played.

    Potentially only 5 points off the play offs.

    A win today would be massive, with some winable games coming up - stranger things have happened..! 

    • Like 1
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  5. Why do people find it so hard to say "well done Lino, great decision"...?

    A tight one, especially in real time speed - but he was offside, just - so offside was correct.

    Decent, solid performance today.

    Happy enough with the draw, because the performance was decent.



    2 minutes ago, Rocking Red Cyril said:

    Offside just 

    I think that's called "offside" then.

    It's either on or off. 

    • Like 1
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  6. Sorry, my quoting replies have gone to pot since I got a new phone! Keeps jumping all over the place and not letting me type what I want.

    Management level 2 in SFBB food preparation.

    I'm not saying that it's not FP, but it would be a very quick reaction if it was. It's far more usual for it to take several hours, if not a couple of days. 

    • Like 1
  7. Yes, of course it could be - but it would be more unlikely than likely for food poisoning to kick in as quickly as that.

    Especially with the early kick off time meaning food has less time to sit around after preparation. 

    It would be extremely negligent if food hygiene safe practise hadn't been adhered to at an outlet such as Ashton gate - of course not impossible - but unlikely. 



  8. Food poisoning doesn't usually take effect for several hours, if not a day or so - so someone being sick at half time, after a pre-match sausage is unlikely to be as a result of food poisoning.

    It's far more likely that the household had contracted some sort of bug or virus - which they are probably now responsible for passing on to others - although, of course, they wouldn't have know it if they were feeling fine before the game. 


    • Like 13
  9. Interesting recollections of a dire period (Liverpool FA Cup games aside, of course)




    It makes you wonder thoughwith that utterly dire squad and his lack of management skills, how he managed a record no worse than of the bloke who's currently in charge here.!

    And yes, the booing when he scored was directly related to his decision to release Jacki.



    • Like 1
  10. Not too bothered about the gap between us & those above us.

    It's those below us that are the main concern.

    If we can't win games, then we are going to have to hope that the teams below us aren't able to make us pay for it.

    It is way too close for comfort at the moment.!



















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