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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. SecretSam


    I've really been impressed with the Hummel kits, would be disappointed if we went back to template designs.
  2. The improvement in players like Scott and HNM has been a major plus. And he brings out the best in older players, too, look at how well Weinmann is playing.
  3. I've had my doubts but he really does seem to be turning us around. This summer will be massive, though. Credit to the club for sticking with him.
  4. Make your mind up, Darren, either you like it there or you don't ?
  5. I don't get the antipathy on here towards Hughes. Hopefully he can do something with Bradfud, although I still blame them to a large extent for the distorting parachute payments that are ruining the Championship.
  6. Nonsense. Millen's teams were dire, I can recall us playing it long to Nicky Maynard, utterly tactical lunacy and dreadful to watch. A terrible appointment. SO'D came in when we were in a mess, and at least recruited some top notch players (Flint, Pack, JET)
  7. Anyone think it's time Wells had a game?
  8. I would imagine right now Richard Gould is sitting down with JL and NP and sorting this out. Washing dirty laundry in public is not a good look. Imagine SL probably had a word as well. This season has been frustrating, for sure, but I think deep down, most of us expected it to be stop-start. There's been some positives and we can see a clear way forward, which we haven't in the past. We need to stop thinking of ourselves as a "Top 6" team, we aren't even close just now.
  9. Too good for the Slags, it's not made of canvas...
  10. We need quite a few, though (RB, CB, wing, striker). HNM would be a pretty good bet to be off in the summer, not sure what fee he'd command in the current weird market.
  11. :laugh: for a minute I thought you had two Kalas' in there ?
  12. Well, that's a horrible situation, but coming on here and winding people up who don't know your circumstances is not a safe way to behave. I hope you get to a better place, but in the meantime, maybe stay away from social media? #ItsOkayNotToBeOkay
  13. Anyone can become de-motivated. Doesn't mean they're bad at their job. In some cases, it just means that because they aren't being managed correctly, they aren't performing to their max.
  14. I suspect coaching and a change in style has been a factor, plus playing him more centrally. If people want to carp, let them. I'm just enjoying his performances (and goals).
  15. Name some health and safety legislation that you think is bad. I work with major developers, and they literally use their good H&S records as a sales pitch. I've seen countries with no H&S legislation, and it's terrifying: see, for example, Qatar.
  16. Interesting article / interview with AA in the Grauniad, such a good player for us and others. Albert's a massive QPR fan!
  17. Didn't we only have something like 19 players when he took over - we were a mess. And saying "Oh, he had the double winning squad" - that's the League 1 double, the gap between L1 and the Championship is huge. The squad comment is right, tho', yes, we were a mess - but I already acknowledged that this time had come here. And I'm not sure that he was entirely to blame for the squad - he was a young manager, with no experience of managing at this level, and possibly influenced too much by others. I'm not saying he was a rip-roaring success here, but saying he was useless from day one is just nonsense.
  18. I'm baffled by two things: the decision by Sunderland (they're THIRD), and the (continued) hatred for LJ on here. Yes, things went wrong towards the end, but was that all down to him? We had some tremendous results and let's not forget, we were in a real mess when he took over. It was the right time to let him go from AG, but this decision by Sunderland is nuts.
  19. It's pretty dreadful behaviour from what is no doubt a minority of their fans. Let's not sink to their level by online macho posturing about fighting and being 'hard', it 2021, not 1981. Well done the Cardiff board for agreeing to pay for the damage.
  20. The one that mystifies me is Bath, how come they haven't managed to do anything. The West Country, however, struggles to support the league clubs it has now, let alone new ones.
  21. That's the sort of balanced and reasoned thinking that has NO PLACE on this forum!
  22. Right, so he's off to Ipswich. He didn't fit in, let's hope we get a good fee and a sell-on.
  23. In some ways, I favour the free market, sink-or-swim approach: it's a risk based judgement. Most promoted teams come straight back down anyway. However, the risk of this is that it creates a situation where 17 PL teams are pretty much safe from relegation, spending their £££ on good players, knowing that the teams coming up may well be cautious about spending, and so become cannon fodder on promotion. Although, that's kind of happening now (see Norwich)
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