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Bar BS3

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Everything posted by Bar BS3

  1. Don't they buy photo copies of the raffle ticket for that weeks enty still, off the bloke down the pub..?
  2. Yeah, imagine him not giving due credit for the Swansea performance & result...!
  3. I'm not sure you're right. What's wrong with thinking that 3000% of their everage 9k sell out, (in a 12k capacity stadium) go to away games, meaning that 900 tickets sold, should be reported as 1200 tickets plus the obvious hoardes that remain in the car park. It's bit like their £10million valuations on £200k players..!
  4. I'd fully expect them to take thousands up there on Saturday. A stadium the likes they haven't played a league match in since they were a non league club, on a Saturday, on a good run of form. I'd expect them to sell out & then still exaggerate the numbers.
  5. Good comments about your lot for last night - and then low & behold, someone posts about talking to a Rovers fan who exaggerated the tickets sold..! Why, oh why, do they feel the need...?!
  6. Anyone know if he's got a buy out clause in his contract..?!
  7. Interesting appointment! He's the sort of character that make this sound like a good appointment.
  8. He's obviously referring to Bruce Grobbelaar (although I've no idea why he could have just said that) I can't remember any game where the whole (or even large numbers) of the East end were waving fake tenners at him. His match fixing allegations came fairly late in his career - so if it's the FA cup vs Liverpool games, then I think he's totally over exaggerating seeing 1 or 2 people doing it..! It would probably make sense to name the fixture, if he wants info on a particular fixture. Odd behaviour.
  9. Has one of the stands blown away, since it had a 12k capacity...?
  10. We didn't manage a shot on target in over 100 minutes today. What makes you think an extra 5 mins would make much difference..?
  11. Depends what time & night you go, I think. I wouldn't advise parking up their to eat a hotdog, or you may get yourself into a situation to hadn't banked on. Other times, it puts a whole new dynamic on the hobby of "bird watching"
  12. Unexpected & great result! Really pleased to eat my words from earlier on! Let's hope we can build on it & it's a return to some decent form again ?
  13. This is certainly a tonic.! What a pleasently surprising scoreline..!
  14. Maybe because they were tempered with many runs of good form aswell. Streaky, it certainly was. But that was good and bad & most of the bad was at least close & competitive.
  15. I think the division is reflectively weak this season. I also dread to think how bad we will be when we lose the better talent that we currently have. 3 year plan..? I cam only see our 3rd year being worse than the first 2.
  16. Of course & I try to temper my frustrations with those realisations. Put simply, I think our current team & squad are better than the dross that we are consistently seeing - due to lack of plan, shape, tactics & improvement defensively. His basis for dropping some players, is not consistent with not dropping others.
  17. It wasn't an attempt at anything - don't be so precious..! It baffles me somewhat that some are so unquestionably supportive of a manager who's record here is nothing short of diabolical.
  18. I think we are capable of challenging for a top 6 place. Somewhere between that & 10th. I don't think it's as much to do with the squad, as we aren't getting the best out of the squad.
  19. I was very positive when it seemed wed made some progress. That's now reverted back to the dross that we'd become used too. What's support of any other ex manager got to do with anything..? Don't take it so personally pal - we've reverted back to being shite & NP still hasn't got a clue how to address our biggest failings or get the best out of our players. He's had 20 months now & it's getting tiresome. Any sort of win & performance will please me no end - I'm just not hopeful it will happen. Hope I'm wrong.
  20. Oh I see - we can't be fans of the club & be fed up of NP & his consistent failure to improve us (bar a few games that have since reverted back to dross)..?
  21. That should add a bit of excitement to your evening..!
  22. Just seen another embarrassing start to add to the NP role of honor here... We have lost more away game in 2022 (12) than any other team in the division. Dont worry though, because we scored quite a few goals for a few games, several games ago (yes, we've since got back to normality and don't look like a threat atall - whilst still shipping goals for fun) I don't know if you can guess - but I'm not feeling particularly optimistic about our chances of getting anything against the side currently in 20th place in the division - indeed, I'm expecting us to get soundly beaten - & that really isn't good enough - it's just realisation that NP's little mini revival has now returned back to the utterly woeful form that's more on par with his atrocious 20 months in charge here. I hope i'm proved utterly wrong this evening & all the NP lovers are shoving these words back in my face, after we've played really well & got some sort of result from tonight..!
  23. If we tried parking a smart car, it would end up in the back of our net..!
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