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Bar BS3

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Everything posted by Bar BS3

  1. As you say, different opinions. I don't believe that going into the world Cup break in or worryingly close to the relegation zone is acceptable.
  2. You think he's getting the best out of them..?
  3. Based on what..? Which of NP's signings give you any confidence that he'd have done much better with those funds at his disposal..? Yes, obviously I know he's been limited with transfer funds - but the OOC market is massive now & all summer we were told we'd got the players that he wanted. Some clubs are going to get the likes of Wells, Massengo, Bentley, Dasilva, Kalas off us for free, in the not too distant future. Does his record here give you any confidence that he's going to improve on what we've got here at the moment..?
  4. We've lost half of his games in charge and average 1.1 points per game in his time here. That is shite mate. No 2 ways about it..!
  5. I get that. I don't know why people keep saying this. We all know he's had the job at a difficult time financially. Regardless, his record is dreadful, overall & I personally don't think he makes the best of - or gets the best out of what we do have available. Are there really many instances where anyone would come away saying we did a number on a team tactically..? It seems that when we scrape the odd result, it's down to either good luck, or an exceptional performance in key areas. There seems little plan, or genuine improvement overall - yet I think we've got a far better team/squad now, than we are likely yo have next season. I said at the end of last season, that it's been dreadful - but let's see what the Summer transfer window brings. Give NP a good amount of time to prove there's some progress happening - & suggested that maybe the world Cup break was a good point to assess that progress. If we lose these next 2 games, we could go into the world Cup break, bang in a relegation scrap - THAT is not good enough, imo. I thought we were showing some real, genuine progress upto the Burnley game. Since then it's reverted to what we were seeing for much of last season. A little bit better, perhaps, but there's no way in this world that we should be around the relegation zone, with the talent that we have at the present time. None atall & the buck for that has to stop with the manager.
  6. This is actually quite interesting - in that looking at it over the last 10 games, it generally worrying & concerning, to most people. Yet, questioning NP, after a not dissimilar record over the past 20 months in charge (no idea what it actually works out at - but it's certainly not good!) people kick off and tell you it's all part of a longer term plan..! Yes I get the spending restrictions & I've been pleased to see a general improvement of performance - but we've got a pretty decent squad (far better than it's going to be next season IMHO) and the only thing we've seen any consistency in, is failing to get the best out of them & failing to show any consistent game plan or shape. Despite what some think, because I liked LJ - I want NP to succeed. Obviously, I want any City manager to succeed - but NP's record is very little short of atrocious here - yet many seem to think he's some sort of messiah. It's genuinely baffling.
  7. One of the most notorious stadiums in English football for intimidating & hostile atmosphere - acoustic design or because people made noise...?
  8. I'd disagree. Depends where you sit I guess.
  9. This is such utter nonsense - not from you, but from everyone who uses this argument. When the Atyeo was the home end, people used to complain that the acciustics were rubbish..! What about the "good old days" what atmospheres were supposedly better... Did all this open terraced have good acoustics...?! If people sing & shout, it makes noise, end of. Of course acciustics can be improved upon by stadium design - but it's a simple case of making noise, generates noise.
  10. What time did the game kick off for Swansea then..? It didn't seem to bother their supporters.
  11. Officially, yes - but it sporting occasions, they've not used it since the 70's.
  12. You do chat some shite..! They were not held back inside the ground & there was a large police presence..! You were walking away from the ground, down Winterstoke road..? So the total opposite side of the area to the away end...? Have you considered that's maybe why you didn't see many police about..?!
  13. It's OK, he's admitted that he was wrong above..... ... If still trying to say that they were held back, despite the fact that they weren't - is admitting that he was wrong...!
  14. Ouch..! The truth is, that simple, precise, politely put response, probably cuts them deeper than anything else could have done! Well played that man..!
  15. I bet people are glad they avoided the traffic..!
  16. I think that's asking Nige to go above & beyond his duties.
  17. Nothing to do with cars.... It's just overflow capacity for their massive away support.
  18. I genuinely don't understand this..! If your wife only goes to games occasionally, then why does the fiver make you so angry...? Ifnits all about the price, then pick a different game. If it's about value - then I really don't see that £30 for a ticket and a free carers ticket as being bad value. You'd be happy to pay £25 - but think that £30 is outrageous - to the point that it needs do be vented on the forum...? Your "Lansdown prefers Rugby" nonsense loses you all credibility imo.
  19. Big day for Derby today - a turning point, some might say..! After several years of turmoil, it must be days like today that their supporters dreamt of, to get them through those hard times. It's a bit like if we'd had a friendly against Real Madrid, back in 1982/83..!
  20. You think that L2 clubs get charged a fee by us..? I don't know, but I doubt it, if it's a loan that we think will aid the players progress. I also doubt, in that situation, that they contribute much towards the wages either. It's not relative - it's entirely different. PL players are sought after and command these stupid fees. We probably have to entice clubs to take some of our players.
  21. Based on the players he's signed, it sounds like more contradictory rubbish from NP - his signings, if anything, have been notably slow/lacking pace..!
  22. Why bother.... We'll miss it when we get one anyway..! Probably won't even get us a shot on target..!
  23. Which of our players do they regard as having notable pace...? I can't think of a single one that you'd look at and think "my god - he's lightening quick" I fact, the only thing we ever have that looks like occasionally scaring other teams, is when Semenyo is on it & bullying, barging & rampaging his way through defenders - so I'd say that, in all to little volume, physical presence is all we have, one those rare occasions that AS is really on top form. In fact, which of NP's signings have had anything even close to notable pace...?
  24. You can't see the difference between a PL club charging fees of £100's thousands, compared to us (&other clubs) loaning out their younger player to get game & help find their true current level of progress..?! The 2 situations are world's apart - for both the clubs & the players best interests. It's not hypocrisy in any way, shape or form, if our objection is the ridiculous loan fees charged by PL clubs, when we are selecting loans for players best interests & probably not charging anything.
  25. It's good job that Pride Park has a large car park!
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