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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. Yeah, although having lived in Oxford, I can confirm that Morse's Oxford had a pretty unique geography compared to the real place
  2. That's my point, no bu99er lives there, 7,500 would feel like an invasion
  3. Watford's 2,000 sounds a bit undercooked, surely we take more than that? Mind you, imagine Luton's away allocation in the prem..."50, oh, go on then, 55...that includes the players, mind"
  4. Surely that Blackburn figure is wrong, that's more than the entire town's population! ?
  5. If Reading don't pay, does that mean that HMRC own them, so it's HMRC FC? With their star player, Dave from Corporation Tax lining up in midfield, and Alison from the helpline in goal
  6. Surely, as a current employee, he still has to turn up for work?
  7. Spot on. I lived in a shared house, and one of the girls said she'd never rung one of those sex lines that proliferated back then. I gave her that number and told her it was about well-endowed young ladies. So she went "right, let's see what the fuss is" and dialled it...her face...?
  8. Perhaps when someone shouts it, you should point at them and shout "backward!"
  9. I don't remember that, and I don't think it was even remotely true. Heysel was an abhorrent tragedy and no doubt Liverpool are rightly ashamed. And we are hardly golden on the football violence front.
  10. So, who was the first of the 'modern number 9s'? The strong, big, quick, accurate striker. I'm thinking of someone like Christian Vieri, maybe Stan Collywobble?
  11. Start as you mean to go on...
  12. And for some context...look at the state of the pitch...
  13. Plus Biff Newman and Moyesie, so there's a connection to WHU.
  14. It didn't work out for him, we changed our system, and it sounds like Pearson has gone cold on him. We got him on a free so take a profit, slap on a sell-on and wish him well.
  15. I suspect that the oil price rises and gas costs since the Russian invasion of Ukraine may be a factor.
  16. There should have been a DNR on that one
  17. Grauniad says West Ham are in for Scott: Grauniad footie rumours
  18. Whilst reading a copy of The Sun
  19. Hadn't really seen this story, but wearing a shirt that said what it did (I won't repeat it here) is vile. ManUre should ban him for life, although as they've so many plastics, he probably couldn't find Old Trafford with a map. Grauniad
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