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Posts posted by Pezo

  1. 2 hours ago, Tookster said:

    If I was a policy maker, I would probably start with football, on basis that it does attract the biggest bellends (present company excepted).

    Speak for yourself ?.

    I don't see how you can make a policy that applies to specific demographic of society, how you apply it might be done in that way but policy needs to be across society otherwise there are strong grounds for discrimination.

  2. @Red-Al I'm struggling to understand what were you hoping to understand from starting this thread? It looks like you just wanted to saying this is the way you see it and that is that and try and win your opinion over on everyone else, as I have read this I get the feeling that you want to world to revolve around you and what you want to do and you don't seem to want to consider other people at all, I may have misunderstood.

    Don't get me wrong I swear a lot football as much or maybe more than most but if someone asked me politely not to I would comply and then probably move somewhere else where my language wasn't deemed a problem rather than than writing about my opinion on a forum and then arguing with anyone that disagrees rather than trying to find an acceptable middle ground.

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  3. 2 hours ago, phantom said:

    Different angle of the incident 

    Have to say how inept those stewards are letting so many people down the Atyeo steps down to pitchside as for the steward.... 


    They completely cocked up the crowd control before the game, allowing all there fans to stand on the steps and in the vomitories, it was obvious that as soon as they scored they wouldn't be able to hold them back.

    • Like 2
  4. 30 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Ok. So. On Thursday evening BigTone posted a picture of Number 10 Downing Street, having just had a new resident of Asian descent, pictured with Londis above the door and fruit & veg outside the door. 

    I asked if he could clarify what the meaning of this was, but there was no reply. 
    Other posters also questioned what this was about, with 1 poster saying it certainly appeared to be a racist joke. 
    There were obviously other complaints too as Phantom removed the post. As can be seen in Pic 1. 

    Next day, Tony PM’s me and said he didn’t appreciate me calling him a racist. 
    I hadn’t actually called him a racist, all I’d asked for was some clarification of what the ‘joke’ was. It was another poster who said it looked like it was a racist joke. 

    Anyway, in the PM discussion, I used the stereotypical racist term to which I believed Tony’s post was referencing. My use of this term was only to ask Tony if this is what his post had referred to, as it was certainly the inference that myself and clearly other posters had perceived. 
    See pic 2. 

    Tony then accuses ME of being racist and says that the Number 10 Downing Street being turned into a Londis was actually a metaphor for a balanced economy. I still didn’t understand how this could be the meaning and asked him again to explain. He refused and called me a child. 

    Hopefully that gives you all the context you need. 
    Now - if Tony would care to explain what the Londis at Number 10 referred to, if it wasn’t a 1970’s stereotypical racist slur, then I will happily apologise. 
    As it stands, he’s attempting to turn it around and label me as the racist, which is as deplorable as the original ‘joke’. 



    Sometimes we have to use language we don't like to explain things we don't like, it's not like the word is illegal - using it is all about context and it seems Tones context could easily be understood as racist, I would have probably thought the same. In which case I think your spot on to ask Tone for clarification and use of the racist slur in trying to understand where he was coming from  him clearly doesn't make you a racist at all.

    • Like 9
  5. 2 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    All of the Swansea fans were still in the Atyeo in the several mins that it took me to exit AG.

    One thing that did surprise me was the lack of visible police. The only time I saw any activity was when a squad car with blue was racing down the Winterstoke Rd on the opposite side heading toward AG.

    Lack of visible police? You have reputation for being a troll so this might be a woosh but I don’t think I have ever seen so many police around Ashton gate.

    • Like 15
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  6. 18 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

    Bad news about Naismith, his loss coincided with our form/performances going down the toilet.

    Him and James.

    Not exactly a spine to build the team around but they are important players to have on the pitch.

    • Like 3
  7. 7 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I think we need to take this opportunity to restructure. 

    Having one person do all of the work is a outdated concept. 

    Most clubs now operate with DoF, Head of Recruitment etc. 

    Trying to find someone that has the skillset to cover all of those roles is pretty impossible. 

    It always did worry me that Gould didn't really have the experience in the football world. Didn't have the connections etc. He did a very good job at steadying the ship but I think he did lack those things. But we have no money to spend so it was kinda irrelevant right now. 

    Mark Ashton was a lousy CEO. However he was pretty good at negotiations and had the contacts etc. We need a less dodgy version of MA to be head of recruitment and then a director of football who ties all the roles together. 

    Most of the positions you mention sit under a CEO so it will be up to the new CEO if that's the structure they want.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    How far back to we want to go...

    March 2010-present

    1. GJ goes and Coppell in

    2. Coppell out, Millen in

    3. Millen out, McInnes in

    4. McInnes out, O'Driscoll in

    5. O'Driscoll out, Cotts in

    7. Cotts out, LJ in

    8. LJ out, Holden in

    9. Holden out, NP in

    That is 8 managers, 9 if you include GJ and his departure as a starting point.

    It's unevenly spread in truth but think excluding caretakers we have averaged roughly a manager every 2 seasons in my time! (Started as Benny replaced Ward but had a little bit of awareness of Ward's final weeks).

    When exactly did SL tske control so I am measuring a fair sample size?

    He's been involved at the club for 30 years but not all as chairman or majority shareholder. If I remember rightly SL became chairman in 2002 which plonks him straight in the middle of Danny Wilson's era. So you have got to "judge him on Tinnion" as well before GJ time.

  9. 3 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

    I would look a bit higher than the Managers to be brutally honest. Investment is fantastic but allied to that what has been the plan from the very top? That is the primary reason why the likes of Burnley, Huddersfield, Hull City and many others started below us and have had their time in the Premier League over the last 20 years whilst we are just Championship also rans. They had a plan, we have just humbled along (and totally bottled it at the top of the club pre-FFP in 2008 when promotion was staring us on the face and needed the final investment to make it happen).

    That is pretty much what I am getting at but you can't ask the people above what the problems are because they will say how much they trusted people so you have to ask the people that aren't employees or owners anymore if you want an honest assessment rather than some wishy washy political nothing to pin down type answer.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    All these clubs that have passed us in the lower divisions that you speak of over a period of twenty years? You are correct but you blame managers who come and go and for some strange reason have ALL failed here. Every last one of them. When that happens in any other business you search for a common denominator because it is pretty inevitable that you have been set up to fail the whole time. Any ideas?

    Question for all those ex managers, what has stopped Bristol City getting to the prem? I don't think they will say lack of investment or backing, instead I think it will be either coming into a poor situation created by previous managers or lack of support in dealing with those problems (McInnes strongly hinted at this).

    I was pondering if sticking with managers for longer time periods like we do holds us back, I know there is a very good argument for keeping managers and holding down costs but if managers stay too long they really get to embed there practices and if those practices are wrong then they are harder for the next manager to remove and replace.

    Is a rolling set of managers every 2 years actually beneficial as long as you have control of the financial side of things.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

    What's a 'penalty'? I've only been going to the Gate for 48 years.

    We are going to have a right nightmare if we ever get one, we’re not going to know what to do and we’re certainly not going to score it.

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  12. 1 hour ago, joe jordans teeth said:

    Makes a change from suspicious packages being left in the toilets 

    Must admit I thought the the place would attract the types to do that but I go in there a few times a season and have never seen anything like that, the owner seems very unwelcoming to that sort of thing.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Legally it is still a "sticky wicket" I believe

    Believe it or not we get asked to not pin most topics as people don't tend to notice them

    I can see why that would happen - first thing I tend to do is scroll past the pinned threads without even reading the titles of the pinned items.

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