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Posts posted by Antman

  1. 9 minutes ago, cellist said:

    Camera work is noticeably shoddy isn't it - several times in the first few minutes where the camera forgot to follow the ball, often going out of focus or moving too late. Is it a club run thing or EFL? It's all very well having fancy adverts and kit launch videos but I'd prefer we got the basics right. Was advertised as being against Hull City as well

    it's terrible. who ever is on the camera doesn't know how to keep focus.

  2. 59 minutes ago, italian dave said:

    Sorry, but for me this is the classic ‘pick the current scapegoat’.

    You could replace ‘Vyner’ with Atkinson, Naismith or Bentley as the first word in the above post and they’d all be equally true. They all spent most of the game passing to each other then launching long and hopeful balls over the top which were at best 50/50. Vyner was no more guilty of that than anyone else. In my view. 

    really not the case, i hesitated from posting it because of that perception. I'm aware he is our current player 'Pinata '

    my perception 'on the day' was that he was pumping the ball forward too much, rather than picking passes on the deck. and we seem better when we play close, fast passing.

    I don't have a particularly negative overall view of Vyner, but like so many things these days, the arguments seem to be only dealt with, and responded to in a binary fashion.


    as i say, i am responding to yesterdays game.


  3. Vyner was to blame for losing posession all too many times.

    The pattern seemed to be retain the ball, passing along the back line waiting for an opening, (that all too often was non existant, as the MF were not making themselves available.) but too many times, the ball went to Vyner and he attempted a mid range or long range ball which just floated into Wigan hands. He doesn't seem confident in passing on the ground, so seems to want to 'get rid' too much.

    Even when it looked like he might make the long pass, it always ends at best, in a 50/50 ball, which we usually lose.

    Yesterday Scott looked all at sea in central MF, Martin offered very little, and Dasilva  lost out to his man early on, then after that didn't seem confident in getting past him again.

    and IMO, they went off too quickly in the conditions and paid a price later in the game.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    And I don’t want box entries, POMO or bomb alley either.


    christ on a bike! that made me shudder. took me right back to the Johnson jingo bingo days

    4 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    I'd never heard of him before the Euros and excuse my ignorance, what has he achieved as a manager ?

    I'm assuming he was doing the punditry as he's involved in the Womens game at Arsenal ?



  5. 1 hour ago, Rob k said:

    Probs is Gs last tour but he’s been very good this tour, just not quite got it in him to touch the 2 best riders out there.

    I don’t think Bernal will get close to these 2 either so who do you get? 

    the mighty midget Pidcock will be a star i'm sure.

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  6. 35 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

    Who told him that life was fair? 
    You just get your head down and get on with it. 
    I can understand his disappointment but football is a tough business and he needs fight for his place like all the other wannabes.


    agree, but lets not pretend Big Nige hasn't got history of burning players he doesn't get on with, & not just at BCFC.

  7. 59 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Very different player to Chris Martin

    Yes, he worked with Ian Eisentrager (son on Alec), who is / was a boxing trainer and former Army PE instructor.  I played with Ian at Odd Down, fit as a fiddle and very demanding.  I’ve seen pictures of Louis being trained by him.

    Seem to….but that’s not the whole story.  Realising you’re going to be key go in the summer with a window shut, what do you do?  In fairness he’s got himself over to Ireland, where they run a summer season calendar so that he can get competitive games.  Initially on trial with Derry to get himself known over there, then to Waterford on trial.  With his contract ending with City, he’s decided that he’s better playing competitive football (now with Cork) until the summer season ends (in October).  He’s putting himself in the shop window.  He’s 3rd top scorer in the league.


    West Brom sent their CB Kevin Joshua on loan there too.  Phoenix Patterson is a baller, I recommended him to Harry to pass on (ex-Watford and Spurs kid).

    Kevin Joshua has been loaned from West Brom.  EFL clubs are scouting the Irish leagues heavily.  7 players have signed for EFL Lg1 clubs this window.  

    When his contract runs out in October he will be free to move and not reliant on waiting for the Jan window.  It’s a gamble by Louis, but not without rationale.



    As above, gone out and gotten himself some competitive football and continued scoring goals.

    Yep, I have no issue with City releasing him.  He’s behind Conway and Bell, who are both younger…and as Gary Owers said you have to watch the person below you…in this case Seb P-H.  The club don’t make many mistakes and if they judge all of these others potential greater it’s the right choice.

    I’m just not writing off Louis Britton have a pro career in the EFL.  At 21 and the type of player he is he has time.

