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Posts posted by Antman

  1. 8 hours ago, BigTone said:

    Or the big tree at the bottom of the road

    all too familiar.

    My go kart story centers around Hook Road in Chandlers Ford, i was testing out my mates Go Kart - laying down, head at the front, steering with hands - when i built up speed going downhill, down the pavement. all was great until i lost control and jumped into the road into the traffic, i panicked and realised the only way to brake was to press my forearms into the front wheels, which i did.

    It was like that opening scene in Kung Fu, where he picks up the burning urn with his bare arms.

    My mates and I soon moved onto a £20 vespa  ( four of us invested £5 each) which we rode through the woods instead. Until Roderick Cook decided to light up the carburettor to 'see what would happen' and we watched it go up in a ball of flame as he rode it across a field.



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    • Haha 1
  2. back in 87 i was in Moscow and went to see Moscow Dinamo play Alma Ata.

    It was bloody freezing outside (literally) and it was played in an indoor stadium.

    When we came out the underground there was two solid banks of soldiers on either side forming a corridor to the stadium - not every 5 yards, they were shoulder to shoulder. Inside the stadium there were thousands of soldier in great banks in the seating.

    They have a hooligan problem i was told.

    We were near the 'away fans'. Which consisted of two small boys and and an older man and possibly 6 others. -thats all.

    the lads proceeded to jump up every now and again and wave a home made flag, every time they did the soldiers surrounding them told them to shut up and sit down :) - but to be fair they kept on.

    the wierdest thing was the game was played on astro turf - great big strips across the pitch and every time there was a tackle it all got lifted up. So the game stopped and they smoothed it out again.

    Half time everyone went off to get ice cream. despite it being -20 outside....


    one of the wierdest games i ever went to see.

    • Like 2
  3. 55 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

    As I’ve been saying for years ‘ Bristol Cosy Football Club’. 
    Finally Lansdown has woken up.

    I’ve nothing against kind decent people but Pearson talks of ‘ frauds ‘ and we have had too many paying lip service to the owner’s ambitions. 

    i'm not sure how much Lansdown has 'woken up' rather he's got lucky.

    Pearson definately has his own vision and is a capable manager who must recognise Lansdowns blindspots along with other people.

    It was a hugely encouraging interview,

    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, TomF said:

    Yeah to be fair the WBA fans didn't seem to like any of his decisions. If that was at home getting those decisions against us v WBA we'd all be going on about how it was premier league bias etc. 

    However he did let the game run a lot of the time, even ignoring some of Scott's usual antics for trying to win cheap free kicks etc. 

    agree - i think refs are becoming wise to Scotts antics (shield the ball, stick your arse out, fall over) he needs to be cleverer than that.

  5. Tinnion made the observation on commentary last night, that when Conway came on he played really centrally and arguably posed more direct threat as a consequence. (it also means he play much closer to Wells)

    Last night Semenyo seemed too intent on coming deep to bring the ball forward and as such lacked impact where it mattered against a packed defence. (understandable, though as the MF seemed to be unable to get him into the game)

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