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Bar BS3

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Posts posted by Bar BS3

  1. 7 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

    Nobody connected with the gash seems worried because it will apparently only take a week to put up.

    Once built it will surely need some kind of safety inspection/certificate won't it? Does anybody know?

    Imagine how low one's expectations must be when you can be smug that a new stand will only take 1 week to build  & fit out..!

    Surely it will take longer than a week to decorate, put up required signage & install all the concessions facilities..?

    Have they even got a dodgy sky box ordered to be able to stream Babestation to the masses yet..?

    As far as I'm aware, the actual build (which I'm assuming must be some kind of modular, click together type solution) doesn't actually take very long atall - it's all the dressing of the new structure that takes time & then, as many have already said - test events & getting the safety certificates issued...

    If it only takes a week or 2, then why not have had it done already.?!

  2. 26 minutes ago, Enclosure Old Timer said:

    In Scotland at the moment and just travelled through Dumbarton, funny how that name brings a certain scouse jailbird to mind!

    I just saw a post on FB from this bloke who is an absolute bellend - made me think of him aswell...!

  3. I'm amazed that people seem to want Luton to get battered every week.

    I have never had any affection for Luton whatsoever - but what they have achieved is truly remarkable & I love that international superstar plays are going to have to deal with the lower league "charms" of Kenilworth Road (absolute dump of a ground)

    I certainly hope that they will knock a few noses out of joint in the Prem & give every other club trying to get there that it is possible to at least try & compete.

    Of course, everything suggests that they could well break records as the worst entrants to that division, but I will be smiling & chuckling away to myself with every point they manage to take of the other clubs in that division.

    Good luck Luton..!

    • Like 6
  4. 7 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

    Sleepy Sunday morning found me wondering if they had built their stand yet so thought I would have a look at slagchat.

    The thread for the stand has slipped to page two, would appear they have lost interest!

    Found another thread with some moans about a lack of updates but overall it would appear that, a few preparatory groundworks aside nothing has been done, and no sign of the planning permission being discussed by the council yet either.

    Is it just me or does it seem completely insane that, with three weeks to go, they haven't started building the stand yet, let alone test events, safety certificates etc.?

    No way is this going to be ready, they would struggle before Christmas, let alone early August.

    With 400 season tickets sold for a stand that doesn't exist yet this has the potential to be multitudes more embarrassing for them than Row M.

    It's only a semi permanent structure, so I'd imagine they'd be able to get a team to knock it up in around a week.

    The planning permission (lack of) seems farcical.! Why wouldn't you get that in place before beginning & removing the very limited seating that they did at least have in situ.?

    It does all seem very odd indeed.

  5. 11 hours ago, richyy66 said:

    Gas Heads not too happy with Joey Boy. Has been commenting on twitter regarding an interview with Andrew Tate. Barton thought it was interesting. 


    Andrew Tate - the man who is up for sex trafficking and rape charges. The guy is the lowest of the low.  Barton finds him interesting.....Oh dear

    I supposed he is going to find a role model & inspiration an Interesting kind of guy..!

  6. 6 hours ago, Wanderingred said:

    When Joey Barton retires from football, I can see him going down the far right conspiracy weirdo influencer path in an attempt to stay relevant. In fact I’d bet on it. He won’t want to go quietly.

    That would explain many of his post match rants - getting experience in already.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    We clearly had different English teachers, I have never heard of a rhetorical question not requiring a question mark. A quick Google check suggests they do. If, however, we have any experts in the subject on here who can confirm that one way or the other,I am more than happy to apologise for my ignorance :)

    You don't need to apologise for being ignorant.

    You already suffer your fate from that curse as a result of the team ot has set you up with ?

  8. 37 minutes ago, elhombrecito said:

    Hence why Pearson stated in the above video that we're aiming for the playoffs.

    Good. I'd hope that was our aim.

    May not be possible, just because it's what we'd like.

    Top 10 would be reasonable - we we absolutely should be aiming for the play offs. 

    • Like 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    @Bar BS3  you must have been quite happy with last season as you said you’d be happy with minimum 60 points and we got 59. Just one point off. 

    This season I will be happy with entertaining football, 65 points+ and a decent positive goal difference 

    I'm not sure that failing to achieve a MINIMUM target makes anyone particularly happy....

    I'd hope that, another year into the process, we'd be expecting a slightly better increase than 6 points.

    The rest I agree with.

    Top 10 & generally better would be sufficient - as a minimum.

  10. 1 hour ago, GrahamC said:

    On Boxing Day we were 18th, level on points with the 4 sides immediately below us & 2 clear of the drop zone, so to say we were “heading for relegation” isn’t so much glass half empty, as glass empty.

    I don’t know anyone who thought we were definitely going down, but do recall a few who had lost patience with NP, though still a minority of those I speak to.

    Dire is certainly an overstatement, there were some dreadful performances, especially at Birmingham (again) & Reading, but they weren’t regular occurrences.

    I suppose it all boils down to whether you think giving an experienced, proven manager at this level time to sort out the mess he inherited is a better idea that changing course again & again, with no obvious plan.

    18th, 2 points off the drop zone & 1 win in our last 9 games - didn't have you atall concerned that we might be in trouble..?

    OK then.! You've obviously got steadier nerves than I had at that time.!

  11. 25 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I don't think in recent times anyone before him has had to work under the conditions he has had to work under. 

    For me, overall, Pearson has so far done a better job here than LJ did. He hasn't had tens of millions to spend yet has totally transformed the club.

    Even when we were near the bottom of league one, Cotts had money to spend. 

    Pearson has had f all because of the ffp problems and he has had to work with basically what he's got. Despite those constraints, he has massively improved us. Last season only a handful of games can be described as terrible. For context, even Coventry lost 4 nil at home to Stoke in April, a few days later we beat Stoke. I don't think we conceded 4 once last season? 

