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Bris Red

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Posts posted by Bris Red

  1. 38 minutes ago, Baba Yaga said:

    I always thought FM would be an unsuitable location but if there is one thing that was sort of impressive it was how they managed to spin out their bullshit for as long as they did.

    I wonder if its possible to rebuild on the mem using temporary stands if done in stages they could possibly move the pitch slightly along the way and open up more space? Since they forgot about planning permission it might be slightly ambitious to expect them to think that far ahead.

    There is certainly the footprint at the mem to have a decent sized stadium, would require as you said moving the pitch but it would be doable.

  2. 12 hours ago, Leveller said:

    If you don’t know about the links between Italian Ultras and neo fascists, that’s not my fault, nor is it weird. Nor of course the echoes of the British Union of Fascists (the Blackshirts) under Oswald Mosley. Not all Ultras are fascists, but some are, and the look is not just a coincidence.

    These kids of course may well also be unaware and blindly following a fashion. But the masks and Casuals tag suggest a desire to link with violence and that’s enough to condemn them in my eyes.


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  3. 15 minutes ago, Superjack said:

    It would be just typical of Lansdown to let our manager go in the vain hope of getting Robins, who is under a lengthy contract at Coventry. 

    Robins has been high on my list of potential City managers in the past when we have had a vacancy. 

    We don't have a vacancy. And nor should we in the near future.

    It would be mate. We HAVE to back Pearson IMO. Would be a huge ‘what if’ i feel if we let him go without seeing what he can do with proper financial backing. Would be a huge mistake for me.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Phileas Fogg said:

    Exactly - not sure why the ridicule. If that’s how they want to dress then whatever.

    Exactly. Fair play to them. Look the type of lads to probably stand and sing and vocally support the team, something many of our support especially at home could learn a thing or two about ?

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  5. 5 hours ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    Barrristol! That used to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when a packed out and fired up EE chanted it.

    Agree mate.. Don’t hear any of the old songs anymore, not heard ‘Barrisstoll’! In ******* years to be honest, class when the EE used to belt that out as you said. 

    Feels like section 82 needs a few more older heads in amongst them. Too many young’uns for me. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, MrRedRobin said:

    Thought this guy deserves a thread of his own. Before this season I was really hoping we would replace Joe because I could never see what he contributed to the team when he was on the field, I always knew he was popular amongst the lads but I got really frustrated watching him last season. This season he seems to have turned a massive corner, he looks a completely different player and he is starting to look like the player we signed and is really showing his worth for the team. If he is going to keep this up then we need to get him on a new contract because right now he is definitely in my favoured starting lineup.

    Jury still out for me on Williams. Still is far too inconsistent IMO. Played well yesterday though so credit where it is due.

  7. 1 hour ago, BarnzFM said:

    Not sure why this is so divisive - it’s possible to be appreciative of SL in some aspects but also have some criticisms about the way he managed the playing football side 

    Agreed. You’d hope that every single one of us wants what is best for the football club, it doesn’t have to be a personal vendetta against SL or be blindly supportive of his regime without seeing the clear faults and mistakes he has made over the last 25 years..

    • Like 4
  8. 3 hours ago, Alessandro said:

    I’ll sneak this post in on the back of a win….?

    But is SL potentially playing a blinder here?

    (Takeovers aside for now…) Hear me out.

    He’s spoken about a ‘nest egg’ and given the squad time to ‘develop’

    Interestingly since City started down the path of developing way to success, I was thinking this is the first time in 5 plus years we actually have the potential that a core of our young squad hit their peak performance windows simultaneously:

    Pring, Vyner, Dickie, McCrorie, Roberts, Tanner, Atkinson, Knight, Sykes, Bell, Conway, Mehmeti all on good long contracts, all heading to that window at the same time.

    It feels like this season is at least one season too early for several of them (especially with injuries) - so what I’m getting at is, perhaps the club have recognised we’re still working our way up the development ladder and additional spending this season may have been wasted. We have enough quality to stay up, give the current squad chance to get games and don’t block minutes for the next group coming through for now. Save spending till next summer or summer after with more of the above players hitting their prime peak, any new academy products making their mark and 3 or 4 real quality additions in the spaces left by the older members of the squad and go for it then.

    Patience doesn’t tend to go hand and hand in football, but keep this squad together and developing, losing only one or two to big money prem moves (notice we don’t lose our best players to Championship rivals anymore) and we’re in one hell of a position in the coming years IMO.

