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formerly known as ivan

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Everything posted by formerly known as ivan

  1. Asking the wrong people. The question of ‘what do you actually want?’ Should be directed at Lansdown and co.
  2. All I would say after last night is… Christ the heavyweight division is in a bad place!
  3. That’s my point though, both teams had periods on control in the game, hence the possession being even. They looked decent in the opening 10 mins, then we took control and scored during the next 20, without creating clear cut chances. Then the tide turned again and they controlled it through to half time, going 2-1. They also came out at the start of the second half controlling the tempo for a while which is what I think Rosenior refers to. We then get on top and score a couple of late goals. This is how I saw the game play out anyway and why I think Rosenior’s comments aren’t that far off the truth.
  4. Funny how people see it differently. For periods of that first half Delap gave Pring a horrible time. Skinned him time and time again. At 2-1 I couldn’t see us getting back into it.
  5. They were in total control at the point they scored 2 goals. Yes the pen shouldn’t have been given but no manager has ever come out and said “we shouldn’t have been given the penalty”. Regardless of that, they were in control of the game at that point. It was a funny game in that both teams had periods of dominance. It wasn’t an end to end game. They took chances when in top, as did we. Not really sure what you’d expect Rosenior to say?
  6. I don’t actually disagree or see the problem with what he’s said??
  7. Again, credit where it’s due… 2-1 down and trying to get back into the game, I thought the subs were terrible like for like and keeping one up front. But it paid off and they finished the game strongly.
  8. People struggling with money, Christmas period, horrible place to get to, West Ham just over a week later, football we are playing not exactly the most exciting… I can see why not many are going. i know a lot of people splitting Christmas over Christmas Day and Boxing Day this year. To some, family are more important than football. Not sure why some people struggle to understand that. If you are lucky enough the be able to afford it and you don’t have any family commits, well done you. Go and enjoy your away day.
  9. Apparently there were scouts from Madrid at the game yesterday. Not sure how true that is as it came up on a couple of random Facebook articles. If it is true then we might be saying goodbye to Max after yesterday’s performance!
  10. Mate of mine went down yesterday who isn’t a city fan. His opinion was that we looked awful. No pace, no creativity, no… nothing, other than luck. Still, would take the 3 points every day like that if we could.
  11. I always said Manning would be judged on results first, performance second, everything else third. Today wasn’t pretty but they fought to the end, defending to the death against a talented Sunderland team and took the three points. Having a few ciders to celebrate!
  12. Massive critic of his but he was outstanding that second half
  13. Wonder what the data will make of that today??? 3 points the only data that matters!
  14. So how are they using the data if that then doesn’t translate into performance? Genuine question edit: and is this “data” behind what many feel as either strange starting line ups or strange substitutions?
  15. The fact I have to sit there and watch what this data produces is an issue for me though
  16. If we had more than 5 points from the 18 he wouldn’t be talking about data full stop! So what does it show?
  17. Ok, let me rephrase this… obviously data plays a part, but who cares? All we want to see is a good performance and a win. How that happens is irrelevant. When we are in such poor form and he starts coming out with quotes about data showing the direction we are heading in it’s nonsense! We know the direction we are heading in as the league table and performances tell us that. I couldn’t care about how many times our centre backs pass to each other!
  18. So it makes the quote even worse then as the data showing we are in top doesn’t equate to wins?
  19. "Data doesn’t give you points or change league positions, but what it does tell you is the direction you’re heading in and if you continue to create chances, and minimise the opposition, then you’ll win games." Assuming this is a correct quote from Manning as it’s on the Bristol Live page. What waffle! Back to the days of measuring grass it would seem. Its nearly enough to make you want to tap out at this point.
  20. Could you point out the “good stuff” please? I think I missed it…
  21. Brannigan is 27 and has spent pretty much his whole career at Oxford. If he had the capability of playing in the championship someone would have signed him by now. Look at players like Ben Pearson and Ryan Ledson. I get being interested in top league 1 talent. Unfortunately I feel like anyone playing for Oxford under Manning doesn’t fit that category.
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