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Posts posted by lenred

  1. 4 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    It was also obvious that Manning was “managing minutes” of a few players last night. With the other players now available I expect us to be competitive on Saturday. A bar has been set which is significantly in excess of our current league form and now we are out of the cup there are no excuses. We have to start picking up league points again.

    Completely agree. We need to get away from this mindset of ‘poor us’ . I’m sure Forest, Chelsea, Villa, Leeds, Plymouth, Cov and Southampton fans won’t be affording their teams such luxuries.  The bread and butter starts again and we need to start picking up points with no more excuses now.  

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  2. Just now, redkev said:

    The subs Im Sure we’re made for sports science reasons , I can totally understand why they were made in the long run but understand at the time when we were playing well why people were slightly miffed , no minutes for Roberts recently , mcrorie only just back from major injury and knight seems to play all the time including for Republic of Ireland , did it understand the Conway one unless he was out on his feet but as I wasn’t there I wouldn’t know

    I felt for Roberts especially.   Again I thought he was fantastic and didn’t look like he needed to come off.  None of them did I didn’t think but especially him and Knight (who may have had a little extra to give given the Derby connections!).  But I appreciate I’m talking from heart only and it’s always hard to tell when you’ve just got your view from the crowd.  To me though there was no denying the down turn in performance when they did come off. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    With the trips on vpn airways and streaming services, tonight felt like a trip down memory lane, where most of us would be listening to away games on the radio and waiting for the first fans to arrive back and start a thread or a post with “just back from….”!

    Was quite enjoyable listening to BBCRB again, been a few years.

    So anyone that’s been, be good to hear what it was really like.

    Some very tired ramblings from me.  

    It was a great day and night.  
    We snuck into one of their pubs called the Nav. It was a brilliant place - great beer, and a big area outside with bbq, another bar and a huge screen to watch AFCON.  Nearly got rumbled when I couldn’t get the door and when I said thanks to the kind gent who opened it said he said ‘no probs me duck’ and then muttered to his mate ‘he’s a tractor’ 😂

    At the game it was a great atmosphere from the City end and tbf to Forest on the few occasions they awoke from their slumber they did make a racket.  Didn’t happen often though…..

    Thought Forest were poor - Turner looked a liability and none of their players looked up for it apart from Filipe. 
    For us, as others have already said Joe Williams was absolutely outstanding. Knight and King very good. Max pulled off some great saves. Dickie was immense.  We were really really good.  Then the subs happened bang on 60 mins and it just changed.   We seemed to go into our shell and became overawed and it took us 15/20 mins to get back into our stride.  Again I don’t know why they were made but I was pretty cross in real time as were a lot of others around me.  

    I haven’t watched the highlights yet as can’t bring myself to go through it but I can’t believe the chances we’ve let go. And then it’s pens and it’s a lottery and there we are.  
    We deserved to win so much amd were fantastic on and off the pitch, and I’m still absolutely gutted as I’m sure many are but there we go.  Onwards! 

    • Robin 4
  4. 7 minutes ago, MelksRed said:

    Hope so. Would inflict that on another football fan 

    Aren’t they the top scoring team at home in the division?  Not sure they would’ve learnt anything from our borefest last Friday. Chalk and cheese.  

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, mozo said:

    No it's 100% not what those clowns promised, but we knew that was bollocks at the time, so you can't use it as a stick to beat Manning with. He's just trying to do his job.

    Maybe not.   But I did and I continue to expect us to be top 10 this season.   So if that isn’t achieved (and it wont be at this rate) then that will be on Manning.  And the style of football that we are playing is very much down to him also. So again he will be judged on that.   Let’s hope there’s an upturn soon.  

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, mozo said:

    Yeah and if we now start losing every week, everyone can pile in on me and say I told you so.

    I've got no issue with debating Manning's team selections, formations, in game decisions etc, or anything really, I just think that making these decisive comments about him already is seriously jumping the gun. 

    He will of course get more time.  Probably a lot more time.   But I think we have seen enough now to be able to start to form an opinion which, very much of course, may well alter over further time.   My opinion now is what we are being served up is not anywhere near what we were promised by the clowns at the top.  That it’s not front foot football. That our players have not improved one iota due to more ‘time on the grass’ (if anything some key players have regressed) and as aforementioned we look toothless in the main.  I very much hope we can get some joy at the City Ground on Weds night and hoping the late night will be worth it for all of us going up there, but the cup cannot detract from the bread and butter of the League, and that form needs to improve rapidly.  

    • Like 4
  7. 4 minutes ago, mozo said:

    I didn't say it wasn't a concern, I'm saying that people are jumping to wild conclusions. 

    The way people are talking, you'd think that we're getting hammered every week. We're not. In fact we've been rubbish in precisely one consecutive game as it stands. 


