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Portland Bill

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Posts posted by Portland Bill

  1. I wasn't, I was replying to your referencing of the use of chemical weapons by Saddam Hussein in Iraq as a reasonable reason to invade 15 years after the event and referencing that the same happened in Syria and even a week after the event Labour didn't think it was that important.

    Anyway earlier you asked for balance and I would say that apart from you and 2 others the balance is there, because most people on this thread believe that given the choices of the 3rd rate, self promoting, shameless ,lying politicians and their parties and their/and their parties recent histories, that the prefix politician means at least a 90% chance of them being as useless and corrupt as the rest of them past or present, the reason that people hate politicians so much and voting numbers are going down, just watch Harman on newsnight last night or the transcript of Blair's advice to Rebecca Brooks or the way that all politicians of whatever persuasion made excuses and are still making excuses over the expenses scandal.

    I'll say it again.i was answering Barr Court's post on Syria.

    But I'm glad I have you the chance to have a rant ;)

  2. There are plenty of the then decision makers left in this latest version of the labour party and also a plethora of the sheep happy to go along with all of the decisions.

    The chemical weapons were used in 1988, the 1st gulf war should have dealt with that, it's a bit of stretch for even for the labour party to link the 2.

    We were talking about Syria.
  3. Would they bollocks!!! Missed opportunity in Syria, as we've since not only seen chemicle weapons used, but the rebellion infiltrated by Jihadists.

    The Labour government sat and did nothing while 6 million were slaughtered in Congo. Dafaur? George Clooney did more than our government. I guess Blaire was too busy hugging Gadaffi to care.

    As I understand it, the chemical weapons were used " before" the commons debate Esmond refers to?

    As for the Congo, how about Rwanda? Did John Major do anything while the slaughter went on in that country?

    I guess he was to busy shagging Edwina.

  4. What I am saying is it shows the mind blowing hypocrisy of labour in power and labour in opposition, must be a new policy shift labour now need evidence to go to war.

    Blair,Mandelson etc were the decision makers in power,different people make the decisions now.

    Yes,a policy shift, or is that wrong as well!

    Hypocrisy is when the same people make different decisions.

    For example, do you think Cameron is a hypocrit for changing the view of the Thatcher Tory party over Hillsborough?

  5. I see so Syria fits the bill then?, oh hang on the labour party changed their mind on which way it was going to vote at the last minute on that one.

    Really? So you were happy for this country to do exactly what YOU have said was wrong with the Iraq invasion?

    Labour asked for evidence,if it was conclusive they would have backed the government.

  6. Let me clear this up for you because I don't wish for you to get the wrong idea about who I support.

    I don't vote for any of them, they are all cut from the same cloth and don't represent me in anyway. Whoever is in charge gets the same two fingers up at them. Last year my local Tory MP Mark Harper had to face a 2 minute onslaught at my front door, previous to that the Labour candidate endured similar.

    Until we have something worth voting for I will continue to spoil my paper. But when I see blatant bias in what is supposed to be an impartial corporation I will call it as I see it. The BBC is very left biased, it's written all over every political programme or interview they do.

    Fair enough mate, we aren't going to agree re the bias,but I totally respect and to a degree agree with your views of the political parties.
    • Like 1
  7. The 'silly policy' argument against UKIP is astonishing.

    Look at some of the doozies from the big 3.

    Unfettered Immigration

    Slashing of the Armed Forces (don't worry, the French will lend us a carrier if we need one :facepalm: )

    Culling of the Police Service

    Deliberate neglect of manufacturing industries (those that are left)

    Huge increases in foreign aid to places like Pakistan

    And the latest - albeit rejected, but this was a proposal from the Conservatives - the administer expensive medications based on "social contribution"

    I'll take Farage any day over scum like that..


    The big 3 can forget about the oiks not voting. The people told Cameron and co where to shove his war against Syria, and they are about to tell him where he can shove his EU as well.

    And in 2015 the UKIP WILL get MP's.

    There is no doubt that Ukip will do well in the EU elections,a very low turnout will obviously help them.

