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bexhill reds

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Everything posted by bexhill reds

  1. Not sure about QPR, with a full preseason I reckon their manager will get them going, at times they’ve looked incisive and tidy
  2. I like a good honest player, but he didn’t fit into the way that Nige wants the team to play, he’s not a pacy counter attacking threat, good honest pro, but the right decision to get him off the payroll.
  3. Think it was more that there was not enough room on the bench for another forward player, with Wells, Wiemann and Sykes. Plenty of time for Mehmeti to cement his place in the team.
  4. Agreed, we had 3 chances to stop the cut and run inside, nice finish granted, but he should have been blocked off. The whole guard of honour thing was total bollocks, an ex-Prem team with parachute payments pretty much cantered the league and we need to be giving them plaudits? The only thing missing from the street party we organised for them was a trestle table with cakes on it. Sadly we are not a team capable of getting in the opposition faces, but that's what it needed yesterday, give them a proper game then say well done at the end, not before.
  5. I’ve been educating myself on some of your other posts. You have some interesting views, none of which I’m ever likely to subscribe to, but thanks for your concern as to my level of education.
  6. Weeded out racists? Not sure you could be further from the truth if you tried. Been a while since I reacted to a WUM on the forum, but some crap needs to be called out.
  7. Dude, whatever you’ve been taking you perhaps need to stop. I’m sure there are other knuckle dragging GB news watching social media channels where you can spout this shit. It’s not even satirically all that funny, if that’s where you are going with this.
  8. All a bit meh for me really. Would have liked to have seen a bit more aggression and less respect. Insipid and uninspiring last home game.
  9. I was right with the ref Prem love in, giving Burnley everything.
  10. Gold-filled glasses is causing city myopia. Reasoned thinking has long gone…
  11. Nige would be annoyed with this. Player’s heads are in Marbs already.. poor
  12. Far easier ways of doing that than an aimless back-pass across the back. Just sign the contract offer
  13. Wouldn’t say it was huge although you suspect Burnley have a few more gears in them.
  14. I just think we are holding them in too much reverence on getting promoted. A relegated Prem team with parachute payments is what they are, all this guard of honour bollocks at the start almost mentally puts them on a plinth. Treat it as a cup game and get in their faces, give them a game and then shakehands and say well done at the end.
  15. It’s the lack of creativity in the final 3rd again, all the early pressure we had has come from Burnley trying to play from the back rather than anything we’ve created. Just a bit insipid from us really.
  16. I wasn’t thinking that far yesteryear, my yesteryear was the 80s, needed to have a little google. Excellent 50s-60s reference though
  17. Maybe football of yesteryear, but a talented winger would normally have one put on him very early doors, with a word in ear to expect that all afternoon. We don’t seem to have that in us.
  18. Good interview, it’s clear he’s not going to pass the club onto just anyone, it’s not a one off purchase it’s an ongoing investment. No rush to sell Scott would like him to stay and build with the club a contract is on the table. Non committal on a new contract for Nige, it’s clear they’ve had different opinions, but is pleased with the way the club has built both on and off the pitch. Next year aiming at top of the table, top 6 if possible.
  19. Raised his hands to the player so gives the ref a decision to make, don’t do it….simple. Nice to see that Joe has got the dark arts in him though.
  20. Let’s hope Nige isn’t watching the referee performance in the Luton v Boro game. 2 shocking decisions gifting Luton goals. Dreadful performance.
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