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Posts posted by Antman

  1. 35 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

    Swiss Ramble seems to think otherwise. I’ll go with him. 

    i would agree, but given the febrile nature of news and information in this day and age, i suspect we will be cast in the role of villain by other fans of clubs in more trouble than us - and i suspect this is just the start of more revaltions.

    it's easier to see the headline numbers without understanding the make up so the hard of thinking get all frothy and irate and just repeat the bit of news that suits their agenda  (some BCFC fans have done just that with Derby et al) .

    Assuming we avoid FFP penalties and others don't, then expect to be a bit of a pariah for a while yet.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, fgrsimon said:

    One thing I was thinking (and obviously Covid is still a big BUT), could we not ramp up the concerts/events at Ashton Gate over the next few years? There is going to be a big backlog of bands going on tour again once Covid is sorted. Should be possible to maybe fit 7 or 8 shows or more into one summer, particularly if it's a run of shows by the same artist. These would be massive money-spinners given the cost of tickets for big acts these days..




    Given how Omicron emerged and spread and the shambolic response to that, i think it unlikely that we shall see the back of thie COVID situation for some time. thats a straw not worth clutching at. IMO


    ( Can someone point me at the Brentford comparison on here please? - page/poster -  this thread is a behemoth now!!)

  3. does anyone have any background on him, what sort of player is he?


    Is this because of the prolonged absense of Baker and the fact that Atkinson was withdrawn before the Cov game?

    we are a little short of CB options?


    or just because he wasn't getting game time at Eastleigh.

  4. 3 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    To go further on my post above, I actually think because he played deep today, in between back 4 and midfield 4, he actually didn’t get caught NOT tracking back, because he was already back.

    Today’s performance was worthy of some credit.  A few loose passes, but some good ones too.

    Hmmmm...50/50 - i was watching his game.

    later on he started to hide, not making space to recieve the pass ( staying too close to his marker) and generally not really looking like he wanted to be out there. He can see a pass, his through balls are often really effective, but just look how much work Massengo had to do yesterday, he ran his heart out (again) covering for him. for me Bakinson is a luxury player sadly.

    we thought we had a decent midfield (James/King/Williams) but once again, we don't. they are broken.  and it shows.

    Yesterday we were missing Atkinson/Baker in CD.

    James/King/Williams in CMF

    and a decent striker upfront :)

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

    Apart from the odd 100 million and ongoing losses each year.

    It's easy for keyboard idiots to just sprout go, without any concept of how that could even be remotely possible or what type of person could end up running the club, at least with SL we know we will still have a club.

    Not saying SL has not made mistakes which are easy to criticise with hindsight, but believe they have been made with the honest intention of improving the club.

    You only have to look across the city to see what we could end up with instead

    Any and all losses attributable to City can be laid at Mr Lansdowns feet. He was finance director long before he bought up the shares. This strange idea that somehow we should be grateful for the fact he is bailing us out  - for the mistakes HE has made and liabilities HE has created over 20+ years is really odd. If he was the mastermind some people like to portray him as, he would have stabilised this club and we wouldn't be facing such reactive and variable losses.

    Lets be crystal clear, he is NOT bailing out anyone elses mistakes but his own. I struggle to be grateful for that.

    I appreciate having a decent-ish stadium, but his inability to share power has left us with some consistently  terrible choices at managerial level, and a lack of a board to scrutinise and hold some of his decisions to account has hurt us in the long term. to appoint your son as CEO or whatever phoney position he has, is a big red flag surely.

    we have seen the same cycles of 'go for it/ tighten the belt' over and over, rather than an attempt at more sustained and managable growth (Brentford etc).

    So speaking as a 'keyboard idiot' i will continue to spout (or even sprout) my opinions.

    C'est la guerre.


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  6. 3 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

    My predictions.

    1. If we win our next home game, the usual reactionary posters will decide that Simpson was the problem.

    2. If we don't win the next home game, the usual reactionary posters will decide that Simpson could have been the solution.

    3. Regardless of the result of our next home game, the usual reactionary posters will remind us that 'Pembo' was the best coach we ever had, but go weirdly silent when asked what it was like to be coached by him.

    Welcome to OTIB.

    Personally think Benny wasn't given a chance......

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, lager loud said:

    Finally, on a non-financial point, have you thought about what you will do with your time once you retire? In my experience some people don’t think beyond “I won’t have to work any more - hurrah” and can then struggle to enjoy retirement because they don’t have any firm plans of how to use all their spare time. Doesn’t matter what they are, but it’s great to have an idea of what things you will do to fill your time enjoyably.

    Hope this rather lengthy response is helpful. Good luck with the decision making - and I hope that if you do decide to retire early you enjoy it as much as I have so far!


    This is a really good point.

    I always planned to retire as early as possible, but when the reality of the situation hit home - i started to realise that a slow descent into retirement would be a better route.

    So working a 4 day week for a while, then 3, then look to give it up. (I will add i run my own company, so have the luxury of that choice) that period of 'ramp down' would let me settle into a different routine and get used to having more time.

    Getting my head around what retirment actually meant put me out of kilter for a good year or so, i've always worked for myself, so always had that background worry about keeping going, but ironically when faced with that chance to stop, i re evaluated just what my work meant in terms of keeping me going.


    (and definately pay for some advice - it seems painful to have to cough up, but it makes your decision making much clearer. a good advisor will map out excatly what your options are and how they change over a projected retirment timeline.)

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