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Posts posted by Harry

  1. 1 hour ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Statistically, who has been the best Rovers manager this season?

    Obviously, Joey is in the lead at the moment (for me) as he looks like the one who is going to put the lid on the coffin and see the job through.

    But haven't all their managers been given a similar number of games, so a points per game average will probably tell quite an interesting story.

    Rob. I have ever so happily compiled the stats for you. 
    Don’t forget, they’ve technically had 4 persons in charge this season, with Widdrington letting himself do it for a couple of games. 

    Garbles. Pl 11 W3 D3 L5 F11 A19 PPG 1.09. 
    Pisdale. Pl 15 W3 D3 L9 F13 A24 PPG 0.8. 
    Widdles. Pl 2 W1 D0 L1 F3 A3 PPG 1.5. 
    Barfton. Pl 14 W3 D2 L9 F13 A19 PPG 0.79. 

    So, Barton currently has the worst points per game record. 
    If they’d have stuck with Garner and his PPG they’d be 19th. 

    • Like 3
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  2. 12 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    13-8-5 in Lg1.....still a good record though.

    I said that when took over, playoffs was minimum expectation, and I’m pretty sure he will deliver that.  Tick in the box.

    But I bet he had sights on autos after the good run.  Still on, but bit of nerves....and playoffs, they are there to be shot at.

    I was looking at the run they’ve been on in all comps prior to the 2 defeats in a row - essentially disproving the ‘streaky’ tag (for his time at Sunderland) 

  3. 10 minutes ago, headhunter said:

    Looks like LJ is thinking of us allowing Wigan to win tonight and move above the Gas; agent Wright back in the side too!!

    Just read their forum and found this, .... the locals are getting restless:

    He got lucky with a New Owner bounce. The bloke was shit and tinkering and was given deserved criticism for his tactics and stupid speak after his first 10 games.
    New owner came in and the players were playing out of there skin. He kept it simple and piped down after getting deserved criticism. He now thinks he’s gods gift again and has reverted to trying to tinker and try anything, and with the new owner bounce gone we’ve fell on our arses.

    The truth is, he thinks he’s Pep Guardiola, and way too clever for us and for league one. The reality is, Bristol fans were bang on, he’s a streaky average Manager, who won’t take us forward.

    Sound familiar?

    More here: https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/lee-johnson.1547640/page-3

    Ha ha. 
    Bit of an overreaction there methinks. 
    They’ve just lost 2 in a row having just lost only 2 in 28!!! 
    I think a 17-9-2 record affords him a bit of wriggle room after 2 defeats. ?

    • Like 5
  4. 51 minutes ago, Rob k said:

    I will be riding past yours next Sunday on the way home from a ride up Frocester Hill and then hopefully down that lovely hill back in to Wooten!! 

    Nice climb that, mate. Yeah, wherever you go round here there’s a bloody gert hill to get up. But what goes up must come down so it’s always a relief going the other way. 

  5. After 7 weeks out with injury, I managed to get back out on the bike today. 
    Foot still not giving me enough to be able to run yet, so I thought, I’m climbing the bloody walls here, so I dug the bike out of the garage. It’s not seen the light for 3.5 years, had a few cobwebs and needed a bit of tlc this morning, but I managed a good 45 mins and was able to put enough pressure on the pedal without hurting the foot. So all good. 
    Hopefully won’t be too long before I can start running again, but I really enjoyed that ride today. 

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I believe at Sunderland LJs one signing has been Winchester from FGR, who he had at Oldham - so clearly his decision. 

    What I’m wondering is whether he will keep control of transfer policy. 

    This may clarify the LJ/MA debate..

    They are appointing a new ‘Head Scout’ at the end of this month. 
    It’ll be interesting to see what ‘type’ this will be, ie someone in a exec position appointed by the new owner (ie an Ashton-type) or someone with a true football recruitment background (ie a Burt-type). 

  7. 1 hour ago, Rob k said:

    @Harry @terpin Good trip that - wish we could have done it again!! I’ve also been struggling with this calf issue which won’t shift 

    Cycling only for me at the moment 


    ps. You managed to sort that cap out yet ??

    Ha ha. 
    Yeah, I’m thinking I might have to get my bike out of the garage next week. Just get out there and at least be able to do something. Can’t put too much pressure on the foot but might be able to exert enough to pedal at a half pace. 

  8. On 14/02/2021 at 17:30, Rob k said:

    Mate can you believe it’s nearly a year since having beers on that beach!!


    On 14/02/2021 at 18:31, terpin said:

    I know pal! Was only thinking about it earlier. Give my right bollock to be sat on that oversized bean bag on the beach once again.

