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Posts posted by CotswoldRed

  1. 55 minutes ago, RED4LIFE said:

    I'm not sure how to word this as I would never try to belittle what happened there as it was utterly horrendous, but for me, Belsen shocked me more. 

    I'm not going to try and use numbers as a reference as to why I think that as humans should never be referenced as just a number but Belsen was harrowing. Especially considering they never actually had gas chambers there (no matter what the Sex Pistols may have sang about)

    I suppose it didn't help that my grandad was one of the first wave of troops that helped liberate Belsen. From listening to the people that knew him before that (especially my nan) they all say he was never the same afterwards.

    As a kid growing up he would tell me loads of stories about certain parts of the war (he was a desert rat fighting Rommel through Africa/Egypt and Italy). He told me about scratching his name on the sphinx and how his best friend burned to death in a tank that he escaped from, but he absolutely refused to speak about Belsen and what he saw.

    One of the great British reporters of the time Richard Dimbleby (father of David Dimbleby) said at the time

    "Here over an acre of ground lay dead and dying people. You could not see which was which... The living lay with their heads against the corpses and around them moved the awful, ghostly procession of emaciated, aimless people, with nothing to do and with no hope of life, unable to move out of your way, unable to look at the terrible sights around them ... Babies had been born here, tiny wizened things that could not live ... A mother, driven mad, screamed at a British sentry to give her milk for her child, and thrust the tiny mite into his arms, then ran off, crying terribly. He opened the bundle and found the baby had been dead for days.

    This day at Belsen was the most horrible of my life."


    Every day of our lives we should be thankful that we have never had to see or live through the absolute horror that people of only two or three generations past had to live.

    Incredible that, give or take, history in many schools has always been condensed into a story about a King who got an arrow through his eye and a few men sailing around the world on boats. 

    About as boringly predictable as teaching Shakespeare. 

  2. 51 minutes ago, PhilC said:

    I was out having drink after work tonight and pointed out to one of the prowed loyal and true that we will have 3x, almost 4x more than their attendance vs Gillingham. His response...?


    "You sound bitter"



    The gap is getting bigger every day. 

    They remind me of the bloke you used to see down the pub. You didn't like him much, he was loud and annoying, but he was always there.

    Years later your own life and business is successful and you've married a supermodel only to find out his own wife has left him, he's moved into a bedsit and he's a blithering hollowed out wreck of a being. 

    That's Rovers since I was a kid. 

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Just had a look at that player contract negotiations thread they have running, usual hilarity.

    They don't want Wally involved, and they think it's too early to offer terms, but none of them have looked at it from the point of view that he might already have a low release clause in his contract, which given he was a free signing from Cov reserves wouldn't be unlikely.

    So maybe they want to offer him a better deal now, so they can remove/increase that figure and get a better price for him if people start sniffing in Jan.

    But they are too stupid to consider that.

    He'll do whatever is right for him, not Rovers. 

  4. 8 hours ago, reddoh said:

    Its quiet sad that quite a few years ago I was reading a book about a french town Oradour-sur-Glane and realised that it was close to where we were staying so we went to visit the town.

    It is exactly as it was left by the SS (minus bodies) we decided not to take any photos as it was to upsetting to see. The woman who escaped from the church and survived lives(lived) in the new town the french built next to it.

    Also did the concentration camp North of Berlin and decided I had seen enough sad sights (again no photos).

    just typing this brought the memories back.

    Lets hope the world has learnt its lesson  


    I fear it never will, given the shameless nationalism (the bad side) racism and growing penchant for voting in nut jobs. If Trump was around in 1930s Germany, I know which political party he'd have been a member of..... 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Victory Park Reds said:

    I bet if they played at the Azteca new fruit market bowl they would have more.

    Is there some line dancing competition in Warmley hall or bingo at the labour club in staple hill on tonight.

    why the low crowd from the zombies?


    Each and every one of them assumed the other 40,000 were going to turn up tonight so it wouldn't matter. 

    They can't even use the "I was working" excuse. They'd have to have a job. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    They must be losing a fortune. I assume they count (like every other club does), all season tickets sold.

    So the pay on the day is going to be minimal - if not, near negative.

    Worryingly hysterical time ahead.

    Just busy proving to prospective investors that they are loyal. Huge return on investment to be had, clearly. 

  7. 1 hour ago, 22A said:

    Page 20 of today's "Metro"; a Leeds fan applied to become Spurs manager in 1999. His only experience is the game Football Manager.

    Spurs wrote back with a rejection letter. He now has a collection of 68 rejection letters and wants to complete a set of all 92 EFL & Prem clubs.

    Due to his experience, would he get a rejection from the gas?

    91 ?

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Major Isewater said:

    I would only consider going to the Mem to watch a small town club beat the Gas , wearing the Gas away kit and the result meant that the Jolly Rogers got relegated out of the League but we all know that is so far fetched that it could  never ever happen...



    It’s still the funniest thing ever  in football. 

    I would have loved to be there for that game.

    Although, according to most gas conspiracists, I was, like most of you too. 

    • Haha 3
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