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Everything posted by Taz

  1. Did you actually read the original post? If he was even remotely interested. For reasons as you point out, he wouldn't. For reasons I point out, bigger teams than us would want him. Did you understand it the 2nd time?
  2. If he was even remotely interested, then move Pearson into the director of football role, and let Farke get on with the rest. He will have offers from more attractive clubs than us.
  3. Thought he was still at Ipswich when I saw who I thought was Cole Skuse walking around Colchester zoo on a Saturday afternoon whilst Ipswich were at home back in the summer. Pulled up a picture to show the wife who he was and then realised he had signed for Colchester shortly before.
  4. I know what will make this go away - money!! Oh, wait a minute......
  5. Nah they just ordered the wrong size from the catalogue...
  6. Taz


    No, no I'm not.
  7. Taz

    Nuno Sacked

    I'm not so sure. Stuck with him the last time Norwich went down, knowing/hoping that he would take them straight back up. That's admirable in this day and age. To see them stick with the same manager after being relegated for the 2nd time under his leadership, some would say lacks ambition. The record so far this year isn't looking great either. If not the next to be sacked, I would be surprised if he made it to Christmas if their run continues.
  8. Taz


    I couldn't care less to be honest, whether it's about his sexuality or the actual post/tweet. There's a lot of people getting offended on behalf of other people, but in this day and age I can't say I'm overly surprised. Is it really that different though to a video of a promotion winning team celebrating in the dressing rooms afterwards? The times we've seen that through the years with players running around in their pants, there is no comparison really. The suggestive comments from Downsy however, probably in hindsight shouldn't have been included. If it weren't for those, I doubt much would be being mentioned about it.
  9. Thanks - that definitely wasn't on there earlier as I went through every home shirt option! Kind of take back my original comment...
  10. Just went on to order my son - 1 in December, a kit. Lo and behold they aren't even listed on there anymore. I try really hard to not find a stick to beat the commercial side of the club with, but it's just too damn easy!
  11. Taz

    Gregor going

    Good luck to him, but to be fair the stuff he wrote/writes was never that great. Piercy seems to write more interesting pieces. Nothing against the guy, don't know him from Adam, but the digs at Pearson when he wasn't getting answers to the questions he was asking (to be fair it was stuff that is never going to be admitted in the public domain) was unprofessional. To then ask the same question worded slightly differently hoping to catch him out, was just embarrassing. Has a lot to learn still, but hope he makes a success of whatever he does. Certainly seems a likeable chap.
  12. Add Dean Windass to that, although to be fair he just sounds thick.
  13. Can't watch it all as I'm at work and the mobile signal isn't great, and the video keeps buffering. From what I can see though, you're right it really does put our HPC to shame. This is the perfect example of why we need to get to the Premiership, even if we end up yo-yo-ing for a while. Don't get me wrong, we are heading in the right direction, and for a club our size we have brilliant facilities. Premier League money can give you so much more though if used correctly.
  14. Well I think we've had our share of back cats for a while anyway
  15. That's a fair point tbf, and actually should be THE point. A club in our position is never going to spend the cash needed for a sustained attack on promotion, that's been made quite clear. The few times we have spent a bit more than normal, we end up nowhere and have expensive flops to get rid of (Engval, Diony - although thankfully he was a loan) and/or experienced players that are past their best (Kilkenny and Brunt immediately come to mind). What we are counting on is finding the next Watkins, Tony, Vardy, even Webster. Calculated gambles that are cheap, can easily make the step up, but have the potential to make the step above again. Either in the hope that they're with us still, or to be sold on for a pretty penny. We're ploughing money into the academy, which is great, but we need to start producing the talent to show that it's actually worth it. Yes we have a few promising players coming through, but are they really good enough to hold their own consistently at this level, or above? To be honest/fair, we don't have the history of being able to do this (yet). Yes we have exceptions like Bryan and Reid in recent years, but that's not enough to warrant the cash being pumped into the "project" to borrow a phrase from LJ/MA. I'm holding onto the hope that Pearson knows what his long term strategy is, and he is making moves to put the right people in place behind the scenes to help things kick onto the next level. What is worrying is the results on the pitch though. I don't think anybody is, or ever was under any illusions that this season was going to be tough, and most would except a position somewhere between 10th - 18th, but with that in mind we need to see improvement on the pitch. We started to, but currently we're looking more like the team that lost interest last season. Let's just hope that it's a blip in that respect, but the home form HAS to change soon. Going back to the point about lower league players, unfortunately you need the right people in place to spot the talent, otherwise you end up joining them in those leagues. We really do seem to be caught in the middle at the moment. If we're not careful, finding players to compete at the championship level won't be a huge issue, because we'll be below this level.
  16. Said it at the time and I'll say it again. With the record that Ole had in temporary charge, it's hard to see how they could have given it to anybody else. That being said, he failed at that level, and this with Cardiff, and no disrespect to Molde, but the leagues over there are nothing compared to over here. Should have been aiming higher. It's cost Man Utd a few years in trying to go cheap.
  17. But if 23 clubs go belly up and end up with points deductions, transfer bans etc, then we'll stand a decent chance of going up. Mind you we'd probably still lose out on signing the players we wanted, and still end up midtable!!
  18. So it was wrong all those years ago? He's changed the way he spells his name? How very strange...
  19. It's not been said yet so here goes - jobs for the boys. Actually I don't care, if he was already doing work here with the young ones, and Tins and Co thinks he can bring something to the team, then congratulations to him. Welcome back Mickey Bell. As for the media department, getting it wrong once is an error. Getting it wrong more than once, is just unprofessional. I mean, it's not like he has any history with the club at all is it
  20. Stevie Wonder by the looks of where it was parked!
  21. Until he goes missing for 5 or 6 games. His ability was never in doubt. An in form Paterson is a great player at this level. Unfortunately an in form Paterson is also quite rare.
  22. From 2 divisions below? Doubt it very much.
  23. Agree 100%. We are in the middle of a rebuild, and at least we now look decent at the back. What we need is to now start focusing on the forward options, and start getting the right players for the rest of the positions. King isn't a long term answer, and James can't run the midfield by himself. Williams' injury hasn't helped things (again) but I don't see how or where players like Palmer or O'Dowda fit in (and in the case of the latter, it's not upfront!!) Martin was overplayed last season before his injury, and had probably played more than he expected to at this point in the season so far. Realistically if we can finish midtable this season, we've done very well. January will be interesting, because I don't see where the money is coming from, however it's blindingly obvious we are short of at least 3 first team signings. If somehow we can get these players in, we may be able to transform into a team that can actually create chances and keep goals out. For me, the main issue last night was that we tried to be too clever. Taking off all your strikers and leaving O'Dowda as the most advanced player, you were always going to make Forest think that there was something there for them. Especially as we have form for being soft later on.... Hindsight is a wonderful thing, especially because we should have had a penalty, and could have been an extra goal up if Wells hadn't hit the post. However, when you go in for a tackle like that in your own box, 90 minutes into a game, you need to make sure you are getting all of the ball, and only the ball, because you're opening yourself up for the attacker to go to ground regardless of whether you touch him or not.
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