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Everything posted by lenred

  1. Public and personal health is not a case of party politics for grown ups.
  2. I’d imagine that the slack that has been afforded is getting tighter with possible changes coming in January.
  3. What’s your point in posting this?
  4. Not to the extent quoted by KITR they can’t.
  5. Yes City. Fantastic point on the road ????????
  6. Next week I believe although I think some clubs have already implemented spot checks. Last chance for the non believers today!
  7. I do think the pub thing is the weird standout in all of this. Why it hasn’t gone back to table service I don’t really know. Definitely some foibles in the rules but some better than none.
  8. Not but just trying to understand where you are coming from. It’s fine no need to answer - must’ve mixed you up with someone else. Apologies.
  9. Forgive if I’m wrong but you said you have had the jabs right?
  10. No, under 17s are exempt I believe.
  11. It’s not relevant. It’s massively hyperbolic nonsense imho to try and justify your position on the use of an app. It’s an app. That holds simple information that’s already freely available. Are you sure it’s that that you are actually arguing against?
  12. My life and those of my loved ones and friends have (and are currently) been / being severely scarred by some of those extremely difficult health items you raised as I’m sure many are on here. To use them as some kind of argument against the use of an app which contains known data is quite frankly pathetic.
  13. I’ve never entered a lateral flow as I’ve never needed to enter its details. Not a PCR either.
  14. It’s downloading an app and flashing it at a steward if asked. No doubt it’s going to be a pain getting into City as it has been already at many places I’ve had to show it but hey ho, it’s where we are atm. But I really dont get what the issue is and I’m certainly not going to deny myself my joys in life - sport, gigs, galleries, museums etc - for the sake of having to show it. Protest of any kind doesn’t do anything in this country - we will all have our only chance to protest at the ballot box in two or so years time and I’d imagine plenty on here currently bemoaning Boris and his covid decisions will sadly still be voting for him / his replacement come what may.
  15. That’s always been the case for me. Never heard of the app showing a month’s pass.
  16. Why would you protest against the club. It’s a government introduced regulation that the club must abide by.
  17. It’s football related though. Very very much so. But your call.
  18. Not suggesting that at all? Not sure why the passive aggressive answer? At a guess it would be Phantom. He used to move anything COVID related back in the day from the main forum, even when I and many others thought it a very relative discussion to football. As I said though it’s you and the other moderators ball and you can do what you want with it.
  19. Agree. Could have a good guess who’s done it as well. Annoying that they do it tbh but it’s their ball I guess.
  20. Happy for it to come in as COVID numbers are ramping back up and anything to help the NHS is welcome IMHO. Hoping City / Bears have plans in place for organising it and how the logistics will impact upon match days. Can see it being a mare tbh!
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