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Lack of Action Man

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Everything posted by Lack of Action Man

  1. My team trains at Eastville park - reckon we could give them a good game.
  2. I too listened to this interview whilst out driving earlier. Put it this way, if I was a fan of a football club and that was the owner/owner's representative - I'd be livid. No direction, no timescales, no clear answers to any of GT's questions. Plenty of ifs, buts, and maybes. When asked whether a 3-year plan would be realistic for a stadium redevelopment, all Wael could say is "that's a bit early". Whereas Lansdown spoke clearly once AV was dead that AG would, under no uncertain terms, go ahead - this Wael character can't even convince himself that his brother or "Dwayne Sports" are even pledging their commitment to the cause. I was astounded when GT asked him about the family and the Dwayne Sports Enterprise's commitment to the club - to which he could only reply about his own personal investment. When further questioned by GT, all Wael could reply with was "well they haven't told me anything to the contrary". The mind boggles!
  3. Here's hoping we play like a new season is upon us, and don't continue more of the tripe that we had in the second half of last season. In other news, beautiful weather for cider today!
  4. Too many councillors taking backhanders from cycling "charities" trying to turn Bristol into some sort of British version of Amsterdam or Copenhagen. Never going to happen! We are AN AGING POPULATION! The number of people able to cycle will DECREASE as time goes on. This means we need MORE INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT including ALTERNATIVES TO DRIVING AND BUSSES! I despair at the ineptitude of the local authorities... no let me rephrase that - I despair at the pro-cycling bias and failure to see the bigger picture from the local authorities. Wanting to make the south west some sort of eco-paradise by forcing cycling upon a population that is 100% able to do it is naive.
  5. Is there a metrobust stop near AG? Genuinely have no idea. Likelihood is it won't run until 2095 anyway.
  6. BREAKING: Bristol City receive 15 point sanction from the Football Association because an old, fat man in a suit felt like it.
  7. Sums it up quite nicely I think. We are the footballing equivalent of pissing into the wind at times.
  8. It's always disappointing to give away a lead but it's not like this is a new problem - we threw away many points last season because we couldn't hold a lead.
  9. Problem is this Wael/Whale/Wally chap seems to find a way to skirt around the real pressing questions. None of the local media or journos seem to ever actually put him on the spot and ask "where's the money? Where's the planning? Where will Eastville FC be in 2/3/4/5 years time?" Until then he can get away with vague statements about future developments, fences and the like. The bloke is a shifty character, I wouldn't trust him in business and I sure as hell wouldn't trust him as a football club owner.
  10. I am amazed it has taken this long for this to come out. It was evident that the stadium would never go ahead from the amount of peripheral development that has taken place on UWE in the last two years. They've really been churning out the student accomodation and new teaching facilities. Didn't exactly look geared up or even being prepared to deal with football fans on a weekly basis.
  11. Why would you say that?! Don't put ideas into SL's head for the love of god!
  12. Agree, I have to give credit where it is due to. Edit: Disappointed to see criticisms of Matty Taylor, feel that from recent matches a selection of fans find it hard to see a decent player and not a former Rovers player.
  13. He's a fan, so he's entitled to his opinion. I disagree with it in virtually every possible way, but that's life.
  14. Credit where credit is due - thank you Flint for a rock-steady performance and a winning goal! This caller on RB though... oh my word.
  15. I'm not sure if the wheel has been sabotaged as I got Josh Brownhill x3 in my 11!
  16. Seldom does one meet another who understands the beautiful game in the same way. Wellspokenman, I doff my cap to you.
  17. Spot on with your comments there fella. Bobby Reid... dear lord. I don't want to launch into a critical attack of him... but my god man. You were absoloute pants today!
  18. Would be happy to. We could be like the Cowley brothers at Lincoln I wish LJ could sit in the stands to see that playing one "target-man" striker against 4 deep-sitting, limited defenders is just not the answer. Movement, intent and off the ball creativity from Matty Taylor was exactly what we needed today.
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