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Bris Red

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Everything posted by Bris Red

  1. Uphill task for West Ham now..! Blimey What an atmosphere at Frankfurts ground by the way. Just something you don’t see in UK grounds!
  2. Obviously the powers that be at the football club know better than little old me but i was personally of the opinion that Britton looked a real talent. Okay physically he may have had work to do but the pure goalscoring talent the boy had was clearly special. Hopefully it isn’t one we live to regret..
  3. Its the sort of capitulation we as Bristol City fans have been used to this season…
  4. Indeed. I always remember him being a fairly decent striker at this level. Never really hit the heights in the Prem but not many do..
  5. I ******* hate Bournemouth , such a shit tin pot crappy excuse of a football club!
  6. Shows how our fanbase has grown in recent years to be honest - to be able to still pull in 20k at home after the dire season we have had is v impressive. I don’t care what anyone says we are a well supported club at this level..
  7. Indeed. It would be an interesting comparison to show what we were taking away in the 07/08 season when we obviously got to the play-off final and led the Championship for many weeks.. Every away game i seemed to go to that season we had sold out so I’d imagine we were averaging close to 2k every away game? Would be interesting if anyone has the data on that season’s away attendance's..
  8. The Marv of 07/08 or the 17/18 Korey Smith is what is needed. A player with high energy who is tenacious and aggressive and who can get about people and break the play up whilst not being out injured for long periods! Obviously not easy players to find but you are just hoping Pearson can work some magic in the summer and find a player of this ilk on a free. I’d imagine (and hope) he has a list of potential targets already..
  9. Indeed. Brownhill and Webster have both gone on to become regulars in the Prem. Reid, Kelly and Bryan are all about to have another taste at the big time aswell.. This notion that players leave here and never get game time in the Premier league is absolute rubbish to be honest.
  10. Bris Red


    If the ***** that worried about his hair then he should go over to Turkey and get a hair transplant like every man and his dog seems to be doing at the moment?!! I’m sure he can afford a few grand as i doubt he is on a bad screw ? All jokes aside yes i do agree with the general sentiment that the bloke comes across as a complete tool. Most of this new Bristol sport setup make me cringe to be honest, its all corporate BS that really doesn’t resonate with the traditional BCFC fanbase.
  11. Lets hope that isn’t the case in regards to LJ.The long standing rumour is that SL has always admired Mark Robins. I’ve heard that from a friend of a fairly reliable source at the club and it has also been banded about on here plenty of times over the years aswell. If Nige does walk then i think we could do a lot worse than to try and get Robins.. has done a fantastic job at Coventry but with them tailing off a bit now into mid-table could we potentially tempt him away? He may take one look at our current situation with the financial constraints and think F that but he has hardly had millions to spend at Cov.. I’ve always just had this good feeling that he would do very well here if given the opportunity.
  12. I’d be surprised but not totally shocked at this to be honest, i bet the thought has entered into Steve and his boys mind over the last few months at the very least. They surely cannot be stupid enough to do it though. The fanbase would be up in arms and at a time when season tickets need to be sold it would be a PR disaster. How can you even sell the ‘return of LJ’ to the fanbase? The guy who took us on our all time worst run of defeats and who’s position became completely untenable and beyond toxic at the end?
  13. Totally agree on James - he looks a poor mans Marlon Pack to me at the moment.
  14. ‘Can’t get a game for Bristol shitty’ hahah. They really do have a high opinion of themselves don’t they? I forget how huge of a football club Hearts are, average attendances of 15 k would suggest otherwise to me ??
  15. Freeman for me falls into that no mans land of not quite good enough or effective enough at Championship level but far too good for League 1. I think the problem he finds are defenders are too intelligent/cultured at this level for him to be able to cause the damage he can at League 1 level.. The pockets of space that he needs to work in he just can’t seem to find in the Championship and thus goes missing. That being said he is still more than capable as a squad player at this level hence why he keeps on getting deals and loans in the Championship.. For me I’d certainly rather him than some of the wasters we currently have on our books (COD being a prime example).
  16. Yeah I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing them come up - we haven’t played them in the league for some years now have we and it’s always been quite a tasty fixture both on and off the pitch when we meet!
  17. Delighted for Pearson and the rest of the team and staff! All about finishing this season as high up the table as we can now.
  18. Hopefully Man City and Liverpool get through - also what is it about Spanish football fans? They are so plastic, the same goes for their international support aswell.. dire
  19. The standard of this football is mind blowing to be fair
  20. Also just shows how strong English domestic football is at the moment by the way.. the Premier league is streets ahead of everyone in Europe.
  21. Var is a complete farcical joke
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