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Everything posted by 1960maaan

  1. Can someone send the DVD (maybe video as it's them) of our last year in Div 1, not that competitive that year. To be fair he's right, if they were in any of the divisions above where there are now they wouldn't be competitive at all either.
  2. LJ likes the fullbacks to push on, and Vyner tried his best to get into forward positions and support ODowda switching positions quite well. I do think it was a big ask of a very inexperienced FB, and he did get caught out a few times. I think they had balls squared maybe 3 times and they miss kicked in front of goal, another day??? You could see he was playing to orders , I would guess if given the choice, he could have sat back and concentrated on defending and given their wide man a lot less space. We normally have Pisano bombing forward, very experienced and worldly wise , Vyner came in and we played the same way not surprisingly got exposed a few times. I think he will be better for the experience , we also coped well even if the CB's got pulled across to cover on occasions. One question which may have been asked elsewhere. WTF is going on with pushing Flint up wide halfway just to play for flick ons??? Horrible tactic , at least when we did it with JB it wasn't pulling your main central defensive partnership apart.
  3. Hah , that would be funny. And what if he admitted supporting another team, oh, and then tried to buy a third team before buying them at a fire sale. So they end up being owned by an asset stripper who company owned them from off shore and then charged them loads of money against their only asset to cover his initial stake so he wouldn't lose money. Nah, too far fetched. Not even they would carry him on their shoulders down Glos road would they, would they??
  4. Poor for the first 20 , improved to average up until HT. Started 2nd half ok for 5 minutes then back to average for the rest of the half. JB our best chance hit the bar, theirs a very good FF save and another that I couldn't tell if it hit the post or a FF save. I think we were lucky to get a point against a quite one dimensional side, closed quite well and we couldn't cope. My biggest moan, why the **** did Oneil get Odowda to float the ball into the keepers hands instead of trying to go wide from 2/3 free kicks towards the end. No service to the front men, passing was poor , movement poor and I think were lucky on several occasions.
  5. So , what you're saying is no then Didn't I see that figure as the sum set aside for the Rugby ground refurb??
  6. I may have skipped over this bit. Have they actually an application in, and does anyone know what they have 'planned' ?? Perhaps the Billionaire has sneaked in plans for a 27,001 all seater with me noticing.
  7. I really can't understand why there aren't a lot more questioning his commitment. 'Hes's one of us' 'He stands on the terrace' blah blah blah. This means nothing to the club, there have been plenty of owners who (like Wael) love the adulation, look like they mix with the fans, and meanwhile have their own agenda . Fair play if he comes up with the £25m or there abouts to build the 'stadium', a lot more for the world class stadium, but I have my doubts. He's already looked for and failed to find funding for a stadium that had a cleared plot and planning. The Rugby site could prove tricky to complete. I worked for a company who , on the face of it, was doing well. When there was a down turn and a few redundancies , I found out that nothing was owned by the company I worked for. The Building, vehicles, machinery , everything was owned by another company. This company, owned by the Directors wife as it happens, owned everything and leased /rented it back to the main company. When that company got into difficulties it was easy to wipe their hands and walk off with the assets. Just a story, thinking out loud sort of thing...... any similarities with a local no mark team/club are purely coincidental .
  8. I'm guessing that wouldn't give them rights to throw up anything without thought for the locals.
  9. From the shots below , we had room for the SS and Lansdown to expand. The Atyeo was already revamped to a point and the Dolman structure was already there. It allowed for the 2 new builds plus the work on the Dolman to be done and keep the stadium open. I'm no expert, but looking at their site , I imagine their ground would have to be flattened and built from scratch to maximise the space, which would be limited. Either turning it 90 degrees or at least centring it on the site. So they have to move for a year 18 months and pay rent and build a stadium which minimum cost is £1000 a seat. The only plus that the revamp has is all revenue would be for the club, UWE would have been a joint venture, but that's a hell of a lot of pies to recoup your £20m , sorry world class stadium so nearer £45m .
  10. That would make perfect sense. The UWE and a world class athletics set up would be great for the region, and just the sort of thing that SL has been trying to do. With the added bonus of really pissing off the squatters and making Wael look anything but a billionaire .
  11. Looked like it, hope he gets a long ban , scum. Just to point out, although I hate them I wouldn't cross the road to piss on one if he was on fire
  12. This is what amazes me. If I were in his shoes, I'd have taken the 10 minutes to Google the owner/family/wealth and you wouldn't end up with ridiculous statements like that. I said some time ago, Wael looks like the Owner we've seen may times. Loves the adulation in the short term but are ultimately business men and will want to , if not turn a profit, break even. They seem to be doing just enough to placate fans , maybe potential buyers , with slight improvements (training ground is in Dwayne sports name I believe) but no real investment . After , what 18 months , what have the owners done? They weren't in a great position before he came in, and I keep hearing they are more stable but , there is a £10m debt against a ground that is only worth maybe £2m more. Their break even figure a few years ago was 9k , and they were loosing money week on week. As far as I can see it's all smoke and mirrors, anyone who moans about SL should spend time looking at this sort of ownership, which is by no means the worst around , and just take a minute.
  13. Higgs mugged Wael off by dangling the 'still viable Sainsbury's deal' and Wael jumped at the chance of a free ground. I think he may have been trying to do the same thing, attempting to get his outlay back by selling it on while the ground was still a potential goer .
  14. As I said earlier, Rotherham's build cost £20m and that is 12k ish? They are also very constricted by space , not saying it can't be done but I doubt it can be done for £8m.
  15. Sainsbury's deal was worth £20m I believe , which was way, way above the value of the land for housing use. I think you may be close BS3, and that's if there are no other changes or cost against the ground. I would guess Wael would want to recoup all money spent on the club, he's a banker after all, I don't think he'll leave much behind. If he's looking for a way out, I wonder if the club is more valuable now. Maybe in a better positioning the League, but the shiny stadium prospect would have made a difference.
  16. Rotherhams ground, all be it new build , cost £20 5 years ago. £8m sound like a new terrace. Anyway , for anyone who is staying to feel sorry for them, or a little sad. I make no apologies for reposting this, taken from Twitter, brought a smile to my Thursday.
  17. Very rare (old school ) show of loyalty from both sides if I remember correctly . Hirerite were one of very few (only one?) that showed interest in sponsoring us in a time of need. As things picked up, the club showed a similar good will in sticking with them when bigger firms started to show interest. Wouldn't happen now-a-days .
  18. Any truth in the rumour the Mickey Mouse has a Bristol R*vers watch ??
  19. While part of me thinks there should be some privacy from 'Big Brother' , people have to realise that Anything you put on the internet is PUBLIC ! The things you write, opinions you express, and the lies you tell have consequences . It might make some people hold onto some thoughts instead of posting them on a forum , but the stupid gene is strong in some people and will overcome sense and reason.
  20. Don't start bringing facts and logic into a conversation on THIS thread, unless it's gAss logic . I know there is a fair bit of crap spouted on here, and I ignore most of that, but I can't stay on that site for any length of time. It is delusion central.
  21. and we wouldn't be doing that now , would we
  22. I bought the world's worst thesaurus last week. Not only is it terrible, but it is terrible. My wife asked me to pass her lipstick, a bit distracted I accidentally gave her the glue. She's still not talking to me .
  23. But do you know the answer, you didn't say
  24. 8 years at Exeter then picked up by Oxford when his contract ran out doesn't sound great, but good goal return from midfield to be fair. Not sure what the injury was kept him out for a while, don't care enough to check any further.
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