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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. That was the year of the purple and lime kit. It didn't get a good reception....
  2. Have we had a thread on this yet?
  3. Oh heck, I keep forgetting to send mine, I'll take a look later ?
  4. That last goal is a thing of beauty
  5. Maybe he couldn't cut it. Or perhaps he was a bit thick.
  6. But purely from a development perspective, it's not doing his confidence any good to be under-performing in the 'wrong' position
  7. My suggestion for the Fewers to rename theirs the Estadio Go Outdoors doesn't seem so daft now
  8. Yeah, we'll have to settle for second place ?
  9. I don't think Sam Bell ever wants Sam Bell there again.
  10. Regardless, we've played our home games in Bristol every one of our years. Which reminds me, I need to pop to Tesco
  11. As another distant viewer, I'd say this season's been quite interesting, given we didn't have to do that well to stay up given that Derby were down from day one. And seeing the kiddies come through has been great, the rise of Semenyo (not a striker, remember, they score goals), Scott looking good, HNM not cutting his hair, Tanner tackles that make a grown man shudder... And the summer could be proper nuts.
  12. On second thoughts, Sixfields is a £4.50 dump of a stadium*, and Northampton is the very epitome of a "drive past" town, so maybe I'll save my money. *But still nicer than the Slag's Estadio Go Outdoors
  13. If the Slags do get Northampton, I'd be tempted to toddle up to Sixfields and watch. Cheering for the Cobblers, naturally.
  14. Good question. Mind you, we were second best on the day, Mansfield <<grits teeth>> deserved to win
  15. Because he's the one we all remember for missing a pen...
  16. Pre-Bosman, therefore irrelevant. Different times, back when a 'foreign' player usually meant a Scot or Irishman.
  17. It wasn't an away kit. Quite controversially, it was introduced only for the 1987 Freight Rover final, against Mansfield - who wear yellow, so no kit clash. No need to change kits, simply an attempt to cash in. I've always hated that kit as a result (not helped by us losing the game).
  18. Oh, absolutely. I've never really been to Liverpool, but I hear it's a cracking place for a night out. Mind you, so's Barcelona ?
  19. I do wonder if the problem is the players, or the way they are playing. The lack of a RWB/RB is a big problem. And let's be honest, up front AW and Martin have massively over-performed this season. Antoine, if he stays, needs to bag more next season, but I think he has it in him.
  20. I don't particularly like Lampard, although he was a very fine player (FWIW). But I find it hard to dislike Everton, having met a few of their lot in my time. Always pretty respectful, no big time Charlies. Oddly enough, same goes for 'real' (i.e. Scouse) Liverpool fans. The plastic ones are another matter...
  21. I think that's Brum, BTW. When I lived there, the locals would quote that (tongue in cheek). As luck would have it, I actually went to Venice at that time - if you've ever been there, it's TINY ?, so having 'more canals' isn't much of an achievement!
  22. Without the dodgy knees, one assumes - Bayern rather than ManUre version Still, he's got the weird hybrid accent sorted - French Bristolian!
  23. I remember one of my all-time favourites - David Batty - was invisible most of the time. But I remember one game he had for Engerlund, away somewhere in Eastern Europe, and he literally intercepted and tackled everything - he was utterly outstanding. Similarly, Owen Hargreaves for England back in the '06 WC finals was the only player to come away with his reputation enhanced. Personally, I think a good DMF is worth their weight in gold. And as pace isn't that important, they can play quite late into their careers - see Pirlo as an example (not a true DMF, but you know what I mean).
  24. He's entitled to his opinion. Probably makes you grumpy, having to work in a dump like Stoke.
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