    He's done an absolutely outstanding job in my opinion where now the foundations have been built and we are now ready to push on, thanks to him. 

    I wouldn't say outstanding - but we certainly recovered from Christmas time & it all looks more promising.

    We do need to push on this coming season though.

    Another season bottom half wouldn't really be showing much progress, imo. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    No, we weren’t.

    Beat Rotherham 3-1

    Lost to Stoke when I’d argue we shaded the game but gave away a goal.  Played well in spells.  Result taints performance.

    Lost to West Brom, really even first half, Weimann hit the bar…second half they played well and we couldn’t get near them and they went 2-0 up.  We then really pressured them but couldn’t force our way back into the game

    Drew 0-0 with Millwall.

    Not really a dire December was it? 4 points from 4 games isn’t dire.

    Then 1-1 with Cov on NYD

    That 0-0 with Millwall started a 13 game unbeaten run.

    The results are factual.

    Yes, the draw at Millwall proved to be a turning point to regaining some form & it was desperately needed.

    We started really promisingly & it seemed that just repeated silly errors were costing us - but beyond the Creditable Norwich away loss & Millwall away, we looked like we were reverting to type, from the previous 18 months.

    Maybe I was a little over paranoid back at the time - but had those previous 18 months of absolute dross (bar the odd exception) getting me down maybe .!


    As I said - hopefully this season will see the longer term plans come to some fruition.

    I'm targeting a top 10 finish as sign of progress & hoping we may at least be in touching distance of top 6 throughout the season.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    You obviously mix in a different fan group to me then?

    We were far from dire (imho)…you state it as fact.  We were crap at Brum, a really lacklustre performance that cost some players their “careers” here.  I didn’t see another performance like that all season.  Disappointing in some games, yes.  But even Burnley we’re disappointing in some of their games too.

    I honestly don’t think people realise how dire the finance side of things was, and how that restricted us.  It left no depth, kids filling the spots.  A central midfield reliant on Andy King and Omar Taylor-Clarke still saw us competitive enough.

    The players like Vyner, who “you” (not you per se) slagged off are now spoken of as “should’ve got player of the year”.

    The amount of change Nige (and the team) have put this club through in 2 1/3 years is huge.  It takes time for change to take effect, results are beginning to catch up.

    I don’t think Nige is perfect, but this is what a plan looks like….from its creation to its execution.  Created by someone who has a clue about what success looks like…and has delivered it.

    I don’t expect to change your mind, in fact I’m not trying to, I’m just stating my view of it.

    I agree with alot of what you say (apart from us being utterly dire around December time - we were)

    Fingers crossed that this season shows that it's all been part of a plan that is starting to work. 

  14. 54 minutes ago, Eddie Notgetinya said:

    I respect your opinion but looking at the bigger picture he’s exactly what we need.

    Culture, fitness issues, coaching issues, deadwood, high earners, poor recruitment - he’s knows his onions and he’s got us to a much better place. He managed expectations from the get go aswell which was a reality check some needed.

    Improvement is a requirement this season but I have every confidence. I’d be happy if we can go into the final month with a glimmer of playoff hope, I don’t expect us to make it, I’d take 10th with good football.

    I agree. That is basically what I said - but it amazes me that people think he's done better than anyone else before him. 

    Hopefully this season will see things come to fruition..

  15. 1 hour ago, bcfc01 said:


    But my mate pays between £45 and £80 for Arsenal home tickets as a silver category member, just gets tickets allocated but no choice where he sits and if he doesn't take the ticket he goes to the back of the queue for next game. 



    That's entirely different to away pricing, which is (or was) capped by the league rules. 

    Home ticket sales like that are a case of supply & demand & why people should support their local team.

    • Like 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    We really really really didn't mate. 

    You don't think so.?

    I certainly did & the majority of people I spoke to at the time did aswell.

    We were utterly dire.!

    • Haha 1
  17. 8 hours ago, slartibartfast said:

    You mean ...a shtroke !

    The bloke is a typical deluded, gashed nause - but I think we can do better than to mock him so a speech impediment. 

    There are plenty of things to pick on them about - I don't think a guy who can forge a career on the Radio, despite such an obstical is really the way to go with this.

    Fair play to him (or anyone) who can overcome the odds in life.

    If he was in a wheel chair or blind I'd hope we wouldn't see that targeted as a weak point, so let's leave the speech impediment digs out - I know you are better than that ?

    • Like 16
    • Thanks 2
  18. 14 hours ago, Fammyfan said:

    Cardiff finished 2 points below Brighton in 17th place and were 10 goals worst off on goal difference.

    On reviewing their results in the second half of the season, there was only 4 games whereby a single goal could have got them a point or more.

    Arsenal 2 - Cardiff 1

    Cardiff 1 - Chelsea 2

    Fulham 1 - Cardiff 0

    Cardiff 2 - Crystal Palace 3

    Taking into consideration the poor goal difference Cardiff had, they were 3 points short of survival.

    It’s a far fetched argument that Sala would have changed the outcome of 75% of the games above with no experience of English football or the premier league, or that this would have occurred without reply from the opposition.

    Cannot see the claim being successful, particularly with €110m at stake.

    Surely you'd also have to take off the goal contributions from one of their other strikers to even consider taking that into account - which is an utterly absurd argument anyway!

    Can we sue the club we signed any disappointing player from because they didn't score the goals needed to get us promoted.?


    • Like 5
  19. 1 hour ago, Eddie Hitler said:


    Why then do most of the Rovers' new signings look like someone is pointing a gun at them off camera to make them hold up the shirt?

    Because someone is pointing a gun at them off camera & making them hold up the shirt.....

    • Haha 1
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