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Everything posted by Taz

  1. Saw something over the weekend about him signing for someone as emergency cover, couldn't remember who it was. Good signing on a free, plenty of experience at this level. Good guy, best of luck of to him.
  2. My dad's claim to fame is that he used to do weightlifting with him.
  3. Pretty damning. Sags will say he's probably a City supporter and just saying it to get one over on him - probably put up to it by the rosy cheeked lady garden!
  4. What a *****. Many people on here have actually either been ill themselves through covid, or unfortunately have lost someone close to them. Personally we lost my father in law about a month ago, someone who didn't leave the house without a mask because he had a few different minor issues. He caught it, and it was awful seeing him deteriorate to the point where he was on one of the full breathing masks and maximum oxygen. We were then told to get to the hospital to say goodbye as we're taking him off the machine because there's nothing more we can do for him but make him comfortable. His funerals this Friday, and couldn't be any earlier because his wife then contracted it as a result of spending her final few hours with him. His youngest daughter has just last week had her first child, so we had to put the funeral back a bit longer. It's now actually the day after my sons first birthday. Nice to get 10 days off work? In probably trying to make yourself look funny, you've made yourself out to be a complete and utter anchor. Bell end.
  5. Just had an email to say last day today.
  6. Not if he's been hitting Mrs Barton about again *allegedly*
  7. He'll beat a not guilty verdict into every member of the jury if he has to.....
  8. Agreed. Not in the same category as the earlier stuff, but more of a return to the more classic maiden sound. Good solid album, and the writing on the wall has actually had a lot of good things said about it from non maiden fans as well.
  9. Great game from both of them, but Benarous looks like a player who is not afraid to play the dark arts of the game. There will be times he doesn't get away with it, but for far too long we have been soft, and naive. We finally look like we're starting to wise up a lot, and that alone will help to see out games, much like tonight. Yes Scott could have been sent off, but we could have had a penalty in the first half, I've seen them given.
  10. Probably thought they were going to Old Trafford.
  11. I wasn't a huge fan. Thought it was watchable - once. Probably never again. Think they tried to be too clever with it. The Original two I've watched over and over, a bit like Back To The Future.
  12. It's certainly going to get ugly if we don't get anything from this game, and to be fair I'd be amazed if we did.
  13. It's not been great since Adam Baker left. Mistakes can be made and errors missed, but sometimes it makes you wonder if it's the work experience kid pushing submit.
  14. Taz


    Is he playing up front?
  15. Did they find the sniper? Error or not, this is the perfect example of why you shouldn't touch an attacking player in your own box.
  16. It wouldn't surprise me if he did move upstairs, and we did take on a younger, less experienced coach. In the meantime hope he's back, and well enough soon.
  17. Was going to say, it will be interesting to see if he goes in for him, or anybody else in January. Personally I think he would be stupid to not go for the higher calibre players, but then does it depend on if he can sign others, or whether he wants to get tried and trusted players playing in his system.
  18. Weren't we at a point where we were struggling with injuries to keepers though? In that respect I can understand the signing, but whoever was playing in goal at the time (minds gone blank) wasn't doing too badly, so the decision to drop him and play this guy who had just come into the country was a bit dumb. You're right though, it did stink of an agent saying "well I know this guy isn't getting any minutes and would jump at the chance of coming over, just throw me a few k and I'll sort it". Did pull of a few decent saves though. Truly shocking with the ball at his feet.
  19. Job done is it not? Honestly, who has heard of that magazine? Loads of people now. Has DCL been paid a shed loads of money for doing this? Most likely. Has DCL's profile been raised because of this? Absolutely. Is this any different to David Beckham wearing god knows what in the late 90s? Nope. Did it hurt David Beckhams profile? Not in the slightest. The point in this photoshoot was to get people talking about the magazine (from the publishers view) and DCL from his POV. Job done.
  20. You might as well be saying Liverpool and Man City have both gained more points than Norwich in the past calendar year. I'm all for looking at stats, figures and facts but it's kind of irrelevant comparing a Championship club that has been on the decline for the past 12-18 months to a relegated Premiership club with parachute payments.
  21. Nope. Love the bloke but his appointment was wrong before, and it's only after a time away that he's been able to come back to the club. Wouldn't be fair to put him in that position again.
  22. Ask Steve Coppell. He only works short term contracts doesn't he?
  23. Yet you're the one that told me to get real. OK then Anybody that would be in or around the playoffs towards the middle of next month, and might think that they could get him in, have a transfer window and push for the automatic places. Let's be honest if someone were to take him on, get promotion and then do a Norwich and come back down, they could do far worse than keep him on for another crack at promotion - as Norwich did.
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