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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Center back makes horror pass. Yep Pearson is responsible. We could have had three penalties, he’s not responsible there either. They owe us a good go second half. Guess we will see
  2. Overseas? It’s on ESPN. But I’ll check
  3. How do they always make a mess of this in the Cup!
  4. The idea that a level of shirt pulling in the penalty area is acceptable is to me nuts. But you see it all the time. Didn’t they try adding ten yards to a free kick for arguing once? I’m all for anything that stops that. Oh and make referees better by micro phoning them up for pro football
  5. I'm watching the Brentford v WHU game on ESPN+ in the USA and the commentator has referred to Jay DeSilva a couple of times, so I guess he's not playing tomorrow.
  6. That must have been a hell of a primary school you went to! Of the promotion team and since, how many, if any, have won more? Serious question. I don’t have time to look.
  7. Italian Dave and I have made our piece over LJ, so I won’t respond in this thread again. However I certainly would not say LJ was a fraud of a player. He was part of two/three good sides for us and won a Scottish League Cup winners medal. Despite inviting the obvious ironic statements with that last sentence, you can’t be a complete fraud winning one of those!
  8. Steve Lansdown answered the point about a top half side so I didn’t have to four years ago. He got fired for failure per paragraph one. The money was a huge part of that continued failure But yes we can agree as you say!
  9. Give up mate. The bloke blew our money and was fired by his mentor for it.He didn’t fire himself did he. (Incidentally Ashton wasn’t fired but I guess that’s all part of the plot exonerating Lee Johnson) The rest is imagination and spin!
  10. I think you look at things in a way that somehow allows you to think that Lee Johnson was a victim of a circumstance that he was not/tenuously a party too! He was in fact integral to throwing away money that has had repercussions well past his tenure. The rest of it is as you say is less than academic speculation! As for what was happening on the pitch…There wasn’t much to cheer after the Wolves home defeat. We even had the ignominy of players and the club forking out for the direness of one of our particular performances. We continue to be an established Championship club not because of Lee Johnson but in spite of him!
  11. Who knows what the remits were for individuals. However the thought that money was not discussed between the three people involved plus the CFO and the board of directors is not credible! Johnson Ashton and Lansdown carry the can, with a supporting cast of half wits and sons!
  12. Not sure I include myself in the WE(s) in the post. LJ chucked money away backed by Ashton, while SL said my money my choice (which we now know with certainty that is only partially true as FFP is making us sell our best players) The utter utter dross signings of which there were many dressed up as world beaters by a couple of total ******* who had no right to be anywhere near our club and profligate spending on wages that went with it were both obviously crazy. Highlighted Particularly when you watched the product.
  13. It doesn’t surprise me that a purchaser is considering the size and the plans for the entire arena and all of its activities, that is a fact. It’s clear that one stand of the main arena is simply not big enough and looks out of place. To the extent that can be rectified I’m sure is under consideration for the fiftieth time by all concerned However if a top flight position was attained to what extent attendance as a revenue stream would effect a possible sale, and overall revenue who knows! City wouldn’t be the smallest. Nevertheless size matters in life, but when you tag on Rugby and other sports particularly those that might have some cross advantages and daily uses to certain buyers it’s still a nice package.
  14. I would not be surprised if something has gone to a higher takeover/investment level. I think SL is very much aware that JL really doesn’t seem that interested and as such there is no reason to continue being the benefactor. Of course due to FFP it doesn’t matter how much money people have it doesn’t make a whole deal of difference until we can create new/more revenue as a club The silence from the board and the Lansdowns recently had been deafening and as I have stated in the past is indicative of a possible deal! Despite what I read on here Bristol Sport with the stadium is quite a tasty proposition for the right people!
  15. Of course you are right about their possibilities. Who knows where they could go. However they have money available now and are being associated with a guy that is a on the watch list of clubs at home and abroad, by all accounts. I suppose either way we agree. In this case selling to a rival club in the division does not apply here as to all intense and purposes they won’t be for long. Having Semenyo to be integrated in by Kompany in this division does have upside. Guess we will see.
  16. A move to Burnley might not be a bad thing for the player or the club. They are in no way competition with us, even if we put together a miracle run. They would have to melt down completely not to get top two and have plenty to spend. Not out of the question I would suggest.
  17. Pring had his career slowed by DeSilva in my opinion. DeSilva was an LJ bauble that cost a fortune and was almost immediately diagnosed with shin splints. Yet another crock that was missed by the medical staff and managed to get themselves paid for not very much. Is there anyone out there there that’s better and available to us or do we have anyone coming through is the question. From what I heard several have been offered contracts and as DeSilva was on the bench I suspect he was one of them. Guess we will know soon enough!
  18. Do the management of The 3 Lions know that their name is associated with this!?
  19. The tag line we want our <something> back still resonates 7 years after Trump Got elected. It’s always a nice easy one mind you. We want something back that we actually never had and is difficult to define. The club does as good a job as any club with its supporters, we simply haven’t done as well as we would like on the field this season… Still I’m all for freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Go for it! However as for my expression and speech. They’re a bunch of idiots
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