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Posts posted by CotswoldRed

  1. 15 hours ago, Super said:

    Its a thread called City Women its fairly obvious what its about! If you have no interest just ignore it ffs.

    I think the grown up conversation is whether it should have a separate section. Else your argument could be used for just about anything really. 

    Yes, ignore if you don't want to read, but in the meantime should it have its own sub-forum? I think so. 

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Spoons said:

    Dare think people want to talk about women's football you dinosaur....your views are out of touch. Put the women all in one thread and brush them under the carpet. 

    I agree it makes sense to separate. If anything, to bring focus to their game, rathe than it being drowned and falling to the bottom of the page in minutes. 

    My son plays for West Brom in the National Powerchair Football League. They receive direct support from the club and wear their shirts and use their training facility. Do I expect them to be discussed on West Brom's forum? Not really. 

    • Like 3
    • Hmmm 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    Get the feeling that Alf Garnett will not be around too long based upon the crap he has dished up in his first 6 games.  Shame really as he seems like just the man to take them back out of the Football League where they belong.

    Surely they can't afford to sack him? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    Wally said they`d be in there in two years about six months ago so all good for the 21/22 season I should think. The build must be progressing nicely - I`ve not heard of any problems so I`m sure it is.

    Not even noticed an upturn in lorries and associated traffic. 

    Considerate constructors scheme is clearly an excellent one. 

    • Haha 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Seneca the Younger said:

    "My only concern so far is the STYLE of football causing our dramatic fall in attendances or just a sign of the times ?" 


    It must be a sign of the times, our attendances are dropping every week too ?



    I'd say it had more to do with a #**t ground, #*** facilities, a smoke and mirrors owner and a general realisation that being a gas head is a terrible blight on one's own standing in civilisation. 

    • Like 2
  6. 13 hours ago, 22A said:


    2 league games in our last seven matches. This must be a bit like supporting Liverpool or Man City.

    I hope we keep winning in this tournament for the sake of the prize money. Would be nice to give some young lads and normal rotation players some minutes and get a few wins. Looking at the teams that are left and the ones that went through last night there’s no reason we can’t go all the way. Having said that, I hope we win each game in front of a crowd of about 50 people.


    Prize money? Will hardly pay for the stewards. 

  7. 9 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

    To a point I agree with you, but you only have to look at Caulker who expressed that being housed in a flat on Anchor Road, opposite a casino with no support did him no favours.

    Some people are ready for independent living in their teens, others less equipped.

    No right or wrong answers there.

    Having been to Uni, in general its overwhelmingly positive to say ttfn to parents. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Delusional Fewers still spouting nonsense!

    Chatting to one last night and they seem convinced that Wally is too far in to financially supporting the club to do anything but continue, by pointing out that the family are the best part of 20mil in.

    The counter argument of, 'but this is secured against the stadium, so they could put the club in administration and still get their money back' was completely lost on them.

    Wonder how their plans are coming along?

    Indeed. A decent financial adviser would probably suggest moving on and selling the Mem, ready for a new venture. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:

    Sag Porn, knock ( one ) yourself out lads 


    Ha. I have a 2013 Rovers ball in my loft. Signed by all the players. One day I'll get around to passing it on to the sags so they can auction it for a good cause, else I'd sling it. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, BCFC11 said:

    So what do you think are the plus’s of playing that lot then apart from what I’ve mentioned above? You want them to join us in the Championship to get the league derbies back again yet even if they did I have no doubts that both games would get moved to midday kick offs which on its own takes away a lot of the atmosphere.

    Good point. No way would that be allowed to kick off at a normal time. 

  11. 43 minutes ago, wood_red said:


    I have been told that the sale of the Fruit Market land has been agreed, and there definitely won't any objections by anyone to a stadium there whatsoever, and the council are all on board with it.

    I still do not understand why anyone would not just buy the land and build housing and commercial/retail and sell it and off they go? Now add in the Mem land there is obviously profit involved building on that as well so another positive to this so called consortium. The trouble with buying the club or even getting it free, they are losing £3 million per year, and have to pay £40 million for a stadium on top, £20 million in debt and £30 million for the land. The clubs debt will still keep rising as they will still be in the mem with their poor crowds (I suppose they will be getting £15 million for Clarke Harris though).

    Why would this consortium suddenly be throwing money at the club - they won''t? I just see another "billionaire Jordanian bankers" owners coming along trying to line their own pockets. The whole situation is odd, seeing as they will be around £100 million in debt with the current debt, cost of land and stadium. Is there really that much profit in the building trade - if it does happen be interesting to see how many houses/flats are being built.

    I didn't think Marvellous Marvin wanted a stadium down there anyway, so surely he will be objecting........

    Buy the land. Get to the stage of convincing the council a football club isn't workable there, then sell the derelict land for housing.

    • Thanks 2
  12. On 02/10/2019 at 08:17, Mike Hunt-Hertz said:

    When he's in a hospital bed, with congestive heart disease, he can at least rest easy that he's not a gurt ted.

    My thoughts. 15% is the healthy level of protein in a meal. Think he's looking at about 60% plus saturated cheap fats. 

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