    Especially for you 2 (pics below). 1 year today. Me and @terpinlooking good, @Rob knot so ??

    That aside - I’m bored out of my skin! Foot is still playing me up, haven’t been able to run now for 31 days!! And can’t see any chance of that improving in the next couple of weeks either. I’m climbing the bloody walls, especially with this perfect running weather the last couple of mornings. 

    Wish I was on those big bean bags at the beach bar in Benalmadina. ☀️ 



  9. 25 minutes ago, NickJ said:

    Are you actually being serious Harry?

    Before Cotterill we had 2 wins from 19 games with 15 points. That's 0.78 points per game.

    You could take various periods afer he arrived, but to focus on his first 14 games yes it was 4 wins but with 5 draws and 5 defeats and 17 points. That's 1.2 points per game.

    So statistically Cotterill improved us by 50% in his first 14 games.

    That took us to the beginning of February by which time Cotts had sorted out the shit and brought in what he could in the transfer window, which enabled him to continue his improvement which was nothing short of miraculous.

    Give the bloke a bit of credit mate.

    Ha ha. I knew you’d bite Nick ?

    Course I’m not serious. But I did want to make the very valid point that the real upturn didn’t happen until Divvy gave them a good talking to. ?

  10. On 19/02/2021 at 15:42, LondonBristolian said:

    I think the problem is that people are naturally very selective with what they remember about managers. It's selective to ignore the utterly superb job Steve Cotterill did in League One, and the brilliant football we made, but it's equally selective to ignore the fact he was doing a very good job of taking us back there when he got sacked. Meanwhile Lee Johnson did a good job in parts - the League Cup run, turning a relegation threatened side into promotion challengers - but we had the dire losing streak in his second season and, as you say, we went through several awful spells in his last season. We were dreadful in January and February and then abysmal when we came back after the restart. There's no doubt at all that it was time for Johnson to go but we were very decent for spells under him. There is no doubt that we were brilliant in 2014/2015 underr Cotterill but we were dreadful in 15/16 and would have been relegated without a change of manager.

    People seem to feel the need to set up this slightly bizarre Cotterill fan vs Johnson fan rivalry where they wholly praise one and wholly trash the other but, with both managers, it was way more complex than that. 

    Yes. I think there is a fair amount of selectivity when remembering Cotterills reign. 
    Let me be clear, I totally loved him in that double winning season. It was fantastic. But think back to his early days. 
    He arrived when we were 2 points from safety and a -5 gd. After his first 14 games, he only had 4 wins and we were still 2 points from safety and -8 gd. It was only when a member of the CSF was allowed in the dressing room vs Gillingham that the players started taking our plight seriously and the last 13 games after that they won 7 and drew 5. 
    I put that superb run of results as much down to Divvy and his honest assessment, as much as to SC’s motivation of the troops who’d just won 2 in 10 games!! 

    Of course, the rest is history and if I ever see Cotts (which I have done) I am always forever grateful to him for that 14/15 season. But let’s not kid ourselves to think he was an instant success - it was only Divvy’s intervention that saved us that season! 

    Cotts struggled at the start, was excellent in the middle, and then struggled at the end. But he’ll always be well regarded. 

  11. 8 hours ago, Eastend said:

    We’ve lost 1 game less than Bournemouth and they are in the play offs. Things could be worse. Most of the people on this forum are acting like we are in turmoil and the club are going to go bust. 

    yes we’ve lost the last 6 or 7 games, but remember this squad or players is the same squad that won 4 in a row at the start of the season...


    Not sure what league table you’re looking at. 
    Lost 1 less than Bournemouth?? 
    The table I’m looking at says we’ve lost double the amount of Bournemouth. 

    And yes, we are in turmoil. We need 11 points from 15 games to stay up. We’ve only managed 12 in the last 16!! Unless something drastically changes, we are definitely going to be in a relegation scrap. 

    I don’t wish to be rude, so please forgive me, but some people really need to wake the hell up. 

    • Like 4
  12. 10 minutes ago, mozo said:

    Is the other one called Up and Running? 

    Yeah injury prevention as far as I know is mostly footwear, stretches and strengthening. Maybe technique of you do lots of miles.

    Yep, I’m wondering if it was technique and footwear related. 
    A few days before I started getting the pain I’d run 14k in the icy conditions which had me slipping a lot and so not running correctly, plus I did a few km of that route off-road, where it was also slippery and I didn’t have trail shoes on. 
    Perhaps a combination of both of those might’ve had a bit of an impact. 

    Swelling has gone down a little bit today, currently led down with it in the air and icing. Hopefully get the swelling right down tomorrow. Nearly 2 weeks now since first pain! 

