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Gillies Downs Leeds

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Posts posted by Gillies Downs Leeds

  1. 17 minutes ago, Colemanballs said:

    Presumably the officials would be quite junior for a game such as this? Obviously, with the outages, didn't see much, but, from what I did see, they looked a darned sight better than most of the dross the first team get lumbered with on  a weekly basis.

    Yeah it would prob be refs that usually ref at BMF, Paulton, Frome level. To be fair there are some decent refs at that level that use common sense most of the time. And quite a few of them would engage with the players. Was watching a tier 8 game the other day and a player questioned the refs performance, the ref replied with "your shot 10 mins ago that went twenty yards wide wasn't too special". Player in questioned smiled and situation was dealt with. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, pongo88 said:

    David Rogers and Geoff Merrick, what a combination! Rogers  was what used to be called “an old fashioned centre half”,  but he held his own against top centre forwards in the old Division One. Merrick, on the other hand, had immense skill and was good in the air even though he was relatively short. If only we had them now when they were in their prime 

    Always remember a game where Rodgers got his face rearranged after a clash with I think Justin Fashanu.

  3. 15 minutes ago, RedM said:

    I thought he took a knock or two and appeared to be struggling for a while, the bench had Vyner up and warming up.

    I've seen all the games he's played since he joined and have been very impressed. Thankfully he was able to continue.

    Yeah definitely took a whack just before half time and was struggling a little.

  4. The difference second half was that Martin went back through the middle which gave us a focal point. First half he was playing from the left hand side with Semenyo through the middle. For all of his good performances recently Antoine couldn't keep hold of the ball in the first half. Much more involved second half when reverting to the wide forward role.

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  5. 50 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Need to watch a bit more of Henry.

    Palmer-Houlden (is he 18 yet) reminds me in style of Jon Stead.

    Bell looks sharp, good habits.  First time I’ve seen him, liked him a lot.

    Owers seems to have really improved this season. Thought he was never in games, but the last few he’s been everywhere…just like his dad, but the opposite foot.

    Morton very elegant, got to get himself a pro club, surely.

    Idehen on two showings I’d be amazed if he doesn’t get a deal for next season (even beyond).

    Soady best I’ve seen him play.  Was out for a long time with an injury, so maybe he’s taken a while to overcome it.

    Soady has managed to get a few games in on loan at Paulton which has helped him along. Idehen agreed no brainer to extend his deal imo. Zac Bell yeah like the look of him. Owers another who had a couple of loan spells to toughen him up. Has improved with that behind him.

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  6. If Williams is disciplined and plays the same role as yesterday sitting in front of TK X 2 and making the 3rd centre back at times I can't see the problem with him starting. It is not as if he needs to chase all over the park which is his natural game.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Yellow&Blue&Red said:

    The way that Pearson blasted Bakinson was puzzling. As above, if he wants to get rid of him, I couldn't understand why he'd undermine his resale value.

    One possibility that occurred to me was that Bakinson had been argumentative and / or undermining of other players or more likely someone on the coaching team and Pearson wanted to very publicly and forcefully give his backing to whoever had been on the receiving end of Bakinson's 'negative' behaviour. At the time he described Bakinson as 'sapping people's energy' (or something - can't remember the exact quote.

    If that were the reason Pearson gave him both barrels as he shipped him out, then I think that could be well judged.

    Interestingly since Bakinson went DaSilva has been back in the fold... Coincidence ?

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, The Bard said:

    Referee started off well playing the advantage rule a couple of times but then got steadily worse and worse to Davies esque proportions 

    I thought he was poor from the first whistle, I put in the match day thread that it wouldn't be a very good game after about 5 mins. It was stop start from minute 1. Slightest touch and he was blowing his whistle and stopping the game.

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