    I’ve watched a fair few clips of George Hirst this summer and he’s not dissimilar to Louis in the way he plays, a bit untidy round the edges, but arms and elbows, and it’s taken him to 23 in the second half of last season to click.  He’s had a few crap loans, probably based on his name and not been up to much.  I hope Louis shows patience to try to get through the next 12-18 months, because the chance is still there.

    pah! you and your rational arguments....


    I say 'Burn the witch'


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  8. 1 hour ago, Grey Fox said:

    At my school (1967/72) the PE teacher’s favourite game if you were in his bad books was Fox and Hounds. He pointed you out and said “fox”, which meant run very fast. He then said “hounds” which meant every one else had to chase you down, when they caught you they gave you a kicking, it was up to the PE teacher how long this lasted before he stopped it. 
    Happy days"………..

    you've reminded me of yet another aspect of the PE at my school. those shitty cross country runs around the edge of the entire school field.

    The trick i learned was that there was a small copse in one corner which we had to run through, i hung back and stopped when out of site, until they all came round again, then  i rejoined and finished relatively unscathed.

    This plan actually only worked once TBH, the next time i tried it the race ended after just one lap and i was still hiding in the woods when the teacher found me. I got to do 2 laps on my own.


    I hated school, left with one CSE (grade 3 in French) and one O level (tech Drawing) and was in constant trouble, suspended twice but never expelled,

    but i do have a strange sense of pride in the utterly stupid things i got up to...!


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  9. 9 minutes ago, Bedred31 said:

    At Churchill Comprehensive in the 70’s the trick was actually getting onto a football pitch. Our PE teachers were obsessed with rugby, believing that represented, in every respect, a higher form of social/moral activity. I was big and fast enough to play rugby well. But  as City were in the top flight then, all I wanted to do was kick a round ball, so this provoked real resentment- and a lasting dislike of ‘rugger.’

    oh, all this is so familiar.

    We had a sadistic PE teacher who made use go out on a totally frozen rugby pitch and shuffle along in a line on our bare knees passing the ball down the line, we all ended up with cut and bruised legs - he said it was to toughen us up.

    I did get revenge (albeit accidentally) when during a strange term, they introduced Golf (!?!) which involved these big fibre glass cones which we had to hit/chip the balls into. unable to resist, i wellied the golf ball across the pitch, only to see it slice off and strike the PE teacher firmly on the side of the head. No - one saw me do it - but it gave me a real warm glow of achievement.


    I am still as shit at Golf now,  happy to play it. unlike rugby.

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  10. 15 minutes ago, spudski said:

    Me too. I had a PE teacher just like this. Strange times when I think back. 

    The weirdest, was after playing footy or Rugger and caked in mud, we were made to run through the showers, and threatened with the dap if we didn't get dried and changed within a couple minutes. 

    He'd literally stand watching at shower entrance with dap in hand. 

    Very very odd...

    But back then it was taken as normal.

    Birthdays were the worst...you'd get dragged the length of two pitches, given the bumps, then the wall of death, where your class would like up a meter away from a wall in a line, and you had to run the length between wall and them, whilst they all kicked and punched you ???

    Different times.

    hilarious - i experienced a range of Birthday celebrations, from the bumps to the 'gob squad' which involved you getting spat on by a whole bunch of ********.

    At our school things got out of hand when a chap called Micheal Morris got chucked out of a first floor window of the art block on his birthday. he broke his arm (understandably) and they had to try and crack down on the rampant random, and quite ingenious, acts of violence often handed out.

    (Micheal Morris also had his front teeth broken in another Birthday related incident - i hope he grew up not hating birthday parties...!)

    Such fond memories....!

    • Haha 5
  11. 9 hours ago, Lrrr said:

    Isn't that what the white machinery is for? Concentrates light on the pitch as it moves over it helping it to grow

    yes, we have them at AG, but can the grass grow solely under those giant UV (?) devices?

  12. 21 hours ago, Jerseybean said:

    SL has, yet again, put his hand in his pocket and purchased £15.3 m worth of shares…..https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/bristol-city-owner-steve-lansdown-7158256


    and we go round again.

    Sl is bailing out the losses he has created entirely by himself over a significant period of time.

    He has been at the helm solely, Having squeezed out all other shareholders and effectively removed a functioning board,  so it's his decision making that has taken us into debt (Covid circumstance withstanding)

    Whilst it's great (?) to have what appears to be a benevolant owner, lets not  all tug our forelocks at this largesse too much :)


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