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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. It would also be far more sustainable (environmentally)
  2. You should try reading some history. And maybe a bit less of the Daily Mail.
  3. So physical assault is all that prevents you from running into the street?
  4. Did any Walsall players get attacked?
  5. So, if I pay to go and see a show at the theatre, I can get up on stage and attack the baddy in the play?
  6. Ah... that's "Unionist", rather than "Nationalist" ( in the early '90s at uni, I shared a house with a guy from NI. I learned the difference... quickly! ?)
  7. Kind of hard given that it's Rangers. PS what about the religious bit, where does that sit?
  8. Errrr...Rangers are a Protestant club, with associations with Protestants in Ireland, as well (and Celtic are the Catholic equivalent). Whether the likes of their politics is 'left' or 'right' is open to conjecture. Sure as hell the Rangers fans would not be happy being described as "Nationalist", the word used to describe the NI Catholic movement...
  9. Err, how far away is Frankfurt? Anyway, well done to the German team. I've no love for Rangers* but sounds like they were a bit unlucky. *Or Celtic, for that matter, or any of that ridiculous religious bigotry rubbish that's associated with them.
  10. I think the comments about McInnes signing some rubbish are a little harsh. Firstly, which manager doesn't? Secondly, he was effectively a foreign manager, unfamiliar with the English leagues. Where was the scouting? And who signed it off? If he had someone with nous as DoF...
  11. Misses a sitter. Makes up for it by scoring 25 yard worldie. And he was astonishing in the air. Nice bloke, too, by all accounts.
  12. As a heterosexual male, I personally don't find fit, athletic women in the slightest. Why would a gay man automatically like athletic men?
  13. Someone get this person a JCB for the hole they are digging...
  14. I've undressed for a (good looking) female GP, female Physio, female Radiographer (not all at the same time). All on a professional basis. Did it bother me? No. Because I'm a grown up.
  15. **** me, I actually had to look that up. Are you seriously equating someone being gay with paedophilia? Take a look at yourself, FFS.
  16. I work with plenty of people and have friends that I find attractive, have got changed with them, etc. I think it's being adult about it. I don't think it's that hard? Also, gay people are like anyone else - they don't just fancy everyone.
  17. Simon Jordan is an egregious nob
  18. A former friend's child came out, and was disowned. Note I say "former friend"...?
  19. In any other walk of life, this would be a non-story. But football is still stuck in the 1970s in many ways, so this is a huge development. I wish him every happiness, and hope if he appears at AG we give him a fabulous reception.
  20. A familiar story. We were a bloody mess back then, I think people who criticise him and SOD forget what a state we were in. We're still getting over that mess. You'd think we'd learn...
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