    But I still struggle to see where they will get MP's in 2015. The 18-20% in the opinion polls ( edit,actually 12%) will have to go up to 35% plus in constituency's to get MP's.

    I just don't see it happening.

  8. That can be said of any government in power, Bill.

    I know, and it's reflected in the QT audience. When Labour were in power they came in for more stick from the QT audience,now it's the Tory's turn,

    Screech wouldn't have claimed the audience 5 years ago was pro Tory,but now the boots on the other foot he's using the old bias claim.

    Let's remember, the Tories have no mandate from the people,they weren't popular enough to win a majority in the 2010 election and now are even less popular!

  9. The thing is, I obviously watch QT from a completely different angle than you.

    I see people every week that are quite clearly members of the Tory party,it doesn't take a genius to spot them.

    You probably see people who to you are quite clearly Labour members.

    We all see things differently,but to you it's political bias,to me it's because more people dislike this government than like it.

  10. The BBC is the Labour party mouthpiece Gobbers. You watch any episode of the Labour partys midweek broadcast called question time, the audience is loaded with Labour activists and lefty apologists. King Tony and his heir to the throne Prince Gordon must not be shown in a bad light.

    Haha :) that old one,perhaps the audience is just a reflection of what the people actually think of this government,ever thought of that!

    No one is stopping you from going in the QT audience,it's open to all.

    Just as a matter of interest. ;)http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/bbc-accused-ofpolitical-bias--on-the-right-not-the-left-9129639.html

  11. Serious question who would stop Mugabe, oh hang on Zimbabwe didn't have anything we wanted like oil and for the record, the Iraqi's are now killing each other in huge numbers pretty much on a daily basis.

    There are plenty of despots killing their own people and we don't invade any of them.

    I agree with you,oil was obviously the main reason,the fact that Bush was financed by the American oil industry had a big bearing as well.

    The main reason Iraq stood out over the likes of Zimbabwe was the use of Chemical weapons being used on the people.

    It's a bigger story for the media to get there teeth into. The media control ( most people) what they want us to think and see.

  12. I don't think we did gas thousands of Iraqi civilians. Let's face it, 99.99% of Iraqis have been killed by other Iraqis - in the name of sectarianism.

    His cousin wasn't nicknamed Chemical Ali for nothing was he. Saddam Hussain is one of the 20th century's most evil men.

    But it's ok,OTIB posters have proof that it was all the Labour Party fault!!

  13. Aint that the truth EMB. Blair should have had the same ending as Hussein, a proven liar who sent many British troops and innocent Iraqi women and children to their deaths. He tops the tree as the scummiest politician that has ever took office in this country. A real shit of a man.

    Ah right,so Saddam Hussain hadn't already gassed to death thousands of his own innocent woman and children then ??

    Who knows what he was going to do next.

    As Red Robbo says,Its not a defence of Blair, but someone somewhere would have eventually done something about Saddam Hussain.

  14. and now protected by a labour party full of shit bags who went along for the ride and gutless labour voters, to blinkered to able to admit the truth, this is the same labour party who would enter into talks with the Spanish government over sovereignty of Gibraltar and no doubt Argentina over the Falklands, a government who expected support in government but never offer support in opposition.

    Or you could talk about the Labour government in the late 70's who sent a task force to the Falkland isles. A task force that stopped any Argentine thoughts of invasion.

    Unlike a few years later when ( again) Tory cuts ( HMS Endurance) gave the Argies the thoughts of invasion. War monger Thatcher then had her wishes granted!

    • Like 2
  15. Brown encouraged the HBOS takeover by LloydsTSB of course so probably felt morally obliged to bail them out with our money. No doubt if Osborne did the same thing we'd have to endure a raft of comments on the theme of helping out his banker chums.

    More than likely! I'm no apoligist for the last Labour government, far from it.

    Blair was a Tory as far as I'm concerned.

    Not as extreme as the current mob though.

    • Like 1
  16. We all can't wait for Labour to get their hands on the countries money and gold again. It's like giving your 9 year old the pin to your credit card.

    The irony of this is, this government have borrowed more in 4 years than the last Labour government did in 13 years!
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