  13. Was in enough pain today to finally say “I gotta go see someone about this”. 

    Foot still painful and swollen. Swelling not reduced since last Wednesday. Been painful for 10 days now! 

    Anyway, popped into Yate minor injuries unit. Was seen by a nurse practitioner who is a big city fan. We had a good old chinwag. Says he’s had people turn up there before in rovers shirts and he’s told them to bugger off “the only thing wrong with you is your bloody football team”. Ha ha. He knows quite a lot of the “old faces from the 70’s/80’s”. 

    Anyway, he reckons I’ve got tendinitis. Which is what I suspected. But he also said I’ve got lots of bruising on the bottom of the toes which he thinks is from the running. Thinks I need to get a gait analysis and a properly fitted pair of running shoes. 

    I know this chat has been on here before but I can’t remember which page, but what’s the place up in Clifton that does the gait analysis, and what’s the make of the specialist running shoes that people recommended? 

  14. 4 hours ago, mozo said:

    How’s it healing mate? Some foot injuries can be prevented by strengthening the calves. I remember being told at running club to do the foot raises/drops where you’re on a step facing staircase. I’m not an expert mind.

    Yeah, I actually do those calf stretches regularly, using the steps. 
    Still not good at the mo. Very swollen. Was at its worst on Monday probs and gradually going down. Had a video consultation and Doc reckons it’s an infection of some kind and nothing to do with any ‘impact’. Just patiently waiting (and dropping ibuprofen). 


  15. 16 minutes ago, mozo said:

    Could also be that you need more cushioning in your shoes?

    Yeah, I’ve checked the shoes, they’re still in decent nick but are on 590k now, so ought to think about some new ones soon. 
    Started feeling the foot a bit last Wednesday but I did 2 runs on it Weds & Thurs so probably aggravated it more. Started becoming uncomfortable on Friday and have to say it hurts like hell today!! Can’t put hardly any pressure on at all and it’s much more swollen. 
    I wonder if it was caused a bit by running in the ice last Saturday - tend to have to change the stride pattern and the way the foot falls, maybe I just impacted differently on the footfall than normal. 

    Hopefully back soon, but in serious pain today!! 

  16. On 96km for January so far. Was hoping to easily pass 100km, in fact was hoping to get that up to about 120km with a couple of long runs this weekend. 
    But... got a massive pain in the bottom of my foot. Just all along where the toes meet the base/ball of the foot. Hurts like hell today and can put very little pressure on it! 
    Not sure what it is or how I got it, but I might be stuck on 96k for Jan, which is disappointing. 
    Is this some sort of ‘runners’ injury?? 

  17. 1 hour ago, Rob k said:

    I shall be doing the majority of this route sat - this must go close to a few of you lot 


    Nice. Yep, the road up to Hawkesbury Upton is the one with the tasty hill. Although, can’t quite tell but I reckon that route just avoids the biggie. 
    If you go straight on instead of that 90 degree right turn just before you head up to Hawkesbury, you should carry on straight for a km or so and then do a right. That’ll take you up the big one. 

  18. 7 hours ago, TMWANG50 said:

    Good to see this post still going strong you've all given me the bug to do more. Weird to see the mentions of Chase Lane as I actually live on it! There are two routes up to Hawkesbury the one past the monument is brutal the other past Hawkesbury church is a little easier but feels longer. One day I will be able to get up either running the whole way :laugh:.

    Keep up the good work!


    Excellent. Good to hear you’re active. 
    Yeah, I’m just over in Charfield and have ran up Chase Lane a few times, then along toward King Lane.  It’s a lovely route. 
    I’ve only noticed a few dwellings up there - a row of houses just up from the entrance to Lower Woods, and then another row just by the turn to Orange End. Aside from that just a few farmhouses. Whereabouts are you? 
    I think I might run that route again this weekend maybe. 
    Silvio Dante is the other who’s run along there, having run from the Wickwar side of Yate/Sodbury. 
    I’ve yet to do the hill all the way up to the monument, which Silvio did the other week. Might have to try that this weekend, doing the route straight on at Orange End. 

  19. 6 minutes ago, TomF said:

    Might be gone by late afternoon.  Next week looking warmer but wet.. not sure what I prefer ?

    True. I enjoy running in the rain and also enjoy the cold. But never wind - hate running in wind 

  20. @Rob k

    Mate. Just seen your Strava from today. 
    You’ve done another bloody marathon! Wow. Congrats mate, that’s superb. 
    And 4:35 too. Mint time. 
    Proud of you bud. I know you’ve worked damn hard for that. ????

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