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Portland Bill

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Posts posted by Portland Bill

  1. On 27/11/2021 at 11:16, Moments of Pleasure said:

    Yes, but .....

    .... Nige is doing it in the Championship. And keeping us Championship. 

    McInnes and then SO'D were charged with starting this in the Championship, and took us down (sans une whimper), then SO'D continued everything (cutting the wages, losing games, taking us down) in League One.


    I didn’t realise we were doing so well this season, last time I looked at the table we were not too far away from the relegation places! 

  2. 8 hours ago, gl2 said:

    In fact millions of people were indeed swayed by the brexit promise to leave which we have done.

    We are not now governed by other countries rules and regs, we have however seem to become a target for many other countries people

    Which other countries rules were we governed by? 

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Bar BS3 said:

    So I've just watched the first couple of episodes of Fever Pitch - The rise of the Premier league. 

    As I was only 11/12 when our nations format changed, I was fairly oblivious to the utter greed involved in its conception. 

    Ironically, it was Liverpool, Everton, Man United, Spurs & Arsenal who were the "big 5" who championed the idea to shit on all the other league clubs. Everton ??

    Man City & Chelsea were relative minnows back then and only managed to become contenders after vast investment from unlimited wealth. 

    Blackburn, by standards back then, did the same - albeit via a local benefactor rather than foreign. Their £26million squad was seen as incredible spending power that others couldn't compete with - indeed, the got Shearer over Man Utd because United asked for more time to get the transfer fee together..! 

    I know a Leicester had significant investment, but not by the standards of the others & are really the only exception to extreme wealth buying the title. 

    It's an interesting watch, for those who've not seen it (I'm not sure how old it is) 

    You only have to look at the clubs who were in that league at the start & those who have managed fleeting 1 or 2 season forays into it, to see that without vast money, it's pretty much a closed shop. Certainly to have a chance of challenging in it. 

    You do realise Leicester cheated ffp when they last got promotion to the premier league.

    They are no saints!.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, gl2 said:

    That is not Boris`s fault the party in before could have changed the system or any of prev goverments. Boris won by the system used at the time that is not his fault.

    I do agree in hindsight mistakes have probably been made but so have huge gains by life saving jabs and business`s saving loans/furloughing etc.

    Dispite what many media outlets want us to believe I do not believe for one second mad raves or parties occurred at Downing St, in fact in reality there was probably no difference to what occurred there than anywhere else last xmas.

    Anyway we still have a sh1tty virus to fight it is far from over, and of course the ruskies and Chinese looking to dominate the world by fear and oppression. We need to look at the bigger picture not be obsessed my media trivia.

    Was it “media trivia” when the same media attacked Corbyn constantly for five years?.

  5. 1 hour ago, gl2 said:

    Hes every right as he was elected by the conservatives who were elected by well by .......us to run this country. Unless of course you support minority rule?

    Of course you are correct. But millions of people also knew/know he was elected on a pack of lies ( predominantly brexit lies). Which 45% of the population fell for in 2019.

    So you will have to excuse a lot of us when we feel Johnson is just a con man whose propaganda worked on people who couldn’t see past it.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, gl2 said:

    Agree it was a bit over dramatic and I appologise however.......maybe the long descending list was also a bit ott when a simple number would have been suffice?

    If I hadn’t answered in depth, I would have no doubt been asked for figures.

    So I thought it was easier to do it that way. 
    I came across a simple graph the other  day which would have been easier to post….. but couldn’t find it !!

  7. 9 minutes ago, gl2 said:

    thats a couple of dozen out of............................195 Countries...how dare we be so far down the list....off with his head.

    East end old boy asked me which countries we were behind. So I answered the question.

    No need to put big printing mate, are you always this dramatic! 

  8. 29 minutes ago, pillred said:

    We may well have done but the blame for that must surely be as much that there is a certain amount of punishing us for leaving the Eu which cost them billions in income as we were a net contributor to the whole EU project, personally having lived through this country being in and out of the EU there was a lot more to the majority voting leave, and there was a majority however small that voted leave (more than a million) there was more to it than just the money aspect, you cannot put a price on gaining back the ability to self govern I would not be surprised if other countries were given a similar referendum they would also choose to leave the EU, even the French. 

