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Everything posted by WessexPest

  1. But remember - they got the best end of the Taylor deal ???
  2. Sounds like the big concern for them is not necessarily the results but how badly they are playing. Long may it continue. As much as I hate them though I’m not going to comment on whatever the crowd is on Tuesday eve - obviously that tournament is being boycotted. Prefer to focus on their pitiful attendances for games that actually matter. Have they managed five figures once yet this term?
  3. Their FB page is comedy gold again. Most are admittedly saying how abysmal they are playing but then you get stuff like: ”I’ll always be a Gashead but I’m embarrassed to admit I’m one. I play walking football and any new players who turn up are Sheeds. We are the oldest club in Bristol and should be the most successful.” ”we have a multimillionaire owner - spend some fricking money!!!”
  4. Let’s hope their season ends similarly to 92/93 - although obviously someone else other than us will have to hammer the final nail into their relegation coffin instead of City this time (Wish that video was still on YouTube - even Mark Lawrenson on commentary couldn’t ruin it for us). Up the Hatters!!!
  5. I saw the crowd was 9008 - how many Plymouth bring? A fair few I’d imagine. Pathetic support from the Rent Boys.
  6. Gavin Ward, Stoke goalkeeper, was attacked by a Gash cretin at the Mammary too.
  7. “Last 15 minutes of the match replayed.” Hahaha!!!! Yes, that happens all the time. Oh, you hypocritical Gas fool.
  8. I recognise the guy to the left of Braintree No.15 - fairish hair, blue jacket right at the first one of the terrace. This is pretty obscure but he was interviewed in an HTV West documentary about the Bristol rivalry in 96/97 - it aired about a week before the first Mammary Ground fixture, and a couple of months afer THAT derby. He was at a Gash home game and they won. He said “Bring the City on” to thbe camera. Of course City were brought on and duly beat the scum 2-1.
  9. And the Gash riposte? ”...we know what we are, a pub team from Wessex, we know what we are...”
  10. On this day four years ago, 6/9/2014: Braintree 2 Bristol Rovers 0. Seem to recall the Gash fans didn’t take that defeat too well.
  11. Oh yes, that muppet on the Man City Forum; “They might’ve taken 8000 to the Etihad but we took 4500 to Chelsea.”
  12. They’ll never be insignificant. Horrible club that deserves derision regardless of what division they’re in.
  13. Far less cringey than sticking hashtags on our shirts.
  14. The tweet thread should probably be merged into this one. For those who think it lacks class - remind yourself of some of the nonsense the Gash come out with, give your head a wobble and remember why we should be sticking the boot in at every opportunity.
  15. I thought it was funny personally. For a “tinpot competition” passions were certainly running high that night.
  16. Shrewsbury away next up for the Rent Boys - a repeat of the result in the corresponding fixture last season would do quite nicely. 4-0 not beyond the realms of possibility the way they’re playing! Let us hope.
  17. What, did they boo even more loudly at the final whistle than they did against Southend on Saturday?
  18. The “excluding first game post wars” caveat just somehow makes even worse reading for the Gash! In Venezuelan Bolivars?
  19. Sorry, Pete beat me to it with the bingo card!
  20. The Snake and the Doctor within the space of a week at Loftus Road. Love it!!!!!
  21. Could end up being a Boob Cricket score at this rate...
  22. Tonight’s cup tie at Loftus Road is being billed as:- The Wally With the Brolly vs. The Wally With No Lolly. Probably...
  23. Do they have a blanket virtual ban on all opposing fans as Luton did for realsies in the 1980s or is just City fans they don’t allow on there?
  24. “W*nky Yurt Has Holes - B*ll*ks!” OK, I’ll stop now...
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