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Everything posted by petehinton

  1. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer more professional bloke
  2. Darren Way his assistant appointment. No Jamie Mac to be seen….
  3. Found that a bit of an odd chat tbh. I’d say £7k is more than a fair opening and final wage for the boundaries we’re trying to set. It sounds like both parties weren’t very forthcoming in comms, so can’t put that against the club. The fact that he was at the Preston game doesn’t strike me as something someone who’s totally been left in the dark by the club would’ve done tbh If you’d have offered me Kalas vs what we’ve ended up with in Dickie, I’d have taken Dickie honestly. I’m sure he’s happy as well, Schalke is an absolutely incredible move for him.
  4. ‘Wael is too much of a good negotiator’ apparently. Or it’s all made up because it’s coming from the post. Or actually this is all part of the negotiations tactics. They really are ******* weird arent they.
  5. Let me get this straight… They teased fans about a new stadium, produced a high quality filmed video about the move and area etc, and had said that talks were going well. They never actually agreed on… The size of the stadium The capacity of the stadium The area of the site it would take up The cost of it all How it’ll be funded How the revenue share will work What in gods name did they actually agreed on then? I actually feel sorry for their fans for the first time ever. Amateur doesn’t even cover it. It’s basically the same as inviting friends and family over for a house warming in your new house, when you haven’t even viewed it yet, let alone bought it, you just like the look of the Rightmove listing.
  6. They released an announcement video for it ffs. £500k to be part of a 12 month review process. ******* hell. It just never ends does it.
  7. Yes knkw Steve, and shared accommodation with his boy Zac on our tour in Holland earlier this summer too
  8. People mocked when I called him Korey & Brownhill’s lovechild. Will need months to bed in they said. Looked lost against Preston they cried. Derby fans didn't even rate him they claimed. I sat patiently, biding my time. I’ll forgive but I certainly won’t forget.
  9. First sentence of his announcement interview “the club made such a big effort to get me here” thats one way of endearing yourself ???
  10. Cause they’re a huge team for that level, and because of Weston/Bath/Yeovil/Torquay/Truro/Tauntonbeing in the same league there’ll be lots of interest in it. Weston Yeovil was full live comms on RB earlier in the week, and seems more often than that Jerry at bath and Bartlett at Weston’s post match interviews will be part of the Saturday sport phone ins too. Love it. Some great teams and games at that level over last few years.
  11. They do yeah. I think St George is my favourite if I can help it. Easy parking, easy to get to and cheap tea & bacon. Good pitches too.
  12. First day back for me scouring Bristol & North Somerset for the newest talent to join NSRTC (and then hopefully see them filtered into City’s academy then first team some years later). Won’t be judging the games I pick to go to based on ease of parking and if I can get a tea/bacon sarnie from the clubhouse whilst watching the game too. No sir.
  13. I don’t think he ever came off it, honestly
  14. Come on now….even the most staunch lover of Fleetwood knows that the size of the club isn’t even in the same stratosphere as Sunderland or Hibs. The drop from keeping Watford in the prem on a short deal to taking us on as a project isn’t a comparable one either. I’m really shocked if he does actually take this job. Would need to do a truly outstanding job to get himself back in the frame for a big L1/champ job again.
  15. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/darragh-macanthony-lifts-lid-collapse-8733300#google_vignette This really does make me think they genuinely couldn’t afford him and had no intention of signing him, just wanted to show the ambition. There’s just no other explanation for something being that shambolic. Surely?
  16. I also thing Nige ‘used’ Gregor a bit to bring in the no more cosy club vibe. Very frosty on ‘official’ comms that us fans would see…. Very different vibes away from that. Including blindsiding him with some friendly noogies/headlocks whilst saying “eh up lad how are ya” at the HPC!! We’d love him too. But I think he’s fully loving being a dad now and with his freelance stuff, won’t know too much about city now to be too involved. But he’s absolutely always welcome, and a silent observer in the shadows in the WhatsApp group!! ??
  17. He’s done a fair bit for The Times, as Henry Winter, probably the biggest sports journalist in the world, got in touch with him after seeing he’d gone freelance as he was a big fan of his work and writing style…. But yeah. He’s shit.
  18. Yep. Dunno why people are taking this with a shoulder shrug of “makes sense”. I’m almost certain Tinnion said used the term ‘two lists’ too. But can’t be 100%. Tbere can’t have been two plans, either way, if Plan B was basically not sign anyone after Plan A was ticked off. Dickie was a ‘happy accident’ because of a chat between Sykes and him….so no chance he was part of the plan either. He sounded really startled by the Pearson contract and Sporting Quarter questions too for some reason. As if they wouldn’t have been asked. Nige “has been around the block so he understands the situation” - very odd comment. Sounded very adamant to mention he led the Scott deal (‘honoured’ is a strange phrase to use when selling your best player…) which doesn’t match what SL said. Got the vibe that nailing down early that the structure was agreed in March, and that everyone agreed on it, was a slap on the wrist to Nigel given his comments about not being able to answer why we can’t spend any more money after Scott’s sale. Came out of it more confused than before tbh, and if anything more certain that it certainly isn’t a happy cohesive place between the powers that be atm.
  19. They’re going mental over the price of tickets and food and drink too. Not one of them has put 2+2 together that they don’t have much money, ridiculously demolishing the old stand and reducing the capacity by a decent % means that they have to try and get their revenue back somehow. That’s by increasing the costs of everything else.
  20. Brother Gardiner-Haskins. Had a decent game. Can totally see his potential and think he’ll be a brilliant addition once properly up to speed. Says it all tbat Pearson was visibly amazed and delighted that we’d been able to get him in this weeks presser. Wears his socks over his knees too.
  21. They made far far too much of that minor ankle roll. Had nothing to do with the outcome. Delicious
  22. Delicious seeing Southampton and Russell Martin humbled again. Somehow making it all about him after getting battered, saying “his ego is hurt”. It’s not about you mate.
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