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Everything posted by Taz

  1. Disgraceful. We clearly need something to bolster the squad, and 12 hours 43 minutes after the window has opened we have nothing. Same old City, always playing catch up.
  2. Exactly, you never know what diseases could be picked up from being in the same building as them. The homeless have already got it rough as it is.....
  3. That's fair enough, even fewer people expected Bobby Reid to do as well as he did in that season for us. When you have someone like Wells on the bench though, regardless of what's going on with him (as he is clearly not in Pearsons plans), but to put Semenyo on the pitch as our main threat is a dangerous game for a club in our position.
  4. That doesn't score goals. I like him, he is raw, unpredictable and not frightened to run at people. However when you're after scoring goals, he's not one to rely on. Interested to see the odds of him getting the first goal when he starts.
  5. Taz


    In previous years that would be a yellow all day for incitement. Mind you the idiots that were throwing bottles his way are just pricks.
  6. Wife said that, looks fine for me though. Told her she was tired and to go to bed
  7. Was driving along the SS Great Britain last week, and the car in front literally stopped dead, as did a car coming in the opposite direction. Something handed over, and then at the roundabout the driver that was in front (now to my right) was clearly shoving it up his nose. This was at 1030 in the morning. It's not surprising, I just don't get the fascination with it. Mind you I've never taken anything, or smoked, so what do I know.
  8. Same here. Could depend on when their 16th birthday falls though? A bit like if your birthday is on the 31st August, you'd be the youngest in your year at school, however if it's 1st September then you would be the oldest in the year below that (if that makes sense). Could of course both be wrong
  9. Has been mentioned about the possibility of restraunt/bar expanding into that space when it's moved. Not sure if that's an official line, or just a suggestion from people on here though. Makes sense when you think about it though.
  10. They are. I know somebody who works at the club, and it is one avenue that is/was being looked at for improvement. Pretty sure that longterm, the shop will move across to the new phase of building works to a bigger and better unit. Until then though, I think it's a case of living with it in it's current state, whilst trying to house as much of as many different lines as possible. I know that they used to stock more football stuff when we were playing, more Rugby when Bears were playing etc. Whether that's still the case I don't know as I don't go as often anymore, and when I do I can't be bothered to push past people to look at stuff in there.
  11. That's what I've assumed, but it's not what the title suggests...
  12. No idea, but it may be something to bear in mind. May well be that as BCFC is a private company, they could effectively have done what they wanted to.
  13. Have had a look through and don't think anybody else has picked up on this, so I'll answer it - maybe. I work in a school, and when covid hit and started closing things left right and centre, as a school, we were still expected to pay our suppliers, or anybody that had an agreement in place already to provide a service - regardless of the fact that they were unable to provide said service. Government advice (ha!) was that everyone should be paid as they would be normally, and that the government would reimburse us afterwards, so that we weren't out of pocket. So, without being able to give a definite yes or no answer, on the same premise I would imagine that we as a club still had to pay for policing costs. That could well be reimbursed though. So there's your answer. Maybe. Clear as mud really
  14. But if nobody is willing and/or able to take them off our hands, what are we supposed to do? The comment about getting value on the pitch for Diedhiou, was poorly timed especially when it was common knowledge that we were unable to offer contracts to certain players but had made him a huge offer. That created a huge gulf in the squad. Secondly I think it was his way of putting a huge come and get him sign above his head. Unfortunately for us, his gamble backfired and nobody wanted to take him on on the huge wages he wanted (or that we offered). The clever man was made to look stupid. We would also never have got a big money offer for Paterson as he was so inconsistent - a point made to us when we signed him, and one proven by him barely setting the league alight since he left. Annoying that they left for free I agree, however neither were worth the money they were on when they left.
  15. Should be plenty of parking though...
  16. Having worked in that area for a few years a while ago, it must be something in the water. They really aren't the brightest bunch.
  17. Just had a very quick skim read, saw "OTIB will be happy with this post" and "some Brizzle bloke stirring things up and the usual suspects lapping it up". I couldn't care less, at least he's out of our club. All I'll add is that some of us did try to warn them when he went there. Some are seeing the light fairly quickly, but to be fair, it was a similar situation on here - some from day 1 saw through him, and then the more you saw and heard from him, the more people switched on to his bullshit.
  18. Or forced to watch highlights of Bristol Rovers. That threat should be enough to get anybody on the right track!
  19. Thanks for that, proper ****** with my head for about 10 seconds
  20. So I take it he won't be in the squad then? If that doesn't explain the KP situation, then I don't know what will. Sounds like he's just going through the motions.
  21. I did, and all I learned was the basics, and how to swear. That being said, the French teacher was actually OK about it, because we used it all in the right context
  22. Kieran comes here with an abundance of experience of champions league, Premiership and top level coaching at one of the biggest clubs in the world. It's an exciting time for Ipswich, and we'll be hoping that he can draw on his contacts with his previous club. Let's also not forget that he has worked with one of the best managers in the modern game in Jose Mourinho. Or something along those lines...
  23. Another one signed and left on the bench. This guy must have really pee'd little Lee off though, looks like he was nailed to the bench at one point.....
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