    What couldn’t we self govern ? 
    No one is punishing the Uk accept itself. The Uk voted to leave, had an oven ready deal ( which I presume you voted for?!) how is it possible for anyone to “ punish “ the Uk when we had such a great deal? And you obviously knew what and why you voted for it.

    • Like 2
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  9. 20 minutes ago, East End Old Boy said:

    Which countries?













    South Korea










    New Zealand




















    Costa Rica




    United Kingdom





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  10. 8 minutes ago, LoyalRed said:

    Starmer was on tv earlier, his party will be backing everything the Conservative party do and say.  65 plus conservative rebels, labour will once again side with the Conservative party. 

    Because…. Starmer isn’t playing politics with our lives during a pandemic.

    The tories are in a total mess, they are the ones in-fighting. Let them carry on fighting amongst themselves, they are going to destroy themselves.

    Finally, most people now realise ( what a lot of us knew) Johnson is a total liability.


    • Like 4
  11. 10 minutes ago, gl2 said:

    Oh fantastic, another Bash Boris thread I just don't have the words to express how much I like this post! but just what would have Starmer and his smarmy side kick do differently/better? remembering of course Starmer has no policies of his own.

    I know lets put the media and the beeb in control......oh wait a minute they are already as many believe whatever they say.

    Did you say the same about the media when they slaughtered Corbyn ? 

    • Flames 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, pillred said:

    Brexit is not going well at least partly because the two countries that run the EU (France and Germany) don't want it to, as for covid well that's been an unmitigated disaster and mistakes have been made but you can't deny the effort put into the vaccination rollout.  

    You can’t deny the effort, but we are well behind a lot of other countries.

    As for Brexit, well the latest study from October shows the UK lost £12 billion worth of trade in that month alone.


  13. 9 minutes ago, sticks 1969 said:

    In all fairness he has had the impossible job what with COVID and brexit 

    could anyone done a better job ?

    Probably about 60 plus million imo! Just remember it was his choice to be the face of brexit, and how well is that going?

    As for Covid, he hasn’t taken it seriously from the beginning. Total incompetence.

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  14. 39 minutes ago, ashton_fan said:

    Got it here 2 mins 54 sec:


    I was in the away end that night. It was only a year after the Hillsborough tragedy. It was eary looking down on the terrace below and thinking of what had happened not long before.

    I must say that the atmosphere that night was possibly the best I’ve ever witnessed, the Wednesday kop was heaving and was an awesome sight.


  15. 28 minutes ago, pillred said:

    Let's see what the final figures are first, and do Germany count the deaths exactly the same way we do? if not the figures may well be more comparable like for like. I mean death for any reason in the last month if they had had Covid even those killed on the roads or who were in their late 90s. And before you jump down my throat I believe the government have made a lot of mistakes but hindsight is a wonderful thing.

    It’s not hindsight when Italy ( 3 weeks in front of us at the time) were telling us to lockdown immediately to stop people dying. Wurzel Johnson ignored  the Italian warning, and thousands died in the UK as a direct result of not locking down in time.


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  16. 5 hours ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    Yep - a geezer stood behind me got into The Gate about five minutes after kick off for that game - at the end he said ‘decent point that’ - his face when I told him ... ?

    I arrived two minutes late for a home game against Blackpool once, we scored in the second half. I was convinced we had won 1-0 and wondered why others were looking disappointed. Blackpool had scored in the first minute!! 

    • Like 1
  17. Everton have possibly the most loyal fanbase in the country, sell outs most weeks and fantastic away support. They also happen to be in the same City as one of the most successful clubs in Europe over the last 40 years, they themselves had a fantastic team in the mid 80’s, a team that were unable to show their true worth due to the European ban on English clubs. Yes, the ban that their neighbours initiated with the Heysel disaster. 
    Why wouldn’t they feel bitter. After all, they have more support in their own City than their neighbours have!. 

    The managers of that club have spent £500 million over the last few years, the fans do feel that their club should be doing better!. 
    Imagine if we were in the same situation and Bristol Rovers were a highly successful club, ( I know, I know!!) how would we feel. I find it hard to see why anyone on here can’t work out why Everton fans are hugely peed off with their club.

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