    For the first time, you can see shoots of the plan working - reasons to be positive. Or perhaps I’m just a deluded disciple - answers on a postcard.

    Not a bad post and i suppose you cannot rule anything out, of course it goes against the general grain of ‘Lansdown out’ and ‘Lansdown hasn’t got a clue what he is doing’ which i will hold my hands up and admit that i have been one of the more vocal ones on here with that opinion.

    However like you said maybe there is a greater plan at work here. I sincerely hope that is the case to be honest and maybe the board and Lansdown have finally got a sustainable plan in place that could bear fruit in a few seasons.. we shall see.

    • Robin 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    Listen to it all, especially the last half-a second.

    mods - please merge if need be

    Depressing. I said the other week that this feels like the beginning of the end for Nige and i still stand by that.

    He has been treated with absolute contempt by Lansdown, as @Kid in the Riot says this is 2015 playing out all over again. Why is supporting this club so ******* depressing man.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, mozo said:

    Ian, as much as I like this narrative, is the bit in bold definitely true? How do we know that is what he was sold?

    We don’t know. Reading between the lines however you’d imagine that to get Pearson to commit in the first place back in 2021 some sort of promises were made.

    I can’t imagine Pearson would have taken the job knowing full well it was going to be 2 years of cost cutting and struggle to then not be rewarded in some way and the shackles to come of and have a go at promotion in year 3. I just can’t see Pearson agreeing to that but its all purely speculation , none of us truly know what was discussed in the early meetings between Lansdown and Pearson.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Sorry but the squad is dangerously thin. Certainly right now.

    If NP says no more business to be done then that's the case, but I doubt he is happy about the situation of the wage limit. Be sensible but not excessively austere.

    This is the problem for me, we have literally gone from one extreme to another. Spending like it was going out of fashion under LJ and MA to now trying to cobble together a team of lower league punts and freebies.

    As you said there needs to be a sensible approach to recruitment. Nobody is expecting us to be going out and spending £8 million on a single player again but on the flip side relying on punts from League 1 and 2 or Scotland is only going to get us so far IMO.


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  12. 1 hour ago, Taunton_BCFC said:

    Get out of our club!!!!!

    25 million in his pocket from selling our best player and no one else coming on :( he’s lost interest and is taking us to league one 

    He is certainly losing a fair proportion of the fanbase it would seem. It feels as if many of us have finally had enough of the constant merry go round of failure that the Lansdown years have brought. 

    Personally for me it is the deluded claims that the club genuinely think they can challenge for the top 6 with the current squad we have and seemingly no more investment now being made available to Pearson.

    Stop treating us fans like idiots please Steve..

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  13. 33 minutes ago, The Constant Rabbit said:



    Or, he goes into more advanced  Property development and quits football altogether.


    Mind you, he could do worse than become a TV pundit - at least he'd be entertaining.

    I don’t think his ego would allow him to do either of these things, not just yet anyway. To do so would be an admission of defeat, i still think he feels he can be a successful manager in the Championship or higher which for me is the scary part.


  14. 30 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    2008 would have been a very opportune time. January 2008 to be precise.

    Other times perhaps a bit sketchier.

    I said it at the time and i remember saying it to my old man walking out of Wembley after losing the play-off final in 2008, that was this football clubs best opportunity in a generation to reach the big time.

    People may say it’s easy to say in hindsight but i think many of our fanbase knew at the time we would never get a better opportunity than that and it would take many many years to get a chance that good again. True to form we then slowly declined back to League one over the next few seasons. 

    Lansdown bottled it in the January of 2008. I often wonder if secretly that will be his biggest regret if and when he does sell the club.


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  15. 15 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

    The issue was players didn’t want to come to tatty Ashton Gate. When Kodjia signed some of the comments in France about our ground were not complimentary. Grey and Gayle were examples particularly Gayle who out right said I won’t go there. 

    Jose Marinio publicly joked about send a player on loan to Bristol City. The club had to look the part to attract players. Of course Covid et al has become part of the equation, but we can attract players from lower leagues with alternative options here now. 

    I don’t believe spending money more than he did on McInnes and LJ et al and not on the ground would have done a bloody thing. We only now have a guy that knows how to spend it and of course like SC the last one who had a clue we don’t have much. 

    To be fair our youth recruitment is excellent and our current recruitment of players is decent. Where is Engval playing now? 

    I’m sorry but i think that is rubbish personally, Bournemouth have shown that success and being able to attract players has nothing to do with having great infrastructure in place. 

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