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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Suspect Nige wasn't impressed by those 2 v Wycombe hence they're not on the bench. Tanner played RCB so is the back 3 cover. Wilson wing back cover leaving options in the middle and up top.
  2. Big Sam for England? Have I time travelled?
  3. I had my ankle dislocated by a tackle like that. It was bad. 2 footed trying to wrap around is really dangerous.
  4. It's a great draw. A game we should win. 7 all premier games so at least 4 sides in the last 16 not EPL, probably 5 or 6. Nicely set up for us if you ask me. Win and we'll be playing someone just after the WC , so if it's EPL, they will be a bit rusty.
  5. Sounds like we've stopped playing and they're putting us under pressure. Probably need half time whistle
  6. I disagree about morphing to a 4 for several reasons. 1. Our 1st choice wing backs aren't as good at fb. You could argue Tanner and Pring are more like traditional fbs. 2. Our CBs are good at carrying the ball forward. A key advantage of a 3 that I think we utilise well. It helped create the goal yesterday. You lose this with a 2 as they are restricted. 3. We would need a bona fide CDM. We can speculate on whether Naismith can do that job but he's clearly organising well atm. 4. Effect on Weimann as the 10. I think a change would negatively effect him. He'd be moved out wide more rather than having the freedom to read where gaps are. Also his ability to plug defensive gaps by spotting when a teammate is caught out of position is priceless. His role is the major strength of the team.
  7. Last season we were top of the bottom 3rd This year, Let's get ourselves to top of the middle 3rd. 9th place and 66-70 points would be excellent.
  8. Not so sure that he's clearly decided notvot pick O Leary. I guess we'll see. My take was that he decided to pick Bentley and the back 3 after Sunderland just to back them up. Think that things are different now
  9. Time to properly rotate. 8 changes. O'Leary Vyner Klose Towler Wilson King Massengo Pring Conway Martin Bell
  10. So, if we get any kind of win tomorrow we will move from 20th to 7th in the league...
  11. Despite not having his best game, he still got an assist for a beautifully weighted pass to Wells. Anyone scouting him would notice that he sees the picture before he receives the ball. That is rare and if an 18 year old gets carried away with the occasional Hollywood pass then so be it. His decision making will improve. He's no Grealish. More like a Pirlo if you ask me. Pity he doesn't have the hair or the ice cold temperament.
  12. Next week we have 3 games in a week. Does that make you feel better?
  13. Shortly after the red card we over pressed and Luton were able to play straight through us. We were just carrying on doing what we had done. This is when the numbers started to tell as well as the fact that certain players' energy levels were dropping. By picking a young, very quick mobile team, he had ensured that any subs would make us taller, more experienced but less mobile.
  14. From last season I could name Liverpool's first XI. It played together a lot. What was Man City's? Guardiola's policy of consistently churning the starting XI with 2 maybe 3 changes each game arguably made the difference. Change was normal for them and meant that injuries / suspensions were easily dealt with. This is even more the case at our level, especially when the midweek league games kick in. Seems to me that both Martin and Williams won't be starting 2 games in 4 days. IMO it is best to proactively rotate rather than wait for injuries and be reactive. A manager keeps more control that way.
  15. I didn't get moving Scott wide initially but as you say he corrected that quickly. I was saying to @hunstile red that we'd take both Wells and Conway off because a. They've put in a hell of a shift and b. we need more aerial presence as we would in all likeliness face a lot of balls into our box. The one that got me was when Klose came on and we moved Vyner to wing back. I thought 2 banks of 4 with Vyner and Naismith at FB. But we kept the same shape. So over the whole game 4 different players played at RWB none of whom are actually RWBs..
  16. The Bard


    I just messaged the OP. Anyone looking for parking very close to the ground PM me. 1 minute from turnstiles...
  17. I am afraid Bentley has been culpable in the 3 of the last 4 league goals. Others have also been but the 1st v Sunderland was terrible from him. The pass to Naismith was fine, but then he moved wider away from the goal, just as his team mate was being pressed. He then had to hastily get back in goal, getting beat at the near post in the process. 2nd goal from Simms was poor as well. He looks to be back where he was early last season unfortunately. I hope he bounces back asap.
  18. Or he's simply not playing well. He's a CM playing in CM.
  19. Bet you anything Wilson starts on Tuesday night. Wouldn't be surprised if Pring starts on the left too.
  20. Martin caused the goal whether it hit him last. If he'd not been there the ball would've been cleared. His goal with Weimann's assist
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