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Everything posted by miketh2nd

  1. Lovely assist from Dasilva and great finish from Wells
  2. I think today just showed where we are and whilst I do hope the best for the team we just don't have enough depth on the bench but we are a lot closer then last season. I think a lot comes down to our 3 cb's and central midfield during the latter part of games. I love our attacking play and seeing Conway link a fair few times with Semenyo is exciting! We possibly could sign Bamba so that would help the depth but otherwise it seems our hands are tied. On the note of cb's does anyone know if it was injury related why Klose wasn't on the bench? As this physical game would of been right up his street.
  3. Most likely the reason why they are selling tickets early , to see if its worth while to do the above.
  4. wow really unselfish of Conway not to shoot especially in his current form,will be interesting if we get to see more of this partnership.
  5. More great research from the bbc.. Posted at 21:3521:35 Post update Wycombe 1-2 Bristol City Five minutes added on. Can the Chairboys force a shootout?
  6. yeah you could be right but Massengo pressing from the front than just midfield makes sense in how Pearson likes to set up his team.
  7. Very glad to see we have rested plenty! I'm gonna guess same formation but with Massengo playing just behind the front two and Tanner playing RCB .
  8. Wells great work to set up a great finish from Conway! great time to score
  9. I'm glad we are keeping the same front two with Weimann behind, really hope Massengo plays as well as last game.
  10. I watched some of Cardiff's draw against West Brom and they seem obsessed with playing it out from the back even to their own detriment , so I think it might be the same front 3 although I think Williams might well come in for Massengo which I think is harsh on him having one of his best games for City on Tuesday.
  11. Yep I think this is a huge part of why Weimann has been so much effective, his finishing has got better but a lot of the time previously people just weren't noticing how he plays.
  12. Beautiful ball from Massengo to Weimann to set up Conway
  13. yep when I heard the line up I thought the same expect us to defend in 3-5-2 and attack 3-4-3. As long as Weimann stays central he is stil always a threat.
  14. I was really looking forward to him push on with us once he was back from injury after such a great season last season but seeing as teams like Watford can't hold Onto Dennis , we chance do we have when we haven't even been the top 12 of recent seasons. Then we also have the problem of only being a few injuries away from being to put a bench with quality depth on it.We need some more quality players ideally a experienced CM and RCB and of course another striker. We can't afford to turn down 12-15 million especially if you compare him to Dennis going to Forest for apparently around 20 million with a proven record who can score goals in the prem. I would be gutted to lose him but as Pearson has said we wont'stand in the way of players going to the premier league. Hopefully its just paper talk and just bored news reporters jumping on any rumor.
  15. Also got to remember the heat is a factor in the game so I think subs will be pretty important today
  16. Great team goal , great how precise Conway s pass is .
  17. I feel sorry for the coventry city fans to be messed about again but the loved Sisu owners knew how many games were being played just before the league start ,so as you said they could of requested for away games for say 3/4 games in advance.
  18. This is just our bleeding luck what a poor decision!
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