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Everything posted by lenred

  1. It’s really boring isn’t it. Good god. A few away fans in the home end and a bit of handbags!!! What was it Pougatch said ‘a return to the darkest days of our game’. He obviously doesn’t get about much!!
  2. That was simply incredible. It’s why we love football. Got goosebumps watching that at the end. Superb.
  3. Well they are the family club after all so showing their caring side should come naturally to them (only if it helps them of course)
  4. It’s not no, but it needs fixing and sharpish. We lost a good amount of attacking situations and turned over possession yesterday because if it and it needs addressing. As said above - you see better options in Sunday league.
  5. It’s funny isn’t it. Like you all Polish people and people of Polish descent (first generation) that I’ve met could not be any nicer and kinder and good people. A bloke at my dads work was especially helpful to him when he fell very ill - literally kindness personified. Likewise I’ve had great bosses (he was even a Gashead!) and colleagues, one of whom have turned into a very good mate. It’s a part of the make up as to why that vote a while back hurt so much and to me was just nonsensical - but we won’t go there!!!
  6. It looks like a cow shed. It’s horrific.
  7. Really? I know one of the Mails () main reporters, Rob Draper, lives/lived here as we met him on the train back from the cricket in London one day a few years back. He may of course have moved on by now. Was a nice bloke but I was struck how little he knew about us considering he was a football writer living in our city (ha had only just moved down at the time tbf).
  8. **** me, look at the ‘concourse’. It’s horrendous all round.
  9. Yep and Forest and ‘pool both have games on that Tuesday also. As long as it’s not Thursday!
  10. It was a pure joy to watch a City side dominate on the physical side. Makes a huge difference. Hope we can continue to build on that at our level as well.
  11. Sore head this morning but very much worth it Absolutely superb night. Fantastic atmosphere to match one of our best performances for a very good while. Well done all, Manning, players and fans. Over the two games against a top 6 team we were absolutely superb.
  12. I do get the over thinking challenge and I’m really excited about watching ST play. I guess I just really really don’t want to ever go back to the ‘boom and bust / Chuck enough crap at the wall days’ that we had to endure the fall out from for the last 3 years and all the challenges that brought. I want to see a cohesive plan as imo that’s the only way we progress. Repeat though, very excited to see him in the team and who knows what happens as you say in 6 months time.
  13. Hallelujah. Great post. Put far more eloquently and succinctly than I was trying to do last night!!
  14. Yeah I agree. I think a draw, hopefully not a bore one. If we get a performance like we did at their place I’ll be very happy. Looking forward to it.
  15. Your exact words: ’5 mil "too much" No signings = no ambition. Loan signing made, and no obligation to pay 5 mil "what a pointless signing" There's people on here who want to be upset about everything.’ You made this statement. Not me. I simply asked you (no swearing - the ‘again’ was wrong in some ways but referred to me asking someone else who also made this nonsense claim) to prove it and you started getting defensive and arsey, clearly because you cannot prove it. Why make statements like this in the first place if it’s not true? Also as pointed out to you your statement above misses a huge swathe of good discussion on the merits of the deal at different levels. You just enjoy stirring shit up and don’t like it being pointed out to you so resort to the usual retorts that those who can’t back up their arguments do…...I’ll leave it there.
  16. That’s not how it works though is it? You accuse, you prove. I’ve told you you won’t be able to so you've chucked the old ‘can’t be ****** - you do it’ bollocks. I’m completely fine. You’re the one who is desperately trying to pick fights and don’t like it when people politely ask you to prove your workings.
  17. Oracles has spoken. All is well in the world!
  18. Ahhh the old ‘can’t be ****** to back up my bullshit statement so I’ll just reply back with the same answer’. Clueless and angry then. Hope you feel better soon.
  19. Go on then. Or is it just another bullshit statement for you to get your anger out with?
  20. Just the blokes posting ‘hilarious’ memes.
  21. Again I’ll ask you to post where the same poster has said those things. You won’t be able to.
  22. No they didn’t. Option to buy is a completely different ball game.
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