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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. I know Sven had a certain reputation....
  2. Nope. Welsh ancestors so Wales all the way.
  3. That long low ball into the front are working well
  4. Question: settle for this and take it easy, or push for more?
  5. Lots of slightly over hit ground passes. Not used to the ball
  6. Is this game going to be better than last night's...
  7. Daft. Medics know right away. Should be their call.
  8. They need a protocol like in rugby. And cycling.
  9. Literally everyone has a better anthem than us
  10. Based on last night's performance, Qatar are going to get absolutely annihilated by the Dutch. But I suspect they had first night nerves. On the question of attendances, bear in mind that Qatar and the Middle East in general has a huge - I mean huge - population of Western immigrants ("ex-pats"): only 15% of Qatar's population is indigenous*, IIRC from the little time I spent there. The major infrastructure, professions, etc are all entirely run by foreigners. *Whilst there (admittedly 10 years ago), I met the (Australian) head of their population and demographic analysis - he said the locals were really keen to try to develop home-grown talent, as their natural resources (mostly gas, contrary to popular opinion) will run out soon. So they need to be more self-sufficient.
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