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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. Errr...there was this one game, quite a while ago...and more recently, the FLT final vs Stoke, the champagne and blue away kit (2006??) and all of David James' GK kits. And much in the way ManUre have in the past worn (dark) blue away kits, could we not wear a (light) blue kit? Or an Argentina copy (that would be cool)? Personally, I'm not wild about blue, but I don't buy replica kits. That white kit looks nice and well-designed, so...no chance
  2. She did the role she was brought in for, i.e. caretaker manager.
  3. This. Reminds me of the '80s, absolute tinpot behind the scenes. The people involved may be well meaning and loyal, perhaps, but if they're incompetent then they need to go. Merchandise sales are important and establish the club with the fans and more widely - I'm a 54 year old and I love a bit of decent City stuff, but bloody unicorns?
  4. According to the Post, Taylor: Taylor to FGR
  5. New toilets to replace the ones Cardiff broke
  6. Did you put it in massive font to try to reach 100 pages?
  7. I note that although top prem clubs (and Spurs) have had a look, it's lower teams like Bournemouth and West Ham who are showing most interest. Essential we get a sell-on clause, in that case (even if it dents his initial value)
  8. You're absolutely right, the two don't go together, although I did reference the '70s in my post. I clearly linked '70s facilities and '70s problems. Am I nostalgic for the atmosphere? Sure. For the facilities? No. Hell, no. Disgusting. Give me 'soulless bowls' with legroom, decent sightlines, decent loos, catering, access, safety, a roof, etc. You can have atmosphere with modern facilities. The Bundesliga do it.
  9. They were endemic in the '70s, to which I referred
  10. Do you get nostalgic about the violence, racism, sexism and homophobia that was endemic, too? I remember the ground like that. No, thanks.
  11. "Arrogant" sums up everyone in Leeds, in my experience.
  12. Yes, who wants safety, comfort, facilities, etc? Tear down AG and rebuild it like in the 70s, fences and all
  13. There's "old school" and there's "shit". People paying serious money to watch football should get decent accommodation. Kenilworth Rd is a disgrace
  14. Done, best wishes to @Col The Ox and other Oxford fans. As a former resident (5 years!) I'm gutted this has happened to you guys. Never got to see the Kassam, but have memories of watching City, 'Boro and Millwall at the old Manor. Keep the faith, good luck.
  15. OSIB had a whole article about it. That's what triggered my post.
  16. As in...the basis of Cott's promotion team?
  17. It's really not. Reid, Joe B, etc...££££
  18. I feel Sean O'Driscoll is not given the credit he deserves. There, I've said it. This was triggered by reading the excellent article by Fred Dodgson in the last edition of OSIB, about the rebirth of the academy. SOD took over City at the absolute rock bottom, a horror show of a squad, zero youth development (for all his achievements, GJ almost paid no attention to youth development, for example), and a mess on the pitch. A succession of poor appointments following the end of the Johnson era, wasteful spending on 'name' players...you know the form. Yes, City went down, and yes, that trajectory continued the next season - but SOD laid the foundations upon which Cott's promotion team was built: he brought in Pack and Flint for buttons, signed JET (who gets zero recognition, yet Jackie gets plaudits), and crucially supported the rebuilding of the academy. Sure, he was a dour old soul, and City were in free-fall: but the decline had already started, and in his short time he actually started the rebuilding from which City still benefit today.
  19. Although to be fair, a lot of Londoners have moved out - you see hordes of (eg) West Ham and Arse fans coming into Marylebone on match evenings, for example
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