    Agree re the cup games.  Second half v West Ham away for me was especially good. And we’re not getting hammered at all.  But we are bottom of the form table and to me it’s beginning to become a worry now how lacklustre and inept we look on the final third of the pitch.  Completely toothless and rigid.  

  8. 5 hours ago, Garland-sweden said:

    The results talks for themselves. NP knew the team, played it from the players skills or not skills. We were hard to beat and two points from top six.

    Yep.  We were really in the throes of building something really really good and promising it felt - dare I say it in a Luton type manner that the charlatans running our club profess to love and admire so much.  Togetherness, a great resilience (even at Cardiff away playing a load of kids), a toughness to beat with a great counter attacking prowess led by a new home grown star striker in the making who clearly loved working under Pearson.  
    It’s all gone to shit thanks to the clowns at the top though.  We’ll be in a group of 6 this season - it’ll be the bottom 6 though, not the top!

    • Like 12
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  9. 8 minutes ago, Jerseybean said:

    I agree, however, I suspect they will not be offered new contracts and in part because of their history with NP. 

    Losing all the experience is a big concern for me. You need to retain the older heads to pull the young ones through.  Would Scott and Tommy have progressed so well without King’s and Andi’s clear support for example. Moot I guess but I don’t think they would’ve. Also raises concerns about Manning’s management style IF we don’t retain or recruit experienced pros.  But we will see how things pan out. 

    • Like 7
  10. 2 hours ago, TV Tom said:

    In regards to you thinking that Manning is dull, boring, and comes across emotionless" it doesn't seem to have done Southampton and Ipswich any harm having similar managers with the the same temperament, give the guy a chance  

    Russell Martin is nothing like Manning in any way, save for age group.  He’s upbeat, passionate and extremely confident (bordering on cocky). To compare him with Manning is laughable.   

  11. 5 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    No. Me and you may have differing opinions on things and thats fine but we're both coming from the same place of wanting Bristol City to be successful.

    The reason we get called "little Bristol City" in the footballing world is because it's perceived that we are happy to accept mediocrity here. 

    I'm of the belief that you only achieve by having and demanding high performance/standards. 

    Like it or not when Pearson departed, the club put out videos showing X amount of players back in training. Why they did that, who knows. 

    Since Manning has come in and Pearson and Rennie have departed we have seen - 

    Atkinson played in a u21s game and then a few days later in an 11 V 11 which he then picked up another injury which has set him back. 

    Benarous picked up another injury. 

    Wells was said to be close to returning and then completely disappeared. 

    Naismith came back and got injured again. 

    Sykes got injured and we don't know when he'll be back. He appears to be behind schedule. 

    Twine picked up a small injury and started light work, they wanted him back for Coventry so upped his work which caused him to have a set back where a scan was then required. 

    To add balance the McCrorie return was done sensibly. 

    How can you look at all those things and think people's concerns about it is an agenda? It's quite clear something isn't quite right and it's right that some of us are questioning wtf is going on because all of those things are not just a coincidence. 

    And if all the above had happened under Pearson’s watch then god knows what the top medical experts Lansdown and Tinnion would’ve said. This is what grates.  The double ‘ing standards.   That’s not slagging Manning.   That’s slagging JL and BT for those who need clarification! 

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  12. 3 minutes ago, 95red said:

    He saves decent  shots any other championship  keeper would ,where he fails is he makes more mistakes  than other championship  keepers. He's league  1 .

    That save at the end on Friday night - if any Prem keeper made it people would be milking themselves over it. Amd he made plenty of others v West Ham home and away.     FWIW and I’ve said it before I don’t think he is good enough for top 6, but he’s fine for where we actually are as opposed to where we apparently want to be.  And he isn’t league 1. 

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  13. 7 minutes ago, Jerseybean said:

    Coventry equalise following a quickly taken (and poorly defended) throw in! 

    It was already a worry and now it’s becoming a pretty serious issue.  Ita a very simple basic and we just can’t seem to get it right.  It’s really really poor and again as said before it needs addressing.  

    • Like 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, Graham76 said:

    Good point.  Let's be honest, we wont see Twine until March at the earliest.  

    Friend who told us this on Friday night said his source said it’s a bad quad and it’s ‘up to 3 months’. I seriously hope he isn’t right! 

  15. 15 hours ago, Forest Red said:

    FFP cheats? No - what ever the outcome of process it doesn’t affect our spending in this season. It revolves around whether Johnson’s sale to Spurs was part of he 22/23 accounts or this years accounts

    The sale was in a separate accounting period to the one you’re being charged over.   There is no ‘whether’ about it.  Hope you get done for it.  Sick of clubs like yours taking the piss and then bleating over it. 

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